DELIVERY Cláusulas Exemplificativas

DELIVERY. The delivery deadline of the relevant order will be the one established in the Contract’s delivery schedule. All delivery deadlines are binding, mandatory and essential, and must be strictly met. No deliveries will be accepted before the deadlines agreed; if such deliveries are received, the Purchaser will be entitled to return any products at the Supplier’s costs received from the Supplier prior to the date agreed or, if it prefers, to accept them, albeit charging the Supplier for any storage costs or any other kind of costs incurred. The Purchaser will not be obligated to accept partial deliveries. Nevertheless, if the Purchaser accepts a partial delivery, the Purchase Order shall not be finalized until the whole fulfilment of its delivery schedule. The Purchaser reserves the right to terminate any order in whole or in part, not delivered within the relevant term, and the Purchaser may bring a claim against the Supplier for any loss and damage caused by this delay. I-P082-AC Level-0 22-06-16 Além disso, se os prazos de entrega não forem cumpridos, o Comprador poderá aplicar débitos ao Fornecedor de forma razoável em montante equivalente aos custos internos decorrentes da falha provocada pelo Fornecedor. Se os clientes do Comprador impuserem quaisquer débitos ao Comprador decorrentes do não cumprimento pelo Fornecedor dos prazos de entrega, o Comprador repassará estes débitos ao Fornecedor.
DELIVERY. As the innovation partnership is a contract for both the development and delivery of innovative solu- tions, the contracting authority can terminate the contract before proceeding to the delivery of the solutions only if the targets that the contracting au- thority set at the start of the procedure for the newly created innovative works, services or products were not reached during the R&D. The burden of proof that newly created solutions do not meet the initial targets and minimum requirements rests with the contracting authority. The procedure does not give the contracting authority the right to stop the proce- dure for other reasons if the targets and minimum requirements are met (e.g. not even if better solu- tions have emerged in the meantime on the market).
DELIVERY. Delivery is subject to Product availability should HP grant Recipient's Product grant Award. Reasonable efforts will be made to meet Recipient's Delivery requirements. razoáveis serão aplicados para atender aos requisitos de Entrega.
DELIVERY. Transfer of ownership and risks. Delivery. The place of delivery shall be the one that appears in the Order sent to the PROVIDER. CLIENT shall not be liable for goods sent to another address. Products shall be shipped, packed, marked, handled and dispatch with the care required
DELIVERY. 6.1 The deliveries, all or part of the products, should be strictly made within the terms and other conditions contained in the “Purchase”.
DELIVERY. The delivery deadline of the relevant order will be the one established in the Contract’s delivery schedule. All delivery deadlines are binding, mandatory and essential, and must be strictly met. No deliveries will be accepted before the deadlines agreed; if such deliveries are received, the Purchaser will be entitled to return any products at the Supplier’s costs received from the Supplier prior to the date agreed or, if it prefers, to accept them, albeit charging the Supplier for any storage costs or any other kind of costs incurred. The Purchaser will not be obligated to accept partial deliveries. Nevertheless, if the Purchaser accepts a partial delivery, the Purchase Order shall not be finalized until the whole fulfilment of its delivery schedule. The Purchaser reserves the right to terminate any order in whole or in part, not delivered within the relevant term, and the Purchaser may bring a claim against the Supplier for any loss and damage caused by this delay. Furthermore, if delivery deadlines are not met, the Purchaser may imposed to the Supplier liquidated damages worked out in a reasonable manner by Purchaser in amount equivalent to the internal costs derived from the breach. Should the Purchaser’s clients impose any liquidated damages on the Purchaser arising from the Supplier’s failure to meet the delivery deadlines, the Purchaser will charge these damages to the Supplier. 7. AMENDMENTS The Supplier may not modify the product or service referred to in the Contract (including any change or modifications in its specifications, design or materials), the production processes and/or
DELIVERY. 6.1 The deliveries, all or part of the products, should be strictly made within the terms and other conditions contained in the “Purchase”. 6.2 Clarios is not entitled to the payment of goods delivered in greater quantity and/or before the agreed term and, at its sole discretion, may reject the receipt, making goods available for withdrawal by Supplier within the term of five (5) days as of such availability. Elapsed such term without any provision by Supplier, Clarios may give the goods the destination that best suits, without being applied any penalty, and Supplier should refund Clarios for all expenses it has incurred, as a result of such failure, including, but not limited to: costs with destination environmentally appropriate of the goods, storage thereof, transport, etc. 6.3 In the event of delivery of goods in quantity lesser than that provided in the “Order” Clarios shall be entitled to: (i) request the delivery of the missing goods, by Supplier, within the maximum term of 24 (twenty-four) hours as of the date of information of the irregularity, or (ii) reject the further receipt of the missing goods, being refunded the value overpaid. In any event, it may be applied the penalties set forth in item 11, without prejudice of the reimbursement for extra freights and costs resulted from these delays and penalties, in the event of stoppages in the production line at Clarios and at its clients´. 6.4 Every item should be provided appropriately packed and palleted, aiming at its integrity and, for the fulfillment of such procedures, should meet all rules and regulations of Clarios, with regard to the composition of the package and considering

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