Warning Procedure Sample Clauses

Warning Procedure. If after counselling has occurred and the problem continues or another problem arises, which makes the employees conduct unsatisfactory in the areas of inefficiency, neglect of duty or other misconduct (other than serious misconduct warranting summary dismissal) the Company shall follow the following procedures:
Warning Procedure. (i) Where an employee’s performance, attendance, punctuality or conduct is not to the satisfaction of the Company, the employee shall be entitled to one verbal and 2 separate written warnings. (ii) Such written warnings shall be given formally in writing and in the presences of an employee representative, who may be a union delegate, if requested. (iii) If during the following 12 month period, the aforesaid warnings are issued and the employee’s performance, attendance, punctuality or conduct remains not to the satisfaction of the Company, the employment may be terminated with notice or payment in lieu thereof. (iv) On each occasion an employee is issued with a warning, he/she shall be given a reasonable opportunity to comply with the issue for the warning was issued. (v) Should a 12 month period expire prior to a second warning being issued, the first written warning shall be regarded as expired. In the case of misconduct justifying instant dismissal, an employee may be instantly dismissed or issued with a final written warning, at the Company’s discretion
Warning Procedure. Where it is necessary for the employer to take disciplinary action against an employee, the following procedures shall apply:
Warning Procedure. A Warning Procedure has been agreed for breaches of discipline, such as but not limited to excessive absence, lateness, not notifying absence or leaving job without relief, which are not serious enough to warrant dismissal or suspension. The option to use a warning as well as suspension is also available. The Staff Supervisor will collect relevant facts to substantiate the warning and, if requested by the employee, will discuss the matter and the intention to issue a warning with the Union Shop Xxxxxxx.
Warning Procedure. Workers may be advised of unacceptable conduct or job performance by warnings which may be either verbal or written and which shall normally come from a supervisor or manager in the worker’s chain of command. However, if no supervisor or manager in the worker’s chain of command is present, and if action cannot reasonably be delayed until a supervisor or manager in the worker’s chain of command is available, the warning may come from any supervisor or manager. When appropriate, verbal warnings shall precede written warnings, which shall precede more serious disciplinary action. Copies of written warnings will be placed in the worker’s personnel file. Workers may attach a written response to the warning for inclusion in their personnel file. Warnings are not grievable. If a worker believes a warning received from a manager or supervisor was unjust, that worker may request and will be granted a meeting with the Human Resources Coordinator, or his or her designee, who will discuss the employee's concern and provide the employee a response to that concern.
Warning Procedure. If after general counselling, a Team Member does not make sufficient improvement to the satisfaction, as agreed, by the review date; or alternatively, the Team Member commits a breach of Company regulation, policy or procedure, which is sufficiently important to warrant the giving of a warning, the Team Member will be issued with the first warning.
Warning Procedure. Where there are problems with an employees conduct or competence requiring formal action the following procedures will be used. Employees are entitled to representation (or a support person to be present) at any time in this process.  Inform the employee (in writing) of the issue causing concern;  Allow the employee to explain their behaviour or actions in writing, orally or both;  Consider such explanation;  If the explanation is not satisfactory, advise of the behaviour or performance that is unsatisfactory;  Advise what action to take to correct the problem and provide the appropriate support;  Advise of the consequences of continuing unsatisfactory performance;  Confirm the details of any warning by letter to the employee. If the employee’s performance continues to be unsatisfactory the employee may receive a final warning. This will be issued following the procedure outlined above and will be given in writing. The final warning will make it clear that any further similar unsatisfactory performance or misconduct will result in dismissal.
Warning Procedure. The following Four Stage Disciplinary Procedure has been agreed to by the parties to this Agreement: - Private discussion with the Human Resources Manager and/or Manager/Supervisor. A support person of your choice may be present, but this obligation shall not operate to unreasonably delay the process. Note to be made in employee's personal file. Note to be offered for signing by employee and where applicable, the support person. A formal verbal warning. The Human Resources Department to be advised immediately. A support person of your choice may be present, but this obligation shall not operate to unreasonably delay the process. Note to be made in the employee's personal file. Note to be offered for signing by employee and where applicable, the support person.

