Trading of Shifts. An employee may trade shifts only upon written request and approval of supervisor.
Trading of Shifts. (a) Employees shall be authorized to trade shifts in accordance with the following procedures:
1. Trading of shifts is defined as the trading of whole shifts or a portion of any shift.
2. Within the Patrol Division, Employees may trade shifts with any other Employee.
3. Employees in the Criminal Investigations Unit may only trade shifts with Employees in their own unit.
4. All other Employees may only trade shifts with Employees in their assigned sections.
(b) The trading of shifts must have prior approval of the unit level supervisor of the Employee who is not originally scheduled to work on the day of the trade. A supervisor or the Department may disapprove a trade of shifts if that trade is judged to have an adverse impact on departmental operations or overtime.
(c) The trading of shifts does not negate the responsibility of both individuals to comply with all established rules and regulations.
Trading of Shifts. Shift personnel may occasionally trade shifts by requesting the trade through his/her immediate supervisor, providing the trading of the shift does not create overtime or cause a double over on shift. Also, the employee who is requesting the trade is responsible for making sure that his/her shift is covered. Only employees in the same classification may trade shifts.
Trading of Shifts. An employee may request in writing to trade shifts with another employee. Upon receipt of such written request, a supervisor, at their discretion, may approve the request. No penalty payment will be made for shifts traded at the request of the employee.
Trading of Shifts. Section 1. The trading of shifts by members of the Department shall be subject to the approval of the Commanding Officer of the shift on which the trade is occurring with the primary consideration being the manpower needs of each platoon, as determined by the Commanding Officers involved.
Trading of Shifts. The trading of shifts shall be permissible on a case-by-case basis, if 15 the employees involved mutually agree to trading shifts during the same workweek and the trade does 16 not result in overtime being paid due to the trade. Management must approve all trades in advance.
Trading of Shifts. Employees may trade shifts only upon written request and permission of supervisor. The University shall not be required to pay any type of premium pay or suffer any added expense as a result of shifts traded at the request of the employee. Voluntary shift changes that incur overtime are subject to prior management approval.
Trading of Shifts. (a) Employees shall be authorized to trade shifts in accordance with this Article 16. Trading of shifts is defined as the trading of whole shifts or a portion of any shift.
(b) The trading of shifts must have prior written approval of the supervisor of the employee originally scheduled to work on the day of the trade. A supervisor may disapprove a trade of shifts if that trade is judged to have an adverse impact on departmental operations.
(c) The employee originally scheduled to work shall be carried for payroll purposes as worked and shall be paid at his/her appropriate rate.
(d) The repayment of trading time shall be the sole responsibility of the individual involved and will not obligate the County in any way. Neither the County nor the Union will be involved in managing the program.
(e) The trading of shifts does not negate the responsibility of both individuals to comply with all established rules and regulations.
(f) Should any employee call in sick or fail to complete an approved trading of shift, the employee originally scheduled to work will be responsible for any leave taken by their replacement employee.
(g) DELETE ---Should an exigent circumstance arise and the replacement employee is granted leave by the Sergeant during the shift, said leave will be deducted from the replacing employee's appropriate leave accruals DELETE.
Trading of Shifts. Employees may agree to trade their regularly scheduled shifts with each other, provided the following conditions are met.
a) The trading of shifts cannot result in any employee working more than sixty (60) hours in any seven (7) day period;
b) With approval of the Supervisor, qualified employees may trade shifts provided notice is submitted, in writing, to the Supervisor and signed by both affected employees twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the requested shift change. Every attempt will be made to accommodate the shift trade.
Trading of Shifts. The level of employee shift ‘swapping’ will be monitored. Should the level of shift swaps increase to the level where it adversely impacts Contact Centre operations, a set of guidelines for shift swaps shall be implemented. These guidelines shall be created in consultation with individual employees, staff groups, management and unions.