Prices and terms of payment Musterklauseln

Prices and terms of payment. 1. Unless otherwise agreed in individual cases, the applicable prices shall be the ones in force at the time of concluding the relevant contract. All prices are net, in EUROs, ex factory, plus packaging, German VAT at the prevailing rate and – in the case of export shipments – custom duties and any other fees and other public charges. 2. In case of a sale by delivery to a place other than the place of performance (clause IV subclause 1) the Buyer shall bear the transport costs ex works and the costs of any transport insurance requested by the buyer Any customs duties, fees, taxes and other public charges shall be borne by the buyer. 3. We do not take back transport packaging and all other packaging in accordance with the German Packaging Act; they become the property of the purchaser; pallets are excluded. 4. If the goods are packed on pallets, the buyer shall be responsible for ensuring that the Supplier receives the same number of pallets from him in the corresponding type and quality, in the case of Euro pallets in accordance with GS1 A/B, but at least GS1 C. If the buyer has not returned the pallets or has not returned them in full within four weeks of delivery to the supplier, the supplier may demand compensation for each pallet not returned in the amount of the replacement value. 5. The purchase price is due and payable within 14 days from invoicing and delivery of the goods, unless otherwise agreed . At the end of the above payment period, the buyer is in default of payment. unless otherwise agreed. The official date of payment shall be the date on which an amount is received by us. Cheques shall not be considered settled until they have been cashed in 6. If the Buyer is in payment arrears in respect of the purchase price, then this price shall incur interest on arrears at the prevailing statutory rate. We reserve the right to claim further damages caused by default. In the event of a VAT-free intra-community delivery under the German VAT Act (UStG), the Buyer shall undertake to draw up the required documents (at present these are: confirmation of arrival or carrier’s confirmation), completed fully and correctly as required under the prevailing German legal provisions, and shall return those documents to us, unless expressly otherwise agreed. Should other or further confirmations be necessary according to the legal situation with regard to turnover tax valid at the time of the conclusion of the respective contract, the buyer is obliged to complete a...
Prices and terms of payment. 3.1 Prices quoted by us in the order confirmation (plus any applicable statutory VAT) are given ex works or distributing warehouse but excluding packaging, if and insofar as the following contractual stipulations do not specify otherwise or unless it was agreed otherwise in writing. Any ancillary costs, such as packaging, loading, transport, assembly and the presence of montage technicians shall be borne by the customer, unless expressly agreed otherwise, and will be invoiced separately. Similarly, the customer shall bear any customs duties, fees, taxes as well as other public charges. 3.2 For contracts which stipulate a delivery later than 4 months after the conclusion of the agreement and where, between the conclusion of the agreement and delivery of the goods, the applicable prices payable to our suppliers or any other costs associated with our goods (e.g. industrial agreements on wage increases, including public expenses etc.) increase, we are entitled to increase the agreed price in a way that the increased costs will be added in accordance with their percentage in relation to the agreed price, otherwise the price as confirmed in the order confirmation applies. Our right to increase prices pursuant to Clause 1 shall also apply if a delivery period of 4 months was agreed upon, but is then exceeded due to reasons for which the customer is responsible or which are attributable to their sphere of risk. 3.3 Shipments will only be insured if the customer expressly requests such insurance, all costs arising in this regard are to be borne by the customer. 3.4 If, after conclusion of the agreement, any changes to the execution of the order become necessary for circumstances beyond our control or desired by the customer, we are entitled to charge any resulting additional costs to the customer. 3.5 If not explicitly agreed otherwise in the individual case the purchase price for the contractual goods is payable in full with delivery ex works (Incoterms 2010 EXW). For this purpose we inform the customer 2 weeks prior to completion of the goods of the delivery date ex works. The customer either has to actuate payment in a way that the full amount of the purchase price has been received on our account on this ex works date (credited to the account) or to hand over to us until that date an irrevocable confirmed letter of credit according to our specifications. Upon the unsuccessful expiry of that date the customer is in default with the debt and in default of accepta...
