Replacement of Personal Property Sample Clauses

Replacement of Personal Property. No personal property included as part of the Property shall be removed from the Property unless the same is replaced with similar items of at least equal quality prior to the Closing Date.
Replacement of Personal Property. (A) An employee, while on duty and acting within the scope of employment, who suffers damage or destruction of the employee’s watch or prescription glasses, or other items of personal property as have been given prior approval by the agency as required to adequately perform the duties of the position, will be reimbursed as provided herein. (B) A written report must be filed by the employee detailing the circumstances under which the property was damaged or destroyed. A receipt or other estimate of replacement or repair cost must be attached to the employee’s written report. (C) The state shall authorize reimbursement for repair or replacement of the property, not to exceed the following amounts, or as otherwise provided for by law: (1) Watch - $75 (2) Prescription glasses - $200 (including any required examination) (3) Other Items - The Secretary of the Department of Management Services, or designee, shall have final authority to determine the reimbursement value of items other than watches or prescription glasses. (4) Total allowable per incident - $500 (D) Reimbursement shall be with the approval of the Agency Head.
Replacement of Personal Property. (A) An employee, while on duty and acting within the scope of employment, who suffers damage or destruction of the employee’s watch or prescription glasses, or other items of personal property as have been given prior approval by the agency and the Secretary of Management Services or designee as being required by the employee to adequately perform the duties of the position, will be reimbursed as provided herein. A written report must be filed detailing the circumstances under which the property was damaged or destroyed. The state shall authorize reimbursement for repair or replacement of the property, not to exceed the following amounts: (1) Watch - $75 (2) Prescription glasses - $200 (including any required examination) (3) Other Items - The Secretary of Management Services, or designee, shall have final authority to determine the reimbursement value of any items other than watches or prescription glasses. (4) Total allowable per incident - $500 (B) Such reimbursement shall be with the approval of the Agency Head. Approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Replacement of Personal Property. (A) An employee, while on duty and acting within the scope of employment involving direct contact with an inmate, probationer, parolee, or forensic patient, who suffers damage or destruction of the employee’s watch or prescription glasses, or such other items of personal property as have been given prior approval by the Agency Head or designee as being required by the employee to adequately perform the duties of the position, will be reimbursed or have such property repaired or replaced as provided herein. A written report must be filed detailing the circumstances under which such property was damaged or destroyed. Upon verification by the agency of the circumstances under which the damage or destruction occurred, and upon proper documentation by the employee of the amount expended, the state shall authorize reimbursement for repair or replacement of such property, not to exceed the following amounts: (1) Watch - $75 (2) Prescription Glasses - $300 (including any required examination) (3) Other Items - The Agency Head or designee shall have final authority to determine the reimbursement value of any items other than watches or prescription glasses. (4) Total Allowable per Incident - $600 (B) Such reimbursement shall be with the approval of the Agency Head. Approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. (C) Employees of the Department of Corrections who are required to use their personal vehicles in the performance of their job duties may file claims in the event of willful and/or intentional infliction of damages by parties known or unknown to their personal vehicle while on official state business. Such claims for reimbursement may be filed in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of the Department of Corrections, section 33-4.014, F.A.C.
Replacement of Personal Property. (A) An employee, while on duty and acting within the scope of employment, who suffers damage or destruction of the employee’s watch or prescription glasses, or other items of personal property as have been given prior approval by the agency as required to adequately perform the duties of the position, will be reimbursed as provided herein. (1) Watch - $75 (2) Prescription Glasses - $200 (3) Other Items – The Secretary of the Department of Management Services, or designee, shall have final authority to determine the reimbursement value of items other than watches or prescription glasses. (4) Total allowable per incident - $500 (B) Reimbursement shall be with the approval of the Agency Head. Approvals shall not be unreasonably denied.
Replacement of Personal Property. No Personal Property included as part of the Property shall be removed from the Property unless the same is replaced with similar items of at least equal quality prior to the Closing. Buyer acknowledges that the Management Company may own the computers, software and certain other equipment used at the Real Property.
Replacement of Personal Property. Section 1 An employee, while on duty and acting within the scope of employment, who suffers damage or destruction of the employee’s watch, prescription eyewear, sunglasses or such other items of personal property as have been given prior approval by the Sheriff as being required by the employee to adequately perform the duties of the position, will be reimbursed or have such property repaired or replaced as provided herein. A written report must be filed detailing the circumstances under which such property was damaged or destroyed.
Replacement of Personal Property. The County agrees to pay a reimbursement fee not to exceed one hundred ($100.00) dollars per calendar year for prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses, for Bargaining Unit employees that were damaged in the line of duty through no fault or negligence of the employee. Reimbursement shall be made upon completion of a damage report filed by the employee within forty-eight (48) hours of the incident.
Replacement of Personal Property. The Employer shall repair or replace, as necessary, any reasonable personal items, or required duty related items of equipment or uniform of any employee, including all items listed in Appendix II of this agreement, which are damaged during the course of their employment when no other reimbursement is available. Employees shall report such damage or loss to their immediate supervisor at the time of the incident, and shall provide required documentation. If compensation for lost or damaged duty related property is obtained from other sources, the City will be reimbursed. No reimbursement will be authorized for property damaged as a result of the employee's own negligence or carelessness.
Replacement of Personal Property. Article 20 – Training .........................................................................................................................