Second Warning. The length of suspension to be at the sole discretion of Management with a written notice of suspension from work for up to five (5) working days, to be issued to the employee, with copy to the Union, by the employer's representative.
Second Warning. An employee who is warned a second time, within a reasonable period of time from the first warning, will have that warning confirmed in writing. The written warning will state that should another situation arise which would result in a warning being issued, formal investigation and dismissal may occur. The second and final warning will be placed on the employee’s personal file.
Second Warning. The bus driver may assign seats to the student(s) involved and the bus contractor will contact the parents of the situation. The school may be contacted about the incident.
Second Warning. The Company representative in the presence of the employee concerned will discuss the breach and if substantiated a "second warning" will be recorded on the employee’s personnel record. A Union delegate from the appropriate section, will be present during the discussions. The employee will be advised of the possible consequences of any type of further breach. A copy of the warning will be given to the employee concerned.
Second Warning. If disciplinary concerns continue then the employee will be notified in writing and be given an opportunity to respond. The matter will be discussed with the employee and if appropriate, a second warning in writing will be given and recorded on the employee’s personnel file. A union representative or other employee representative shall be present if desired by either party.
Second Warning. (a) If Employees continue to perform unsatisfactorily, they will be provided with a further opportunity to explain their actions and any mitigating circumstances.
Second Warning. 33.3.1 Where the matter is still not resolved at the conclusion of the agreed timeframe, a second warning must be issued to the employee. This warning must state clearly the reasons for proceeding with disciplinary action and specify a date by which the matter should be resolved.
Second Warning. Again, if no improvement is shown within the specific time frame given in stage two the employee will be officially warned without delay and the same procedure will be adhered to as applies to a first warning. The employee will be informed of the areas where work performance needs to be addressed and will be invited to comment on the issues raised. The reason for the warning will be recorded as will any written comments the employee wishes to make. Such record should be signed by both parties as representing a fair and accurate record. Prior to signing the document the Manager will ask the employee if the employee would like the opportunity to consider what has been written and return the discipline interview form within 24 hours. The employee will be advised that this is a second and final warning and a significant improvement is expected. The employee will also be informed that failure to show the required improvement within a specified time frame may result in termination of employment. Stage Four
Second Warning. Date: Members Present: Describe Inappropriate Behavior(s) Observed (Physical, Verbal, Other) Describe what precedes the Inappropriate Behavior(s): Action Taken:
Second Warning. If after the employee’s First Warning their performance or conduct doesn’t improve to the expected level, the employee and their Manager/Supervisor may revisit the earlier conversation about performance expectations. Hopefully, this will help the employee better understand what their focus should be to improve their performance or conduct. During this step the employee’s Manager will communicate the expected performance and/or conduct and the actions they must take to meet expectations. Employees are required to acknowledge receipt of the Second Warning with their signature. This will be placed in the employee’s file and remains active for 6 months.