Prices and terms of payment a. The prices shown in the purchase order are binding. b. The period for payment begins to run as soon as the delivery or service has been provided in full and the duly issued invoice has been received. However, the period for payment does not begin before the agreed delivery date. c. Where the Supplier is obliged to provide test reports, quality documents, documentation or other records, receipt of these documents is a precondition for the completeness of the delivery and service. d. Place of performance for payments is the seat of the Standby GmbH. e. Payments cannot be construed as confirmation that deliveries or services are in conformity with the contract. x. Xxxxxx otherwise agreed in writing, payments are made 30 days net after commencement of the period for payment. The date of receipt of the payment transfer order by our bank determines the timeliness of payment.
Prices and terms of payment. 3.1 Unless otherwise stated, the ex-works prices stated in our written order confirmation plus the respective statutory VAT shall be binding. The agreed hourly rates shall apply to a regular working time from Monday to Friday, 3.2 In the case of errors in the enquiry (e. g. in the enquiry letter, in the lay- out, the drawing, the draft or in the planning drawing released by the customer), we shall be entitled to subsequently charge to the customer any possible work additionally accrued. During the order processing or tech- nical planning phase of an assignment, if changes and/or adjustments are made (e. g. regarding products, safety switches, courses of fences, requests for changes by the customer, multiple changes of the layout by the custom- er, additionally required parts lists, markings of components, replacement parts and wearing parts, or other services that are not included in the offer), which are initiated by the customer and lead to higher planning costs, we shall inform the customer immediately of the resulting change in costs and include this in the final invoice we send. 3.3 Unless specifically agreed, the agreed price shall be due upon delivery and shall be paid without any deduction free to our paying agent. If the delivery is effected later than 30 days after the conclusion of the contract due to reasons for which the customer is liable, the agreed price shall be due 30 days after the conclusion of the contract. 3.4 The time at which we receive the money or at which the amount is credited unconditionally to the bank accounts indicated by us in the order confirmation, respectively, shall be decisive for the timeliness of payments. Accepted bills of exchange, bills of exchange, and cheques shall not be deemed to be means of payment, but shall only be accepted on account of performance. 3.5 The customer shall only be entitled to set-off if the customer’s counter- claims have become res judicata, are uncontested, or we have acknowled- ged them. Furthermore, the customer shall be entitled to exercise their right of retention only insofar as the customer’s counterclaim is based on the same contractual relationship.
Prices and terms of payment. Our prices are in euros and exclusive of Value Added Tax and duties. Unless otherwise agreed prices shall be ex-works. If shipment is effected with par- ticular urgency at the Buyer’s specific wish, then all the additional costs associated with that shall be for its account. Unless otherwise agreed, the payment conditions from the invoice date are net cash within 30 days. In the case of part invoices, the corresponding part payments are due on receipt of the invoice concerned in accordance with the periods allowed for payment stated above. Payment must be made in cash or by bank transfer. Payment by cheque or bill of exchange is only accepted on the basis of our explicit consent and only on account of payment – with the Buyer being charged for all interest and expenses arising. If, after the contract has been entered into, it becomes discernible that our claim for payment is jeopardised because of the Buyer’s insufficient liquidity, then we may refuse the performance incumbent on us and prescribe a period of time over which the Buyer pays step-by-step against delivery or provides us with surety. If the period of time set expires fruitlessly, then we have the right to withdraw from the contract and to demand redress. If the time allowed for payment is exceeded, then we charge interest on arrears at the rate of 10 % per month plus the collection charges.
