Exchange Days. 9.1. All part-time unit members may voluntarily exchange days with other part-time unit members without loss of pay, benefits, or sick leave.
9.2. Exchange day requests will be submitted to the site(s) administrator at least five (5) working days prior to the trade. Administrators may grant an exception to this five-day rule in special circumstances.
9.3. All exchange day requests shall be submitted on the exchange day form. (see Appendix A-2a)
9.4. The approval or denial of exchange days shall be the sole discretion of the site(s) administrator(s). This decision shall not be arbitrary or capricious, or without basis. If a request is not approved, the administrator(s) will present, in writing, his/her reasons for denying the exchange.
9.5. If the unit member who is responsible for being in that classroom should be absent because of illness, or personal necessity, the sick day (or personal necessity day) shall be charged to that unit member.
9.6. The District and/or Association bear no responsibility for the enforcement of private exchange day agreements between individual unit members nor shall the District or Association be liable for the payment of additional compensation based on any unit member working beyond his/her regular work year pursuant to any private exchange day agreement. ARTICLE X
Exchange Days. Site staff are expected to hold parent-teacher conferences and participate in certain events that occur outside the regular work day. Exchange days are provided for conferences, back-to-school-nights, open houses and/or other school related events. The rate of exchange for these days shall be consistent with the teacher’s regular work day. Subject to the same leave policies as would apply to a regular teaching day.
Exchange Days. 6.5.1 Unit members will have the option of exchanging days with unit members who are off duty without loss of pay, benefits or leave days. The reason for requesting exchange days will be to attend conferences, workshops and other educational opportunities. The following provisions will apply: A maximum of three (3) days per school year will be allowed for each unit member. When a trade is requested which would affect two (2) schools, both site administrators must approve the trade. Unit members shall have the responsibility for arranging the exchanges with other unit members. If the unit member who is responsible for being in the classroom should be absent because of illness, the personal leave day shall be charged to that unit member. The District assumes no responsibility for the enforcement of the private exchange day agreement between individual unit members. Payback of exchange days is the full responsibility of the unit members involved.
Exchange Days. 1. All unit members can voluntarily exchange six (6) days per fiscal year with unit members who are on vacation or off-track without loss of pay, benefits or sick leave. Exchange days are not cumulative across fiscal years. Unit members shall keep accounting of days exchanged. Payback of exchanged days is the responsibility of the involved unit members.
a. Trading of days is not considered an extension of the contract year.
b. Agreement between unit members to trade days must, whenever possible, have forty-eight (48) hours prior approval of the administrator of the site at which the exchange will be taking place. If denied, the unit member will be notified in writing as to the reason for denial.
c. Payback of the exchange shall be completed within one year of the initial exchange date.
Exchange Days. Unit members on shared contracts will be eligible to exchange instructional days with their teaching partners under the following conditions: The unit member must apply in writing to the site administrator at least five working days prior to the desired exchange days. The standard District exchange agreement shall be used. The unit members involved in the exchange shall sign the agreement. The exchange agreement shall be submitted to the site administrator for approval. No exchange agreement shall result in any payroll changes. There shall be no remedy in the District for a breached exchange agreement. Pay back of exchange days is the sole responsibility of the teachers involved. Regular teachers are not to arrange for exchanges with substitute teachers. The number of exchange days per year shall depend on the combined total of sick and/or personal necessity days used the preceding year according to the following formula. Sick and/or Allowable Exchange: Personal Days Days 5 or more .......................... 2.5 4.5 or 5 3 3.5 or 4 3.5 2.5 or 3 4 1.5 or 2 4.5 0 or 1 5 The unit member whose class is being covered will not be charged sick leave should the exchange teacher be ill on the date of exchange set under the exchange agreement. The teacher covering the class will be charged sick leave if she/he is ill on the date of the exchange. Each teacher will receive pro rata share of benefits equivalent to percentage of total assignment worked unless otherwise covered by the District.
