Term Cláusulas Exemplificativas

Term. This Guaranty shall remain in full force and effect until all the Secured Obliga- tions are fully paid or until the same are oth- erwise satisfied.
Term. 5.2.1 O prazo do aluguel do EQUIPAMENTO será de 3650 dias, contados a partir da data de emissão do TERMO DE ENTREGA E ACEITAÇÃO. 5.2.1 The rental period of the EQUIPMENT shall be 3650 days, as from the date of issuance of the STATEMENT OF DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE of the EQUIPMENT. 5.2.2 O prazo de vigência deste CONTRATO é o período contado a partir da DATA DE VIGÊNCIA até a data de término do prazo do aluguel do EQUIPAMENTO, conforme previsto na Cláusula 5.2.1 acima. 5.2.3 O término contratual não importará na ineficácia das Cláusulas Décima- Sexta, Vigésima-Segunda, Vigésima-Terceira e Vigésima-Quarta que restarão vigentes pelos prazos nelas estabelecidas ou pelos prazos prescricionais legalmente previstos. (Fim de Cláusula) 5.2.2 The term of validity of this AGREEMENT is the period starting from the EFFECTIVE DATE until the date of expiration of the rental period of the EQUIPMENT, as set forth in Article 5.2.1 above. 5.2.3 Articles Sixteen, Twenty-Second, Twenty-Third and Twenty-Forth shall survive the termination of this Agreement and shall remain in force for the terms provided therein or until the expiration of the applicable statute of limitations provided by law. (End of Article)
Term. Sinistro 31 Term. ret.
Term. Outros 33 Term. Dação 34 Term. revenda
Term. 10.1 The term of the contract will be 12 (twelve) months, starting on the date of its signature, and may be extended by limiting its duration to 60 (sixty) months, podendo ser prorrogado limitando a sua duração a 60 (sessenta) meses, conforme art. 71 da lei 13.303/16. 10.2 Caso haja interesse de ambas as partes na prorrogação da contratação, este deverá ser manifestado por escrito à parte contrária antes do término de vigência de cada período contratual.
Term. 3.1 Este Contrato entra em vigor na Data de Assinatura, permanecendo válido e exequível até o fim da Vigência Inicial mais o Prazo de Extensão, a não ser que seja rescindido antecipadamente pelas partes, de acordo com a a Cláusula 7 (“Prazo”). 3.1 This Agreement shall become effective as of the Effective Date and shall remain in full force and effect until the end of the Intitial Term plus any Term Extensions, unless and until terminated earlier by the Parties, pursuant to Section 8 (“Term”). 3.2 A Vigência Inicial deste Contrato poderá ser prorrogada por acordo escrito validamente assinado por ambas as Partes, mediante a celebração de termo aditivo ao menos 30 (trinta) dias antes do seu término ou de qualquer de suas eventuais prorrogações, se houver (“Prazo de Extensão”). 3.2 The Initial Term of this Agreement may be extended by a written agreement duly signed by both Parties, upon the execution of a contract amendment at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or any previously executed extensions, if any (“Term Extensions”).
Term. Article 3 - The Company shall exist for an undetermined period of duration.
Term. This Agreement will take effect from the Effective Date. This Agreement will expire upon December 31st of the next three year, unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Agreement or extended by completing extension progress on Huawei Partner Portal (eChannel, ePartner or any other platform as identified by Huawei, where applicable) and permitted by Huawei. Where such extension is agreed, all references to "Term" herein shall be deemed to cover the period of such extension.
Term. This Guaranty shall remain in full force and effect until all the Secured Obliga- tions are fully paid or until the same are oth- erwise satisfied. 4. Vigencia. Esta Fianza permanecerá en pleno vigor y con todos sus efectos hasta que todas las Obligaciones Garantizadas sean totalmente pagadas o hasta que las mismas sean cumplidas de cualquier otra manera.
Term. The contract comes into force on the date of signature of the CONTRACT granted by both parties.