Prices and terms of payment. 4.1 In case of supplies made by TELE Haase to customers 4.1.1 The prices quoted by TELE Haase are without engagement and do not include VAT, packaging, shipping or other additional costs (e.g. for certificates of origin). Should prices rise during the time between offer and supply, TELE Haase shall have the right to adjust the prices accordingly. 4.1.2 If no payment terms have been agreed, invoices shall be paid within 21 days of the invoice date, without any deductions, by remitting the respective amount to one of the accounts designated on the invoice in the currency of the invoice. Any set-off with an amount owed to the customer is prohibited unless TELE Haase gives its written consent to such set-off in a given case. 4.1.3 In case of supplies where the net value of goods is less than EUR 100.00, TELE Haase shall have the right to charge a small-quantity surcharge in the amount of EUR 15.00. 4.1.4 If several supplies have been agreed, TELE Xxxxx is not obligated to make delivery under this contract or under any further contracts in the event of a delay in payment on the part of the customer. In such case, any and all payment liabilities from the business relationship with the customer shall fall due for payment immediately, and TELE Haase shall have the right to demand advance payment to be made concurrently with the supply of goods under all existing purchase contracts. 4.2 In case of purchases made by TELE Haase from vendors 4.2.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the purchase order, the prices quoted shall be fixed prices which include packaging and shipping to the delivery address specified by TELE Haase, in accordance with the INCOTERMS regulation CPT (Carriage Paid To). Should prices fall during the time between offer and supply, such price reduction shall be passed on to TELE Haase in full.
Prices and terms of payment. 6.1. Unless otherwise stated in the seller's offer descriptions, the prices quoted are total prices. The total prices stated are in EURO and are gross prices including the statutory value added tax applicable on the day of invoicing. 6.2. The buyer may pay the purchase price by the following methods of payment at his option: 6.2.1. If the payment method "PayPal Checkout" is selected, the payment will be processed via the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Roy- al, L-2449 Luxembourg, subject to the PayPal Terms of Use, available at xxxxx:// Within the framework of the payment provider PayPal Checkout, the seller offers various payment methods. During the ordering process, the buyer is redirected from the seller's online store to the PayPal website. If the buyer has chosen the payment method "PayPal via PayPal Checkout", the buyer will be redirected from the seller's online store to the website of PayPal. If the buyer is not already registered with PayPal, registration is required in advance to pay the invoice amount via PayPal. After the registration process, the buyer must legitimize himself with his access data and confirm the payment instruction to the seller. The seller will ask PayPal to initiate the payment after confirming the payment instruction. The payment via PayPal is made automatically. If the buyer has chosen the payment method "credit card via PayPal Checkout", he does not need to be registered with PayPal to pay the invoice amount. After entering his payment details and selecting the desired payment method, the buyer confirms by clicking the button concluding the ordering process at the same time a payment instruction to PayPal. After confirming the payment instruction, the seller shall request PayPal to initiate the payment transaction and the buyer's credit card shall be charged. If the buyer has chosen the payment method "Direct Debit via PayPal Checkout", the buyer does not need to be registered with PayPal to pay the invoice amount. By confirming the payment instruction, the buyer gives PayPal a direct debit mandate. The buyer will be informed by PayPal about the date of the debit (so-called prenoti-fication). By submitting the direct debit mandate immediately after confirmation of the payment instruction, PayPal requests the buyer's bank to initiate the payment transaction immediately after confirmation of the payment instruction. The pay...
Prices and terms of payment. 7.1 The prices and VAT rates valid at the time of delivery shall apply. They are "FCA Seller" according to INCOTERMS 2020, plus packaging, which will be invoiced separately according to expenditure. 7.2 The deduction of discounts requires a separate written agreement. 7.3 Unless otherwise stated in the order confirmation, the net purchase price (without deduction) is due for payment within 14 days of the invoice date. In the event of late payment, default interest of 5% above the 3-month EURIBOR announced by the European Central Bank shall be charged, subject to further rights.