Related to Warning Procedure

  • Bumping Procedure In the application of this Article, permanent part-time employees cannot displace permanent full-time employees or vice versa provided that permanent full-time employees who have exhausted their bumping rights hereunder and are to be laid off from work shall have the right to displace a permanent part-time employee with lesser GO seniority, within their section. Such bumping within the section may only be in a downward or lateral direction provided they are qualified, willing and able to do the work (refer to Schedule “E-I” and “E-I OFPT”). Downward shall be defined as lesser pay per hour and/or lesser hours per week (permanent full-time vs. permanent part-time). Lateral shall be defined as same pay per hour. In the application of this Article, permanent part-time employees cannot displace permanent full-time employees or vice versa provided that permanent full-time employees who have exhausted their bumping rights hereunder and are to be laid off from work, shall have the right to displace any permanent part-time employee with lesser GO Transit seniority, within their section provided they are able, willing and qualified. Due to the nature of the bumping procedure and the unpredictability of the direction and results of that bumping, the layoff must take precedent over all other normal movement of employees (i.e., standing applications). During layoffs an employee may choose to accept an open position for which he/she is qualified rather than bumping within their classification or section and should he/she elect this option, they shall retain recall rights to the original classification without loss of seniority. Where an OFPT employee who has been notified or is on layoff and currently possesses the qualifications and skills of a position they have held previously, then the employee may bump laterally or downward within their section or another section where the previously held position is identified. At the time of layoff the employee must satisfy the criteria identified in the current job description, and the employee must have satisfied the performance standards of that classification. Should the parties agree that the bumping procedure will likely cause significant movement within a classification or section, then the parties may agree to have a “master” sign-up take place which will be the sole responsibility of the Union to administer.

  • HIRING PROCEDURE 5.1 At the Pre-job Conference the Employer may request and the Local Union shall clear: 5.1.1 Up to ten percent (10%) of the Principal Operators excluding mechanics, required for the job from other Locals of the Union and each such Principal Operator shall be entitled to perform only the work for which he is cleared. Up to one- half (½) of those Principal Operators cleared under this provision may commence employment at the start of the Right-of-Way operations and the balance of those Principal Operators cleared under this provision may commence employment not prior to the start of the Pipe Gang operations. 5.1.2 Up to fifty percent (50%) of the mechanics, utility welders and lubrication and service unit operators required for the job who are members of another Local of the Union. This ratio shall be maintained on a "one-to-one" basis for the duration of the job. The first employee shall be a member of the Local Union having geographic jurisdiction for the job. 5.1.3 The Employer shall have the right to name request by classification up to fifty percent (50%) of the required employees who are members of the Local Union. Those employees hired under the provisions of Article 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 above shall be included in the fifty percent (50%). This ratio shall be maintained on a one-to-one basis for the duration of the job. Thereafter the Employer shall notify the Local Union of all his employee requirements and shall only hire those who have been cleared for work by the Local Union having jurisdiction. 5.2 The Local Union shall be given forty-eight (48) hours exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays to supply the required employees but shall advise the Employer of expected delays in dispatching any employees within forty- eight (48) hours. Employees shall be entitled to Waiting Time or Reporting Time upon arrival at the jobsite on the day designated by the Employer for arrival, if no work is provided. 5.3 All employees shall be in possession of a referral slip from the Local Union for identification purposes unless the Local Union otherwise clears an employee for hire by telegram, telex, facsimile transmission or other means of written communication. All out-of-province employees must provide the Local Union having jurisdiction with a copy of a duly authorized Travel Card issued by his/her home Local prior to being issued a referral slip and cleared to work. 5.4 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Employer shall have the right to refuse any referral provided the cause for such refusal is stated and shall not be unreasonable. 5.5 If the Local Union is unable to supply the required employees in accordance with Article 5.2, the Employer may obtain employees elsewhere, subject to the provisions of Article 3.3. 5.6 In the event the Local Union is unable to supply the required qualified employees, the Employer will provide every opportunity to any employee who has successfully completed a pipeline Operating Engineers training course, and is approved by a joint training committee, and the employee will be admitted to membership in the Local Union in accordance with Article