Exchange Days. Instruction-free hours or days during the school year which may be exchanged for an equivalent number of hours or days worked outside the school year for the purpose of classroom location changes. Unit members eligible for exchange days shall make an irrevocable selection from among the following options for each exchange day:
a) Credit exchange days toward accrued sick leave. These additional sick leave days shall be treated as all other sick leave days, including availability to be used as personal necessity leave.
b) Receive pay at the "other hourly" rate of pay as per Exhibit F.
c) Schedule the exchange day(s) anytime during the school year the day was earned or the next school year. In order to minimize the impact on their fellow teachers, bargaining unit members are encouraged to schedule exchange days only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and are encouraged to schedule no more than five (5) consecutive exchange days at any one time. The selection by the bargaining unit member shall be made within 30 work days of earning the exchange days.
Exchange Days. 1. On-track Instructional Aides may trade duty days with off-track Instructional Aides with prior site-level administrative approval. Instructional Aides may trade a maximum of five (5) duty days during a work year.
2. If an off-track Instructional Aide is unable to fulfill his/her obligations, the on- track Instructional Aide shall be charged a appropriate for the substitute Instructional Aide time.
3. A Trading Duty Days District Approved Agreement shall be filed with the site Administrator that outlines the responsibilities of the on-track and the off-track Instructional Aide.
Exchange Days. The practices of traditional calendar teachers trading days with YRE teachers will be allowed as in the Year-Round School side agreement:
1. Unit members who desire to exchange days will make their own arrangements with another teacher who will be responsible for maintaining the continuity of the academic program.
2. A maximum of five (5) days per school year will be allowed for each teacher.
3. In cases of extenuating circumstances where a teacher needs more than the days allowed, a unit member may appeal in writing to his/her principal for additional days. The granting of additional days must have the approval of the District Office and site administrator.
4. All requests must be submitted to the building principal at least five (5) working days prior, within the same school, or at least ten (10) working days prior, if another school is involved, unless there is a serious emergency. The approval or denial of exchange days shall be at the sole discretion of the administration. This decision shall not be arbitrary or capricious, or without basis in fact. If a request is not approved, the principal will present, in writing, his/her reasons for denying the exchange.
5. All trades must be completed within a given school year.
6. When a trade is requested which would affect two (2) schools, both building principals must approve the trade.
7. If the unit member who is responsible for being in that classroom should be absent because of illness or any other reason, the absence day shall be charged to that unit member and that member will be responsible for arranging for any substitute required.
8. Partial contract unit members will be allowed exchange days within their schedule with the same provisions.
9. The District and/or the Union bear no responsibility for the enforcement of private exchange day agreements between individual teachers, nor shall the District or Union be liable for the payment of additional compensation based upon any teacher working beyond his/her regular work year pursuant to any exchange day agreement.
Exchange Days. 1. On-track bargaining unit members may trade duty days with off-track bargaining unit members with prior site-level administrative approval. Bargaining unit members may trade a maximum of 10 duty days during a work year. A Trading Duty Days agreement shall be filed with the site administrator that outlines the responsibilities of the on-track and the off-track bargaining unit member.
2. If an off-track unit member is unable to fulfill his/her obligations under this Agreement, the on-track unit member shall be charged as appropriate for the substitute teacher time.
Exchange Days. 11.14.1 On-track and off-track unit members assigned to the same building may voluntarily exchange days without loss of pay, benefits, or sick leave, subject to the restrictions below.
11.14.2 The school administrator must be notified of exchange days at least one (1) week prior to the exchange.
11.14.3 Exchange days may not occur during the following periods without advanced written approval of the school site administrator: Teacher-Parent Conference periods. The last two (2) days of any grading period. Staff Development days. The first week of each track, and the final week of school. The days of Open House and Back-to-School Night.
11.14.4 The unit member shall have the responsibility for arranging the exchange with other unit members.
11.14.5 Payback of the exchange is the responsibility of the unit members, and the District shall not be involved in either the monitoring or the enforcement of the payback.