Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. 1 through 9 years 2 weeks 10 through 14 years 3 weeks 15 years or more 4 weeks
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. Less than one (1) years’ service 1 calendar week vacation with pay at 4% of gross earnings for the vacation year One (1) year but less than 2 calendar weeks’ vacation with pay at 4% Three (3) years’ service of gross earnings for the vacation year. Three (3) years but less than 3 calendar weeks’ vacation with pay at 6% Eight (8) years’ service of gross earnings for the vacation year. Eight (8) years but less than 4 calendar weeks’ vacation with pay at 8% Fifteen (15) years’ service of gross earnings for the vacation year Fifteen (15) years but less than 5 calendar weeks’ vacation with pay at Twenty three (23) years’ service 10% of gross earnings for the vacation year Twenty three (23) years or more 6 calendar weeks’ vacation with pay at 12% of gross earnings for the vacation year Part time employees will accrue vacation entitlement cited above on the basis of eighteen hundred (1800) hours paid equals one (1) year of service.
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. Less than 2 years 4% of total earnings 2 years but less than 9 years 6% of total earnings 9 years but less than 15 years 8% of total earnings 15 years plus 10% of total earnings
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. 2nd year 3 weeks 3rd year 4 weeks 4th year 4 weeks 5th year 4 weeks 6th year 5 weeks 7th year 5 weeks 8th year 5 weeks 9th year 6 weeks 10th, etc 7 weeks 11th year and greater 8 weeks This vacation time may be used at any time within the calendar year.
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. Calendar Years of Service Vacation Entitlement Vacation Pay
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. Less than 1950 hours paid 4% of gross earning for the vacation year 1 to 3 years 4% or 2 weeks 4 to 8 years 6% or 3 weeks 8 years or more 8% or 4 weeks Vacation may be taken at any time in the vacation year, unless otherwise specified and not in conjunction with the previous year’s vacation. In the selection of dates, every effort will be made to be consistent with the necessities of the operation of the Employer to allow employees to exercise their choice in accordance with their seniority. Part-time employees - 1950 hours of work = 1 year of service. Vacations during December 15 to January 15 will be granted based on business needs. Such requests will be on a first come, first serve basis. In the event 2 or more employees apply at the same time, the deciding factor shall be first, who worked the previous year and if equal, and then seniority. The granting of vacation at Christmas is based on the efficient operations of the Residence. Upon request employees will be allowed to carry-over 5 days, which must be taken before April 30 of the following year.
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. 5<10 4 weeks
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. Full-Time Employees:
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. Full-Time Employees: years After years After years After years After years days (4%) days (6%) days (8%) days (10%) days (12%) Adjustments to vacation grid placement of full-time employees due to prior part-time service (based on 9.03) will be made effective the vacation Effective for the vacation year, After years employees receive days (12%) EffectiveApril the following supplementaryvacation is banked on the employee’s date and taken prior to the next supplementary vacation date. An employee who has completed thirty (30) years of continuous service shall be entitled to an additional five (5) days vacation, with pay. An employee who has completed (35) years of continuous service shall be entitled to an additional five (5) days vacation, with pay. To clarify, every employee who has attained their and anniversary date as of April shall be entitled to have the full five days’ vacation banked. Part-time Employees: After hours hours After hours After hours days (4%) days (6%) days (8%) days (10%) days (12%) Effectivethe date of the interest arbitration award and for the vacation year, part-time employees will be correctly placed on the vacation grid based on their hours worked since their most recent date of hire as determined under Article Effective for the vacation year, After hours employees receive days (12%). The supplementaryvacation referred to in Article (a), shall be applicable to part-time employees as follows;
Years of Service Vacation Entitlement. Less than 3 (from date of hire) 2 weeks (10 days) at 4% of gross earnings 11+ 5 weeks (25 days) at 10% of gross earnings