  • BILLING PROCEDURE a. The Contractor shall submit, not more than semi-monthly, properly completed A-19 vouchers (the "voucher") to one of the following: The Department of Children, Youth, and Families Attn: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx PO Box 40970 Olympia WA 98504-0970 Or, email a scan of an original, signed A-19 voucher directly to the DCYF Contract Manager at xxxxx.xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xx.xxx b. Payment to the Contractor for approved and completed work shall be made by warrant or Electronic Funds Transfer by DCYF and considered timely if made within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed voucher. Payment shall be sent to the address designated by the Contractor and set forth in this Contract. c. Each voucher must clearly reference the DCYF Contract Number and the Contractor's Statewide Payee Registration number assigned by the Office of Financial Management (OFM). d. Properly completed vouchers and attachments completed by the Contractor must contain the information described in Exhibit A under the Section titled "Compensation and Voucher Payment".

  • ORDERING PROCEDURE Orders placed against this contract may be in the form of an agency issued purchase order on an as-required basis. Or an agency may also use the Arkansas State Purchasing Card (P- Card) to purchase furniture.

  • Posting Procedure (a) Except as otherwise provided, all positions shall be posted as they arise and shall be posted using the standard posting format (see Appendix C). (b) All postings shall include the following: (1) the Bargaining Unit to which the posting applies; (2) the type of position (i.e. GTA, GSA-­‐1, UTA); (3) if possible, the number of position(s) available; (4) the course name and number; (5) the start and termination dates for the appointment; (6) the level of appointment (i.e. full, or portion of); (7) assigned responsibilities; (8) required and preferred qualifications (academic and/or professional); (9) application deadline; (10) wages; (11) any applicable equity provisions; and (12) the current University of Guelph’s employment equity statement, which may be amended from time to time through discussion with stakeholder groups through the Employment Equity Committee. (c) Where a course has both In-­‐Class and DE section(s), the DE sections(s) shall be posted separately from the In-­‐Class section(s). In situations where the University anticipates that the position may be available for two (2) or three (3) semesters, the posting shall clearly indicate this possibility. The decision to appoint an employee for more than one (1) semester at a time shall be at the sole discretion of the University (see also 11.04 (d)). (d) Positions shall be posted by the Department electronically on the Central Job Posting Website for TAs, GSA-­‐1s, & Sessional Lecturers, within the time frames provided for in this Article. At the time of posting the Union shall receive electronic notification. (e) The University shall respond to inquiries from the Union with regard to posting criteria as specified in (a), (b) and (c). The Union shall notify FASR in writing of postings which in the Union’s view do not comply with the requirements of (a), (b) and (c). The University shall consult with the appropriate Union designate(s) within two (2) days of receipt of such notice, and where the Parties agree the posting did not meet the posting criteria as specified in (a),

  • Hearing Procedure 5.1. At hearings, the following procedures will be followed, subject to the discretion of the Chair to modify these procedures as circumstances require to ensure a fair hearing: (a) The Chair will open the hearing, introduce the Members of the Panel, and outline how the hearing will proceed. (b) The Clerk will introduce the appeal and confirm that notice of appeal has been provided to all parties in accordance with the Act. (c) The Chair will ask if anyone objects to any Member of the Panel hearing the appeal and any objections may be addressed as a preliminary matter, if necessary. (d) The Chair shall then call upon Administration to outline the matter under appeal and make submissions, if any. (e) The Chair shall then call upon the Applicant if different from the Appellant, to make submissions, if any. (f) The Chair shall then call upon the Appellant to make submissions, if any. (g) The Chair shall then call upon any individuals in favour of the appeal and who are entitled to be heard by the Board in accordance with the Act to speak. (h) The Chair shall then call upon any persons opposed to the appeal and who are entitled to be heard by the Board in accordance with the Act to speak. (i) The Chair will then call upon the Applicant to provide closing comments, if any. (j) The Chair will then call upon Administration to provide closing comments, if any. (k) The Chair will then call upon the Appellant to provide closing comments, if any. (l) Members may ask any presenter questions through the Chair at any time, although questions will generally be asked after the presenter has completed their submissions. (m) Once Members have asked all their questions, the Chair will close the hearing. (n) The Board shall deliberate and make its decision in private in accordance with the Act. 5.2. Submissions to the Board may be made by individuals, their agents, their consultants and their legal counsel. 5.3. All individuals who want to address the Board shall provide their full name, location of residence and indicate whether they are speaking on their own behalf, for another person, or for a group. 5.4. An individual who does not provide their identity will not be given the opportunity to address the Board. 5.5. The Chair may limit repetitious oral submissions.

