Suspension/Discharge Sample Clauses
Suspension/Discharge. With the exception of probationary employees, if an employee is suspended or discharged, she shall be informed as soon as reasonably possible, but by the next working day, in writing, of the reason for such suspension or discharge, and a copy shall be sent to the Union as prescribed in Article 22.04. If the Union feels that such an employee has been unjustly suspended or discharged, it shall deliver a grievance within seven (7) days after such suspension or discharge and the grievance shall be taken up at Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
Suspension/Discharge. Grievances involving suspension or discharge of status employees shall be initiated at Step 3 of the grievance procedure.
Suspension/Discharge. A grievance arising from the suspension or discharge of an employee must be presented in writing to the appropriate General Manager at Step 2 of the grievance procedure within fifteen (15) calendar days of the decision having been rendered.
11.01 An employee having 120 calendar days or more seniority will not be suspended or discharged until the charges against the employee have been investigated by Management. This will not mean that an employee cannot be immediately suspended pending an investigation.
11.02 Investigations will be held as quickly as possible, and the Chairperson of the Unit or, in the Chairperson's absence, a Committee member designated by the Union will be notified prior to the investigation. Wherever practicable, the Chairperson will be notified the working day prior to the meeting and may attend at the Chairperson’s option.
11.03 An employee may be held out of service for investigation, only when Management determines that the situation is prejudicial to the operation of the plant, its employees or the community. The employee will be given at least one working days notice of the investigation and notified of the charges against the employee, but this will not be construed to mean that a member of the supervisory staff, who may be at the refinery when the cause for investigation occurs, will be prevented from making an immediate investigation.
11.04 An employee may, if the employee so desires, have the assistance of the Xxxxxxx at the investigation, and on request, will be furnished with a copy of the employee's own statement if made a matter of record at the investigation. The decision will be rendered within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date the investigation is held.
11.05 If the employee is found not at fault, the employee will be paid regular rates of pay for the regular scheduled hours of work lost, if any.
Suspension/Discharge. A nurse who is to be suspended or discharged shall have a nurse representative at the time she is told of her discipline.
Suspension/Discharge. Prior to the imposition of a suspension or discharge, an employee who has completed probation, shall be given the reason in the presence of her Xxxxxxx or Union Representative. Such employee and the Union shall be advised promptly in writing by the Administrator of the reason for such suspension or discharge.
Suspension/Discharge. If an employee is disciplined, suspended or discharged, they shall be informed as soon as reasonably possible, in writing, of the reason for such discipline, suspension or discharge, and a copy shall be sent by email to the Union President, Vice President and/or their designate. If the Union feels that a seniority employee has been unjustly disciplined, suspended or discharged, it shall deliver a grievance within ten (10) days of receiving the written reasons for such discipline, suspension or discharge and the grievance shall be taken up at Step 2 of the grievance procedure.
Suspension/Discharge. Whenever the Institute finds it necessary to suspend or discharge an employee, such employee, the President of Local 1287 and the Unit Vice-President shall be advised in writing, outlining reasons for suspension or discharge within five (5) working days following the imposition of the discipline.
Suspension/Discharge. Written notice of oral reprimands will not be considered for the purpose of imposing progressive discipline after a period of twelve (12) months from the imposition of the discipline. Written reprimands will not be considered for the purpose of imposing progressive discipline after a period of eighteen (18) months from the imposition of that discipline. The Employer shall normally impose disciplinary action, as referenced in this Article, in a manner which will not embarrass the employee before other employees or the public. The Employer shall advise an employee of his or her right to have a Union representative present at any non-criminal investigation that may reasonably result in disciplinary action against that employee.
Suspension/Discharge. The employee and his Association representative, unless the employee requests otherwise, will be immediately notified in writing that the employee has been suspended or discharged. Such notification shall state in detail the nature of the alleged offense and shall include dates, locations and other corroborative details.
Suspension/Discharge. When a person covered by this Agreement is suspended or discharged, and such suspension or discharge is deemed by the Faculty Association to be unjust and is submitted to grievance, the grievance will proceed directly to Step 4. Such grievance must be initiated within twenty-two (22) working days of the written notification to the employee of suspension or discharge.