TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. A manager who, upon request by a District Manager, consents to utilize his/her personal vehicle to transfer stock merchandise to another store shall be reimbursed in accordance with the Commonwealth's Travel Expense Regulations for each mile in excess of the number of miles which the manager normally travels to and from work.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. Teachers who are required to travel in fulfilling their duties shall be reimbursed as follows:
1. In-District Expenses
a. Mileage
b. Accommodation, Meals Teachers required to travel at Board expense, as approved by the Superintendent, shall be reimbursed the actual hotel accommodation and travel expenses as supported by receipts. The amount of reimbursement for meals will be $7 - breakfast, $8 - lunch, $15 - dinner.
2. Out-of-District Expenses
a. Mileage/Air Fare
b. Meals Meals will be reimbursed at the rates of $9 - breakfast, $11 - lunch, $20 - dinner.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. All employees who are required to travel for the Company shall receive a meal expense as shown in the following table:
(i) Away from the plant but does not require an overnight stay: - less than five (5) hours - nil - five (5) hours or more but less than eight (8) hours - $ 4.50 - eight (8) hours or more but less than fourteen (14) hours - $11.50 Additional - fourteen (14) hours or more - $10.00 Additional Such expenses are not to exceed $26.00 per day.
(ii) In the event of the employee being away from the Company’s premises for more than one
(1) day the Company shall pay the employee for their lodging and meal expenses for each day they are away as shown in following table: - less than 5 hours - $ 6.75 - five (5) hours or more but less than eight (8) hours - $ 9.00 Additional - eight (8) or more hours - $12.25 Additional Such expenses are not to exceed $28.00 per day. All expenses must be substantiated by cash register receipts showing the date, time, GST registration number and amount.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. Employees in this unit shall be reimbursed for travel and meal expenses in accordance with the City Administrative Instruction No. 11B.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. In the event of the employee being away from the Company’s premises for more than one (1) day the Company shall pay the employee for their lodging and meal expenses for each day they are away as shown in following table: - less than five (5) hours - $6.75 - five (5) hours or more but less than eight (8) hours - $9.00 Additonal - eight (8) or more hours - $12.25 Additional Such expenses are not to exceed $28.00 per day. All expenses must be substantiated by cash register receipts showing the date, time, GST registration number and amount.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. Teachers who are required to travel in fulfilling their duties shall be reimbursed as follows:
1. In-District Expenses
a. Mileage [See Article B.10 Reimbursement for Mileage and Insurance.]
b. Accommodation, Meals Teachers required to travel at Board expense, as approved by the Superintendent, shall be reimbursed the actual hotel accommodation and travel expenses as supported by receipts. The amount of reimbursement for meals will be $7 - breakfast, $8 - lunch, $15 - dinner.
2. Out-of-District Expenses
a. Mileage/Air Fare The rate of reimbursement for travel, approved by the Superintendent, outside the district shall be the air fare or the vehicle mileage rates mentioned in Article B.10, whichever is more economical and/or practical.
b. Meals Meals will be reimbursed at the rates of $9 - breakfast, $11 - lunch, $20 - dinner.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. (a) The Employer shall reimburse expenses incurred by an Employee travelling on Employer business. It is understood and agreed that the reimbursement for such travel shall be governed in accordance with the Employer’s travel policies. All such travel must be approved in advance by the President of the Association.
(b) Employees, required to work in excess of two (2) hours past normal office hours attending meetings in their local area, are eligible for the dinner allowance.
(c) An Employee is eligible to claim expenses in addition to the items listed for reimbursement in the travel policy, provided the expenses are reasonable, and they seek pre-approval for such expenses. Approval of expenses shall not be unreasonably denied.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. All employees who are required to travel for the Company shall receive a meal expense as shown in the following table:
(i) Away from the plant but does not require an overnight stay: - less than five (5) hours worked - nil - five (5) hours worked or more and up to eight (8) hours worked - $4.50 - in excess of (8) hours worked but less than fourteen (14) hours worked - $11.50 Additional - fourteen (14) hours worked or more - $10.00 Additional Such expenses are not to exceed $26.00 per day. Article 21.04 (i) will no longer apply after November 15, 2013.
(ii) In the event of the employee being away from the Company’s premises for more than one (1) day the Company shall pay the employee for their lodging and meal expenses for each day they are away as shown in following table: - less than 5 hours - $ 6.75 - five (5) hours or more but less than eight (8) hours - $ 9.00 Additional - eight (8) or more hours - $12.25 Additional Such expenses are not to exceed $28.00 per day. All expenses must be substantiated by cash register receipts showing the date, time, GST registration number and amount.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. Employees required to travel as a result of departmental business shall receive compensation at the rate of thirty ($0.30) cents per mile if the employee must use his/her personal vehicle. This must be approved in advance by the Prosecutor or First Assistant Prosecutor. Lodging shall be provided at Prosecutor’s expense (not to exceed the reasonable prevailing rate) if the assignment, including travel time, shall exceed twelve (12) hours in a twenty-four (24) hour period. Meals shall be reimbursed at a maximum of $30.00 per day with no single meal exceeding $15.00.
TRAVEL AND MEAL EXPENSES. Loaned Employees will submit travel and meal expenses incurred by such Loaned Employees as set forth in the Assignment Letter to Seller for reimbursement, in accordance with Seller's travel policy. Buyer will reimburse Seller for all such travel and meal expenses, which will be submitted to Buyer on Seller's monthly invoices.