Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. If Workmen's Compensation benefits are applicable, then either Workmen's Compensation or sick leave may be used, but not both.
Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. The Board shall provide Xxxxxxx'x Compensation insurance for each Teacher under Contract. This insurance will cover medical expenses for accidents occurring while on duty. In the event of an accident, the building Principal or Superintendent must be notified immediately or within forty-eight (48) hours of the accident.
Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. Any Supervisor, when disabled by an accident or injury arising out of his or her employment, is entitled to file for benefits under Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. Any injury must be immediately reported to the superintendent, supervisor or DPW Director. The report of injury shall be completed in triplicate and one (1) copy shall be retained in the Supervisor’s personnel file, one copy given to the Supervisor and one (1) copy forwarded to the Xxxxxxx'x Compensation agent for said Town of Upton as soon as practicable.
Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. All employees of the district regardless of part-time or full-time status are covered by Xxxxxxx’x Compensation Insurance. Xxxxxxx’x Compensation pays medical expenses and starting with the third (3rd) day of absence due to injury while on duty, it pays limited weekly benefits. Wages will not be paid nor sick leave authorized for any day for which Xxxxxxx’x Compensation salary benefits are paid. Wage payments will stop as of the first (1st) day of absence and will resume upon the return to duty of the employee. Accumulated sick leave may be used for any days of absence not covered by Xxxxxxx’x Compensation. Any employee injured while on the job must report the incident immediately to the immediate Supervisor and complete an Employee Incident Report.
Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. The Board shall participate in the Xxxxxxx’x Compensation Insurance Program as provided by law. The disabled teacher shall have the option to receive benefits under the program or to exercise rights under sick leave provision.
Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. All employees within the bargaining unit are covered by the Xxxxxxx'x Compensation as provided by State Law. The employer agrees to cooperate toward the prompt settlement of the employees claim under the Xxxxxxx'x Compensation.
Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. When an employee is unable to complete their assigned duties due to a workplace injury, the following guidelines will apply:
Option 1: Employees can choose to receive benefits under the Michigan Worker’s Compensation Act. In doing so, the employee acknowledges that accepting this option means the time is considered unpaid from the school and no additional compensation will be forthcoming from the district. The employee’s sick bank is frozen at the level it contained the day prior to the injury or accident, and the salary adjusted to reflect the unpaid time.
Option 2: Employees can continue to receive their full rate of pay for days missed but must turn over the district all monies received from the Michigan Worker’s Comp Fund. Sick time to the extent that employees have sick time available will be adjusted by approximately 20% increments to offset the difference in wage between the actual daily amount received from Xxxxxxx’x Comp and the rate of pay the employee is regularly scheduled to receive. If the employee has no sick time available, they will use Option 1.
Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. Xxxxxxx’x Compensation Insurance will be provided in accordance with the statutory requirements.
Xxxxxxx'x Compensation. Statutory/Employers Liability and all additional endorsements $500,000.