Reservation of title Clauses Exemplaires

Reservation of title clause The equipment or products supplied shall remain the property of “I--CARE” until payment of the price in full. Notwithstanding the above, all risks relating to the equipment and products are transferred to the Client as soon as these leave I-CARE’s premises. The Client shall therefore be responsible for ensuring that it insures, at its cost, the equipment and products supplied as soon as they leave I-CARE’s depots. In the case of equipment hired or provided to the Client, the equipment shall naturally remain the property of I-
Reservation of title. 9.1. All the Vendor’s supplies are made with property reservation.
Reservation of title. GPG retains ownership of goods sold until the actual payment of the entire price, in principal and accessory amounts, insofar as this reservation of title is accepted by the legislation of the country where the merchandise is located at the time of the complaint and provided all conditions required for its application have been met. For the purposes of this clause, the delivery of an instrument creating an obligation to pay (bill of exchange or other) does not constitute a payment. Any payment not carried out on its due date can result in the recovery of the goods or of any product of a similar type and a similar quality. For the purposes of exercising the right of recovery for the benefit of GPG, the Customer undertakes, when so requested, to allow an inventory of the parts in its possession, without the need for any procedure of any kind. If the Customer intervenes on the delivered parts, notably for the purpose of their transformation for resale to a user customer, it undertakes, at the time of the resale, to transfer to GPG, in an amount equal to the sum owed to it relative to the payment of the price of the parts, the resulting credit obligation for the new buyer. It cannot pledge them as a security, or transfer their ownership as a guarantee. After a formal written notice sent by Recorded Delivery Letter that has gone unanswered within an interval of eight days, the sale will be cancelled as of right; the Customer will remain responsible for return expenses, and advances paid to GPG will remain the property of the latter in application of the penalty clause.
Reservation of title. Goods remain Ire property of XXXXXX until paid for in full by the customer. The costumer undertakes not to dipose of the goods or to pledge them before they have been fully paid for. If the customer should refuse to return unpaid goods a Court judgment shall be sufficient to render the sale null and void. In this event any on account payments made by the customer shall be retained by XXXXXX as damages. Not with standing the present article, all risks from the date of delivery, including those arising from transport of the goods shall be borne by customer who shall insure himself accordingly.
Reservation of title measures of judicial execution against the Buyer and/or other negative demonstrable events; we reserve the right to suspend all or part of any contracts in operation and to ask the Buyer to provide such guarantees as we may deem proper to ensure the full performance by the Buyer of his engagements under the contract. Such request may be made before or after the delivery of all or part of any order. Should the Buyer fail to meet any reasonable demand for such a guarantee, we shall have the right to cancel all or part of any contracts in operation. Such action shall not in any way limit or prejudice our other rights for damages or interests.
Reservation of title. Sauf accord écrit contraire entre les parties, signé par Formel D, toute clause de réserve de propriété au profit du fournisseur est exclue. Barring contrary written agreement between the parties, signed by Formel D, any reservation-of-title clause in favour of the supplier is excluded.
Reservation of title. 3.1. The supplied goods remain the entire property of ACCUMALUX MOLD TECHNOLOGY until complete fulfilment of the abovementioned payment obligations by the customer.

Related to Reservation of title

  • RESERVATION Afin de procéder à la réservation du logement, le Preneur retourne le présent contrat paraphé à chaque page et signé accompagné du versement d’arrhes à hauteur d’Euros ( somme à faire figurer en toute lettre ). Ce versement sera effectué par virement bancaire sur le compte du Bailleur indiqué au paragraphe 4.

  • Conditions de paiement Les prestations de service sont payables comptant à réception de la facture, sans escompte, au lieu de leur émission. Le donneur d’ordre est toujours garant de leur acquittement. L‟imputation unilatérale du montant des dommages allégués sur le prix des prestations dues est interdite. Si des délais de paiement sont consentis, ceux-ci ne peuvent, en aucun cas, dépasser trente jours à compter de la date d’émission de la facture pour toutes les prestations exécutées par les commissionnaires de transport et par les transporteurs routiers de marchandises, ainsi que pour toutes celles réalisées par les agents maritimes et/ou de fret aérien, par les commissionnaires en douane et par les transitaires conformément aux dispositions de l‟article L.441-6 du Code de commerce. Tout paiement partiel, à la date de l‟échéance convenue, sera imputé en premier lieu sur la partie non privilégiée des créances. Le non paiement d‟une seule échéance emportera sans formalités déchéance du terme, le solde devenant immédiatement exigible même en cas d‟acceptation d‟effets. Des pénalités seront automatiquement appliquées au cas où des sommes dues seraient réglées après la date de paiement convenue. Ces pénalités qui résultent des dispositions impératives de l‟article L.441-6 du Code de commerce seront appliquées intégralement. La date d‟exigibilité du paiement et le taux d‟intérêt des pénalités de retard figurent sur la facture

  • Réservation La réservation devient ferme lorsque le service reçoit un acompte correspondant à 25 % du montant du loyer auxquels se rajoutent la totalité des frais de réservation ainsi que les frais d’assurance annulation éventuellement souscrite, plus si le client choisit d’en bénéficier, 25% du montant de toutes les prestations directement liées au séjour telles que figurant sur la fiche descriptive, et un exemplaire du contrat signé par le client avant la date limite indiquée au recto.