Object Clausole campione

Object. A public competition based on qualifications and interview is open for the assignment of one Research Grant, in accordance to “art. 22, comma 4, letter B” of the Italian law 240/2010 and to the University Regulations for the awarding of research grants issued by Rector’s decree n. 1699, March 31, 2011 and subsequent modifications and additions, as specified below.
Object. The Certificates comprise the following product categories: TWIN-WIN Cap Index Certificates.
Object. Within the framework of activities carried out by the working group of INGV-Milano, aimed at investigating the attenuation of the seismic waves and the variability of the ground motion, INGV intends to assign to the Contracted Party the performance of a Research Project, described in Annex 1, which is full and substantial part of this contract, according to the regulations below.
Object. The Certificates are based on an Index, the so called underlying. The Certificates are derivative securities, whose price behaviour depend on that of the Index.
Object. The Sponsor/CRO hereby entrusts to OPBG, which accepts, the task of conducting the Study under the conditions specified below, in accordance with the Protocol and with subsequent amendments approved by the Ethics Committee. The Study shall be conducted in full compliance with the Protocol, in compliance with existing legislation on the subject of observational Study on drugs and medical devices (Circular no 6 of the Ministry of Health of 2(09/2002, AIFA Decision of 20/03/2008 – Guidelines for the classification and carrying out of observational studies on drugs) and where applicable, in compliance with existing legislation on clinical Study on drugs, and in compliance with the ethical principles and codes of professional conduct underpinning medical activities. The Study shall also be conducted in compliance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration (most recent version), the rules of Good Clinical Practice (M.D. of 15/07/1997 and subsequent amendments ), the Xxxxxx Convention and laws concerning the prevention of corruption. By signing this Agreement, the Parties declare that they are aware of and agree to the content of the documents referred to above. OPBG guarantees it possesses the expertise, instruments, equipment and personnel needed to carry out the Study, and undertakes to see that this Agreement and the Protocol are complied with by all Institution personnel involved in the Study. OPBG guarantees it possesses the expertise, instruments, equipment and staff needed to carry out the Study, with the exception of the following equipment, for which a commodatum between the parties will be entered into in accordance with the provisions of art. 5 herein. OPBG also undertakes to see that this Agreement and the Protocol are complied with by all OPBG’s staff involved in the Study. OPBG undertakes to enrol no. ………. patients within the deadline established by the Protocol. Since the Study entails the competitive enrolment of patients, the number of individuals to be enrolled by OPBG may vary depending on enrolment capacity, the only limit being the maximum allowed number of patients to be enrolled at a global level. Any changes to enrollable patients at OPBG’s O.U. ____________shall be the subject of a written agreement between the Parties, and shall be reported to the OPBG’s Ethics Committee. OPBG shall keep all Study-related documentation for a period of 7 (seven) years from the date of completion of the Study. At the request of the Sponsor/CRO, and a...
Object. 2.1. Il/La Modello/a conferisce all’Agenzia, in esclusiva, mandato senza rappresentanza, nell’interesse comune delle parti (in rem propriam) ed a titolo oneroso, ai sensi degli artt. 1703 e 1705 c.c., al fine di pro- muovere la propria immagine e di ricercare, negoziare e concludere – nella più ampia autonomia – con terzi soggetti (a titolo esemplificativo: agenzie di pubblicità, aziende ope- ranti direttamente nel settore moda ed affini, società editrici, etc.) rap- porti contrattuali aventi ad oggetto le prestazioni professionali del/la Modello/a e la concessione dei rela- tivi diritti di utilizzazione economica della sua immagine derivanti dalle prestazioni rese.
Object. The supply includes only what is specifically stated in the order confirmation. Therefore, auxiliary operations and supplies are excluded and at the customer expense. These supplies could be: lines and electrical equipment, masonry, hydraulic materials, manufacturing and relative assistance, means of lifting, transport, scaffolding, board and lodging of the technicians, VAT. The agreements and arrangements with agents, brokers and other intermediaries with the staff of Bruciatori Industriali Santin snc in general, are valid just for negotiations, with the approval of the seller.
Object. 2.1 The Sponsor entrusts the Entity and the Department with the execution of the Clinical Trial under the conditions indicated in this Agreement, in accordance with the Protocol, with any subsequent amendments, as well as with the changes to this Contract / budget deriving from them and formalized through the necessary acts of modification promptly signed. 2.2 The Clinical Trial must be conducted in the most scrupulous compliance with the Protocol, in the current version, accepted by the Principal Investigator and approved by the Ethics Committee and the Competent Authority, in accordance with current legislation on clinical trials of medicinal products and the ethical and deontological principles that inspire the medical activity of the professionals involved in various capacities. 2.3 The Trial must also be conducted in accordance with the principles contained in the Convention on
Object. The present general terms apply to sales contracts for goods sold and purchased by Jotun Italia Srl, with registered office in Muggia (TS) - Xxx X. Xxxxxxxx 8 – 34015 Italy, (hereafter The Company) and to the technical services it provides. Any exceptions to the present general terms of sale shall be valid and binding for the parties only for the specific supply of services to which they refer and only in the presence of a written agreement.
Object. 2.1 These General Sale Conditions rule the way and the sale conditions of the Products manufactured by Sylcom.