URGENT WORK. If any "Urgent Works"(In respect where decision of the Engineer –in –Charge shall be final and binding) become necessary and contractor is unable or unwilling to carry it out at once, the Engineer in charge by his own or through the other people have it carried out as he may consider necessary. If the Urgent Work shall be such as in the opinion of the Engineer in charge the contractor is liable under the contract to carry out at his expenses. All expenses incurred on it by the department shall be recoverable from the contractor, and be adjusted or sets off against any sum payable to him.
URGENT WORK. 30.1 If any urgent work (in respect whereof the decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding) become necessary, the contractor shall execute the same as may be directed.
URGENT WORK. 45.1 If you have asked us to do any urgent work before your acceptance of the Costs Agreement is received, you are still liable to pay our Legal Costs unless they are incurred after you instruct us to cease acting.
URGENT WORK. Should urgent work be required without delay, owing to circumstances for which the employer could not reasonably have been expected to make provision for, and which cannot be performed during ordinary hours of work, the employee shall be obliged to:
9.1 Work overtime in excess of the 45 (forty five) ordinary hours per week , 9 (nine) ordinary hours per day (5 day work week) or 8 (eight) ordinary hours per day (more than 5 day work week), and for more than 10 (ten) hours overtime per week; and/or
9.2 Work during or without a meal interval, as specified in clause 5.2 above;
9.3 Work without a weekly or daily rest interval, as prescribed in clause 5.5 above; and/or
9.4 Work at night, without receiving an allowance, as prescribed in clause 8 above; and/or
9.5 Work on public holidays in accordance with clause 7 above.
URGENT WORK. ‟ means and shall be limited to urgent maintenance or repair work in connection with an employer‘s own plant and/or machinery and/or Sunday work in connection with ships, where such repairs are necessary to avoid delay to the ship or are essential to the proper functioning thereof.
(7) The provisions of this clause relating to payment for work on Sundays shall not apply in respect of shifts commencing on Sunday night in establishments working a two-shift or three-shift system, which shall be paid for as follows:
(a) For the hours worked before midnight, at one and one-half times the ordinary hourly rate, plus 15 per cent;
(b) after midnight until completion of the shift, at the ordinary hourly rate, plus 15 per cent.
(8) For the purposes of this clause—
(a) „a normal shift‟ is one-fifth of the ordinary weekly hours of work of an establishment working a five-day week or one-sixth of the ordinary weekly hours of work of an establishment working a six-day week;
(b) „usual starting time‟ means the starting time on an ordinary working day.
(c) „overtime payment‟ shall be made in accordance with clause 5(1)(a); and
(d) Unless otherwise agreed overtime shall be worked on a voluntary basis. (subclause (c) and (d) inserted by Government Notice R.899 dated 11 September 2009)
(9) Notwithstanding the provisions of subclause (1), where in any one week an employee absents himself from work during any or all of the ordinary hours of a shift or shifts observed in the establishment concerned, such ordinary hours not worked by the employee shall be deducted from the hours of overtime worked and the hours so deducted shall be paid for at the employee‘s ordinary rate: Provided that—
(a) if the number of ordinary hours of work on which the employee is absent in any one
(b) where an employee is absent from work with the permission of his employer or absent on account of sickness in accordance with clause 34 or circumstances beyond his control, the provisions of this subclause shall not apply and the overtime hours worked in such case shall be paid for at the overtime rate applicable to the overtime hours worked: Provided that an employer may call on an employee for a medical certificate in proof of cause of absence. Payment under this subclause shall be made as provided for in clause 8 of this Part of the Agreement.‖ (9(b) substituted by Government Notice R.899 dated 11 September 2009)
(10) Notwithstanding the provisions of subclause (1), where in any one week an employee absen...
URGENT WORK. If any “Urgent Works”(In respect where decision of the Engineer –in –Charge shall be final and binding) become necessary and contractor is unable or unwilling to carry it out at once, the Engineer in charge by his own or through the other people have it carried out as he may consider necessary. If the Urgent Work shall be such as in the opinion of the Engineer in charge the contractor is liable under the contract to carry out at his expenses. All expenses incurred on it by the department shall be recoverable from the contractor, and be adjusted or sets off against any sum payable to him. 2 M-15 6.27 bags 3 M-20 7.10 bags 4 M-25 7.50 bags 5 M-30 8.00 bags
URGENT WORK. Works undertaken in addition to Scheduled Service criteria that involve the repair, refurbishment or replacement of equipment components, the condition of which has caused or is likely to cause equipment failure. Such works are identified by the Provider’s technician.
URGENT WORK. If any “Urgent Works”(In respect where decision of the Engineer –in –Charge shall be final and binding) become necessary and contractor is unable or unwilling to carry it out at once, the Engineer in charge by his own or through the other people have it carried out as he may consider necessary. If the Urgent Work shall be such as in the opinion of the Engineer in charge the contractor is liable under the contract to carry out at his expenses. All expenses incurred on it by the department shall be recoverable from the contractor, and be adjusted or sets off against any sum payable to him. 36 CHANGE OF CEMENT CONTENT ETC.:- XX.Xx. Grade of concrete Consumption of cement in bags / Cum 3 M-20 7.10 bags 4 M-25 7.50 bags Note ;- The weight per bag of Cement is considered as 50 Kg The rate of consumption of cement for various grades of concrete referred above is a theoretical rate of consumption assumed for the estimate purpose. The contractor will have to obtain an economic mix design for grades of concrete M-20 and above and get it approved from the Engineer-in-charge. The specification for controlled cement concrete shall be as per standard specification No.B-7 Page 38, and IS 456-2000. Immediately upon the receipt of the award of the contract, the contractor shall inform the Engineer the exact location of the sources of the acceptable material. The concrete mix to be used shall be got designed P.W.D laboratory, by the contractor with a optimum quantity of cement to give the specified strength in the preliminary tests and the proportion got approved by the engineer in writing. These proportions shall be used so long as the materials continue to be of the same quality and from the same sources subject only to slight changes in the relative quantities of fine and course aggregate for the purpose of promoting workability provided the work tests also shows the required strength. If such Mix design involve change in cement consumption upto 2 % on the higher or lower side, no adjustment in the cost of the item to be paid to the contractor shall be made. If such alterations, changes, theoretical consumption of cement by more than 2 % on the higher or lower side, the sources and quality of aggregate remaining the same, payment will be adjusted for or against the contractor in whatever amount the total cost of cement to the contractor has been increased or decreased by more than 2 %. The amount of such increase or decrease shall be calculated on the basis of quantity o...
URGENT WORK. You acknowledge and agree that marketing a property for sale by auction is ‘urgent work’ in that it needs to be started within 14 days of you signing this Agreement. For that reason, if you cancel this Agreement within the Cooling Off Period, and we have already started to provide the Auction Services, you must pay our reasonable costs in providing the Auction Services we have carried out up to the date that you tell us you want to cancel.