SAFETY AND SANITATION. The County agrees to provide a clean and sanitary work environment and comply with all applicable state and federal laws to ensure worker safety.
SAFETY AND SANITATION. 39.01 No employee shall be disciplined or discharged for refusing to work under hazardous, dangerous or unhealthful conditions not normally associated with his or her position.
SAFETY AND SANITATION. The facility and grounds shall be safe, secure, clean, and accessible to all participants.
SAFETY AND SANITATION. 306 9.01 The Company agrees to continue to furnish healthful working conditions at all times and to provide adequate modern devices with regard to safety and sanitation. Whatever machinery and equipment the Company furnishes shall meet with . 312 all the required legal standards of safety and sanitation. Any recommendations or complaints under this Article will be subject to the grievance procedure. The Union agrees that it will endeavor to have its members observe all safety rules.
SAFETY AND SANITATION. 19.1 The City agrees to provide a clean and sanitary work environment and comply with all applicable state and federal laws to ensure worker safety.
SAFETY AND SANITATION. Section 1 - Definition
SAFETY AND SANITATION. The Employer will exert every reasonable effort to provide and maintain safe working conditions, and the Union will cooperate to that end, and support the Employer when discipline is reasonably required in the case of safety regulation violations. Job related unsafe conduct which endangers the employee or fellow employees or which constitutes a violation of applicable District policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. No employee shall be disciplined for refusal to violate the applicable Safety Codes or Laws of the State of Oregon.
SECTION A – COMPLIANCE WITH THE LAW The Authority agrees to comply with all applicable city, county, state and federal safety and health rules, regulations and laws. When there is good and sufficient evidence that safety standards are not being complied with, the Union may present such violation to the Authority as a grievance under the grievance procedure set forth in Article 19 of this Agreement. Employees shall comply with all safety laws and rules and shall use all safety equipment specified for the work they are performing.
SAFETY AND SANITATION. The Company agrees to continue to furnish healthful working conditions at all times, and to provide adequate and modern devices with regard to safety and sanitation. Whatever machinery and equipment the company furnishes shall meet with all the required legal standards of safety and sanitation. Any recommendations or complaints under this Article will be the subject of negotiations under the procedure provided for in this Agreement. The Union agrees that it will endeavor to have its members observe all safety rules. The Office Joint Health and Safety Committee will be composed of two (2) Union Representatives and two (2) Management Representatives and will meet every month. This joint committee will review all ongoing business pertaining to the Health Safety and Ergonomics activities in the Office of The Office Joint Health and Safety Committee will conduct its monthly inspections accompanied by the Head of the Department being inspected (or representative), and the Chairman of the Office Safety Committee (or replacement). The in order to resolve technical questions, may call an appropriate technical person upon reaching mutual agreement that such technical advice is required. Recommendations agreed to and documented by the Committee will normally be acted upon within thirty (30) days of the report being made. However, it is recognized by both parties that, on occasion, action may be delayed for an additional thirty (30) day period due to unusual circumstances. In the event an employee believes that a hazardous condition exists in work area, the employee will contact Supervisor. If the Supervisor fails to satisfactorily resolve the problem within a reasonable period of time, the employee will ask supervisor to call the employee's Committee person to discuss the problem further. If the problem is still unresolved, the Department Head will call the Plant Safety Coordinator, who, in company with the Co-chairman (or designee) of the will make a decision on the problem. The Company will notify the of all accidents which require the filing of a Form and will supply copies of the Form the Supervisor's Accident Investigation Report and any other correspondence with the The Company will supply, without cost to the employee, safety glasses and hearing protection (muffs or plugs) as required. The safety glass program will be the same as that provided in the plant. Smocks will be provided at no cost to employees. If a dispute arises as to whether or not a need for smo...
SAFETY AND SANITATION. A. The Company agrees to comply with the health and safety regulations as promulgated under the authority of the Long Beach Municipal Ordinances, the Los Angeles County Ordinances, the Safety and Sanitation Laws of the State of California, and the Safety and Sanitation Laws of the United States Government. Where such conditions are not specifically covered by legislation or when there is evidence that safety standards are not being complied with, they shall be presented to the employer as a grievance under the grievance procedure as outlined by the terms of this Agreement.
B. No employee shall be disciplined or discharged for refusing to work under hazardous, dangerous or unhealthful condition, not normally associated with his/her occupation.
C. Any vehicle which must be towed will be handled by maintenance personnel only. The Company will continue the current practice as long as the tow truck remains operable.