Year 2000 Warranty Sample Clauses

Year 2000 Warranty. The Sub-Adviser represents and warrants that it is actively pursuing a comprehensive and coordinated compliance strategy (including remediation and testing) to ensure the readiness of its business systems and applications for the Year 2000 and believes that all such systems critical to the performance of Sub-Adviser's responsibilities hereunder will be Year 2000 compliant prior to January 1, 2000. The Sub-Adviser will make appropriate inquiries as to the readiness of its vendors, service providers, clients and other third parties for the Year 2000; provided, however, that neither the Sub-Adviser nor any of its officers, directors or employees (or affiliated companies) make any representations or warranties regarding the Year 2000 readiness of such vendors, service providers, clients and other third parties.
Year 2000 Warranty. Contractor represents and warrants that any and all products subject to this agreement are designed to be used prior to, during, and after the calendar year 2000 AD, and that such products will operate during each such time period without error related to date data, specifically including any error relating to, or the product of date data that represent or reference different centuries or more than one century. The products shall be able to accurately process date data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing, sequencing and scheduling) from, into, within, and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including leap year calculations. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Contractor further represents and warrants that the products will not abnormally end or provide invalid or incorrect results as a result of date data, including but not limited to, date data century recognition, calculations that accommodate same century and multi-century formulas and data values, and date data interface values that reflect the century. The software requires that all Date Data (whether received from users, systems, applications or other sources) include an indication of century in each instance. All date output and results, in any form, shall include an indication of century in each instance. Additionally, all date sorting by Product that includes a “year category” shall be done based on the Four Digit Year Format code. When used in this Section, the term “Date Data” shall mean any data or input which includes an indication of or reference to date. The foregoing is in addition to the other representations and warranties set forth herein. Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor-supplied products will meet the requirements herein while interfacing with other previously licensed Contractor products and other third party products that are year 2000 compliant. Contractor will not be liable for any failure to comply with this provision that is caused solely by failure of an interconnected product not licensed or provided by Contractor.
Year 2000 Warranty. IBM warrants that products manufactured or distributed by IBM and bearing a logo of IBM and/or an IBM Affiliate (“IBM Logo Products”) that are provided under this Agreement and installed after the Execution Date of a Transaction Document and used to provide Services under this Agreement will be IBM Year 2000 Compliant, unless IBM notifies Equifax of its intention to install a non-IBM Year 2000 Compliant IBM Logo Product and Equifax agrees in writing to such installation.
Year 2000 Warranty. Vendor represents and warrants that any and all products subject to this agreement are designed to be used prior to, during, and after the calendar year 2000 AD, and that such products will operate during each such time period without error related to date data, specifically including any error relating to, or the product of date data that represent or reference different centuries or more than one century. The products shall be able to accurately process date data (including, but not limited to, calculating, comparing, sequencing and scheduling) from, into, within, and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including leap year calculations. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Vendor further represents and warrants that the products will not abnormally end or provide invalid or incorrect results as a result of date data, including but not limited to, date data century recognition, calculations that accommodate same century and multi-century formulas and data values, and date data interface values that reflect the century. The software requires that all Date Data (whether received from users, systems, applications or other sources) include an indication of century in each instance. All date output
Year 2000 Warranty. Siebel warrants that the Licensed Software, as provided by Siebel, is capable of correctly processing, recording, storing and presenting data containing four-digit years after December 31, 1999 in substantially the same manner and with substantially the same functionality as before January 1, 2000. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing Year 2000 warranty, Siebel warrants that the Programs, as provided by Siebel, are capable of correctly processing, recording, storing and presenting (i) Year 2000 dates; (ii) dates before and after January 1, 2000; (iii) four digit dates ending in 99, 00 or 01, (iv) Year 2000 as a leap year. Siebel assumes no responsibilities or obligations to cause third-party products or services, including but not limited to the Value Added Offering, to function with the Licensed Software. Siebel will not be in breach of this warranty for any failure of the Licensed Software to correctly create or process date-related data if such failure results from the inability of any software, hardware, or systems of Distributor or Customer or any other third party (including any underlying database engines, operating systems, and related drivers) either to correctly create or process date-related data or to create or process such date-related data in a manner consistent with the method in which the Licensed Software create or process date-related data. In the event of a breach of this warranty, Distributor's sole and exclusive remedy and Siebel's sole liability shall be to use its commercially reasonable efforts to correct or provide a Workaround for reproducible Errors in the Licensed Software that cause breach of this warranty, or if Siebel is unable to make the Licensed Software operate as warranted within a reasonable time considering the severity of the Error and its impact on the Distributor, Distributor shall be entitled to return the affected Licensed Software to Siebel and recover the sublicense fees paid to Siebel for such Licensed Software. If Siebel becomes aware of any breach of the Programs to comply with the foregoing 6 Year 2000 warranty, Siebel agrees to use its reasonable efforts to notify Customer in writing or by other appropriate means
Year 2000 Warranty. In addition to the warranties contained in Section 7 of the Agreement, Seller warrants, covenants and agrees that the Software will perform, operate and function when used in accordance with its associated documentation, and will be capable upon Commissioning to accurately process, provide and/or receive date data from, into and between the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, including the years 1999 and 2000, and leap year calculations, provided that all other products (e.g. hardware, software and firmware) used in combination with the Products(s) properly exchanges date data with it.
Year 2000 Warranty. Epic hereby warrants that the Program Property licensed under the Agreement will process dates and date-related data without any material error arising from the transition to the year 2000 or the use of dates beyond December 31, 1999, provided that the dates or date-related data are properly entered by You and Your end users in accordance with Documentation provided by Epic ("Year 2000 Program Error"). For such purposes, processing of data means any calculating, comparing or sequencing of dates or date-related data (including but not limited to date data century recognition, calculations that accommodate same century and multi-century formulas and date values) to the extent the Program Property can perform such operations with the applicable dates or date-related data for other dates prior to January 1, 2000. You will notify Epic in writing as provided in Section 20 of the Agreement concerning any Year 2000 Program Error and will specifically refer to this Section 8(i) of this Amendment or state that You are making a Year 2000 warranty claim. Epic shall have a cure period of thirty (30) days after the receipt of the notice from You to correct any reported Year 2000 Program Errors for which it has been properly notified. If You have made any changes to the source Code of the Program Property, Epic shall have no obligation to retrofit any release that corrects a Year 2000 Program Error to work with such changes. The warranty provided under this Section 8(i) shall expire on January 1, 2001.
Year 2000 Warranty. E-Stamp represents and warrants to Intuit that ------------------ E-Stamp's software products and services covered by this Agreement will not incur a material loss of performance as a result of the century date change in the year 2000 or as a result of the year 2000 being a leap year. CONFIDENTIAL ------------
Year 2000 Warranty. InterCept has tested all of its products and services to verify compliance with year 2000 standards in accordance with the FFIEC Year 2000 Management Awareness publication dated May 5, 1997. InterCept warrants that all products and services provided by InterCept hereunder, including all software but not including third party hardware or software, shall operate in accordance with this Agreement and all warranties provided hereunder on dates occurring on and after January 1, 2000, and on all other critical dates identified by Customer’s primary regulatory agencies, to the same extent that it operates prior to such date and without errors caused by such dates. InterCept is not responsible for any errors caused by improperly formatted or corrupted data received from or generated by Customer or any third party or any third party product interfaced to InterCept’s products or services.