Work Schedules, Vacation and Holiday Schedules. (A) When regular work schedules are changed, employees’ normal work schedules, showing each employee’s shift, workdays, and hours, will be posted no less than 14 calendar days in advance, and will reflect at least a two-workweek schedule; however, the state will make a good faith effort to reflect a one-month schedule. In the event an employee’s shift, workdays, or hours are changed while the employee is on approved leave, the agency will notify the employee of the change at his home. With prior written notification of at least three workdays to the employee’s immediate supervisor, employees may agree to exchange days or shifts on a temporary basis. If the immediate supervisor objects to the exchange of workdays or shifts, the employee initiating the notification shall be advised that the exchange isdisapproved.
(B) Where practical, shifts, shift transfers, and regular days off shall be scheduled with due regard for the needs of the agency, seniority, and employee preference. The state and the FSFSA understand that there may be times when the needs of the agency will not permit such scheduling; however, when an employee’s shift and/or regular days off are changed, the agency will make a good faith effort to keep the employee on the new shift or regular days off for a minimum of 12 months unless otherwise requested by the employee.
(C) When an employee is not assigned to a rotating shift and the employee’s regular shift assignment is being changed, the state will schedule the employee to be off work for a minimum of two shifts between the end of the previous shift assignment and the beginning of the new shift assignment.
Work Schedules, Vacation and Holiday Schedules. (A) When the regular work schedule of an employee is changed, the employee’s normal work schedule, showing the employee’s shift, workdays, and hours, will be posted no less than 14 calendar days in advance, and will reflect at least a two-workweek schedule; however, the state will make a good faith effort to reflect a one-month schedule. In the event an employee’s shift, workdays or hours are changed while the employee is on approved leave, the agency will make a good faith effort to notify the employee of the change at his home. With prior written notification of at least three workdays to the employee’s immediate supervisor, employees may agree to exchange days or shifts on a temporary basis. If the immediate supervisor objects to the exchange of workdays or shifts, the employee initiating the notification shall be advised that the exchange is disapproved. At the Department of Children and Families where practical, shifts, shift changes, and regular days off shall be scheduled with due regard for the needs of the agency, seniority, and employee preference. However, there may be times when the needs of the agency will not permit such scheduling. In situations when an employee’s shift and/or regular days off are changed, the agency will make a good faith effort to keep the employee on the new shift or regular days off for a minimum of 12 months unless otherwise requested by the employee.