Prices and terms of payment. (1) Unless otherwise agreed in individual cases, our current prices at the time the contract is concluded shall apply, ex warehouse plus statutory VAT. (2) Beim Versendungskauf (Abschn. D, Abs. 1) trägt der Käufer die Transportkosten ab Lager und die Kosten einer ggf. vom Käufer gewünschten Transportversicherung. Die anfallenden Kosten werden wir gesondert in Rechnung stellen. Etwaige Zölle, Gebühren, Steuern und sonstige öffentliche Abgaben trägt der Käufer. (3) Der Kaufpreis ist, soweit vertraglich nicht anders vereinbart, fällig und zu zahlen innerhalb von 14 Tagen ab Rechnungsstellung und Lieferung bzw. Abnahme der Ware. Wir sind jedoch, auch im Rahmen einer laufenden Geschäftsbeziehung, jederzeit berechtigt, eine Lieferung ganz oder teilweise nur gegen Vorkasse durchzuführen. Einen entsprechenden Vorbehalt erklären wir spätestens mit der Auftragsbestätigung. (4) Mit Ablauf vorstehender Zahlungsfrist kommt der Käufer in Verzug. Der Kaufpreis ist während des Verzugs zum jeweils geltenden gesetzlichen Verzugszinssatz zu verzinsen. Wir behalten uns die Geltendmachung eines weitergehenden Verzugsschadens vor. Gegenüber Kaufleuten bleibt unser Anspruch auf den kaufmännischen Fälligkeitszins (§ 353 HGB) unberührt. (5) Dem Käufer stehen Aufrechnungs- oder Zurückbehaltungsrechte nur insoweit zu, als sein Anspruch rechtskräftig festgestellt oder unbestritten ist. Bei Mängeln der Lieferung bleiben die Gegenrechte des Käufers insbesondere gem. Abschnitt G. dieser AVB unberührt. (6) Wird nach Abschluss des Vertrags erkennbar (zB durch Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens), dass unser Anspruch auf den Kaufpreis durch mangelnde Leistungsfähigkeit des Käufers gefährdet wird, so sind wir nach den gesetzlichen Vorschriften zur Leistungsverweigerung und – gegebenenfalls nach Fristsetzung – zum Rücktritt vom Vertrag berechtigt (§ 321 BGB). Bei Verträgen über die Herstellung unvertretbarer Sachen (Einzelanfertigungen) können wir den Rücktritt sofort erklären; die gesetzlichen Regelungen über die Entbehrlichkeit der Fristsetzung bleiben unberührt.
Prices and terms of payment. 4.1. Our prices do not include value added tax. This will be charged additionally in accordance with the applicable tax law. Our prices refer only to the service offered. If the customer requests additional deliver- ies or services, these must be ordered and paid for separately. 4.2. Prices are ex works or warehouse, excluding packaging and other shipping and transportation costs. Packaging shall be invoiced sepa- rately to the customer. Packaging shall only be taken back if we are obliged to do so by virtue of mandatory statutory regulations. 4.3. Unless otherwise agreed, payments shall be made as follows: 30 % of the agreed price upon order confirmation, 70 % of the agreed price on delivery, in each case without deduction. 4.4. The following items will be invoiced separately for installation on a time basis (but not for installation at a flat rate): a) any travel expenses incurred by the Contractor for his personnel as well as the costs for the transportation of his tools and personal lug- gage to a reasonable extent in accordance with the type and class of means of transport agreed in the contract, if applicable; b) daily allowance, including an appropriate allowance, for each day of absence of the installation personnel from their place of residence, including rest days and public holidays; c) the hours worked, which shall be calculated on the basis of the hours that the Customer has confirmed as time worked by signing the relevant time sheets. Overtime, work on Sundays, public holidays and night work shall be charged at special rates. The rates shall be based on the agreement made in the contract; in the absence of such an agreement, they shall be based on the rates normally charged by the manufacturer. In the absence of an agreement to the contrary, the hourly rates shall include wear and tear on the Contractor's tools and light equipment; d) the time required for: - Preparation and formalities regarding outward and return journeys; - Outward and return journeys and other journeys to which personnel are entitled in accordance with applicable law, applicable regulations and collective agreements in the country of the manufacturer; - the daily outward and return journey between the accommodation and the installation site if this exceeds half an hour one way and there is no suitable accommodation closer to the installation site; - Bridging periods during which work is prevented due to circum- stances beyond the Contractor's control under the Contract; a...