Acceptance Clauses Exemplaires

Acceptance. By loading the Software, the Licensee accepts the terms of this Agreement. The Licensee acknowledges that the Agreement shall prevail on Licensee’s general terms of purchase. The Licensee’s general terms of purchase are unenforceable in whatever form.
Acceptance. Institution acknowledges and agrees that by clicking on the “Agree” or similar button or by checking a box, Institution, through its authorized representative, is accepting and agreeing to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. EP12658
Acceptance. 4.1. The purchaser is entitled and obliged to examine and take delivery of the goods within 8 days after delivery of the notice of readiness at the agreed place of delivery.
Acceptance. 9.1 The purchaser shall within 10 days from delivery of the goods give notice in writing to the Company if the goods are rejected, and if so, the reasons for rejection.
Acceptance. 4.1. It is agreed that no return of goods, for any reason whatsoever, will be allowed without the prior written consent of SELLER.
Acceptance. These purchase order terms and conditions (collectively “Terms”) control the purchase of goods and/or services listed in this purchase order (the “PO”). If a separate contract exists between the parties related to the purchase of such goods and/or services, then to the extent there is a conflict between the terms of this PO and the terms of such separate contract, the terms of such separate contract shall prevail. Any of the following acts by Seller shall constitute acceptance of this PO and all Terms: (a) signing and returning a copy of this PO, (b) returning Seller’s acknowledgement of receipt, (c) delivery of any items and/or performance of any services ordered, or (d) informing Buyer in any manner of acceptance or commencement of performance and/or delivery of any goods or services listed herein. Any other term or condition stated by Seller in any other document shall be a proposal for an addition to these Terms and shall not become part of this PO unless expressly accepted in writing by Xxxxx.
Acceptance. Transfer of risks
Acceptance. The supplier confirms that it has read, accepted and is satisfied with the terms and conditions of the purchase order. The supplier further acknowledges that the commencement of the execution of any services, work and/or supply of goods described above constitute its total and unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of the purchase order.
Acceptance. This order constitutes an offer to purchase by REHAU Industries Inc. (the Buyer), which may be modified at any time by Buyer before it is accepted by Supplier (the Purchase Order). The terms and conditions of this Purchase Order will be accepted by signing and returning this order to Buyer, by other written proof of acceptance, by the commencement of any work or the performance of any services contemplated by this order, or by the shipment of any conforming or non-conforming goods.
Acceptance. All orders and nominations for Services are accepted and all Services are made subject to the provisions of any written contract signed by or on behalf of the purchasing entity listed on the purchase order or invoice (“Customer”) and AmSpec, EEC (“AmSpec”). If no such agreement exists, all orders and nominations for Services and all Services performed by AmSpec are subject to these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”). If no such agreement exists, all orders and nominations for Services and all Services performed by AmSpec are conditioned upon the acceptance of these Terms. Any proposal by Customer for additional or different terms, and any attempt by Customer to vary any of the provisions of these Terms is hereby rejected by AmSpec. No modification of these Terms shall be valid unless in writing and signed by an authorized representative of both the Customer and AmSpec.