  • BIDDING PROCEDURE 1.1 Sealed bid, (formal and informal), subject to Instructions and General Conditions and any special conditions set forth herein, will be received in the office of the Purchasing Division, 440 So. 8th St., Lincoln, NE 68508, until the bid closing date and time indicated for furnishing Lancaster County, hereinafter referred to as “County”, the materials, supplies, equipment or services shown in the electronic bid request. 1.2 Bidders shall use the electronic bid system for submitting bids and must complete all required fields. If you do not care to bid, please respond to the bid request and note your reason. 1.3 Identify the item you will furnish by brand or manufacturer’s name and catalog numbers. Also furnish specifications and descriptive literature if not bidding the specific manufacturer or model as listed in the specifications. 1.4 Any person submitting a bid for a firm, corporation, or other organization must show evidence of his authority so to bind such firm, corporation, or organization. 1.5 Bids received after the time and date established for receiving bids will be rejected. 1.6 The Bidders and public are invited, but not required, to attend the formal opening of bids. At the opening, prices will be displayed electronically and/or read aloud to the public. The pricing is also available for immediate viewing on-line. No decisions related to an award of a contract or purchase order will be made at the opening.

  • Closing Procedure The Company or its assigns shall effect the ----------------- Repurchase by delivering or mailing to the Grantee (and/or, if applicable, his Permitted Transferees) written notice within six (6) months after the Termination Event or Bankruptcy, specifying a date within such six-month period in which the Repurchase shall be effected. Upon such notification, the Grantee and his Permitted Transferees shall promptly surrender to the Company any certificates representing the Restricted Shares being purchased, together with a duly executed stock power for the transfer of such Restricted Shares to the Company or the Company's assignee or assignees (as contemplated by Section 6, if applicable). Upon the Company's or its assignee's receipt of the certificates from the Grantee or his Permitted Transferees, the Company or its assignee or assignees shall deliver to him, her or them a check for the purchase price of the Restricted Shares being purchased, provided, however, that the Company may pay the purchase price for such shares by offsetting and canceling any indebtedness then owed by the Grantee to the Company. At such time, the Grantee and/or any holder of the Restricted Shares shall deliver to the Company the certificate or certificates representing the Restricted Shares so repurchased, duly endorsed for transfer, free and clear of any liens or encumbrances. The Repurchase obligation specified herein shall survive and remain in effect as to Restricted Shares following and notwithstanding any public offering by or merger or other transaction involving the Company and certificates representing such Restricted Shares shall bear legends to such effect.

  • ORDERING PROCEDURES All task orders under OASIS SB must: 1. Be awarded by an OCO with a Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA) or by a Contractor authorized to use the OASIS SB Contracts as a Government Source of Supply 2. Be within the scope of Section C and all other terms and conditions of the OASIS SBcontract 3. Be solicited and awarded under the proper NAICS Code and corresponding OASIS SB MA-IDIQ Contract Number (See Section H.4.) 4. Identify the proper Product Service Code (See Section H.5.) and, 5. Comply with the OASIS SB Contract, OASIS SB DPA Training, OASIS SB Ordering Guide, the Ordering Procedures in FAR Subpart 16.505, Ordering, and other applicable agency specific regulatorysupplements

  • Hiring Procedures Nothing contained in this Article 4 shall impair any of the rights of the Employer to hire new or additional employees to meet the employment needs of the Employer, in accordance with the terms and provisions of this collective bargaining Agreement or to meet the obligations of the Employer under Article 2, Section H of this Agreement or to take affirmative steps to comply with any requirements under any applicable Federal or State law prohibiting discrimination in employment.