Experience Recognition. 1. Effective July 1, 2022 employees who have worked as a teacher (or in a BCTF bargaining unit equivalent position) in British Columbia while employed by:
a. a First Nation, as defined in section 1 of the School Act, that is operating a school;
b. a Community Education Authority, as established by one or more participating First Nations under the First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act (Canada), that is operating a school; or
Experience Recognition. B.26.1 Dependent on the teacher producing satisfactory evidence, previous teaching experience accumulated up to the time of appointment will be recognized for salary purposes as follows:
a. Relevant/equivalent teaching experience gained in government-supported and inspected public schools in all countries will be recognized in full.
b. All other teaching experience, including private and independent schools, colleges, and universities, will be subject to assessment and approval prior to the recognition and granting of any credit for such experience. Previous teaching experience will be evaluated by the Superintendent or designate.
c. Every effort must be made to submit the notice of application for documentation to the Secretary-Treasurer within 30 teaching days of the first day of classroom instruction.
d. Pay for previous teaching experience will be retroactive to the first day of classroom instruction, provided that the required documentation is received by the Secretary-Treasurer on or before May 31 in the same school year. In the event of extenuating circumstances the Board will extend the May 31 date.
Experience Recognition. 1. Each teacher shall receive full recognition to the categories maximum for experience gained in:
a. Government funded and inspected schools in Canada, the British Commonwealth and the U.S.A.
b. Professional employment as a member of an accredited university or college faculty if the teacher holds a valid teaching certificate and the total load is nine (9) hours or more a week for a full academic year.
c. Professional employment by the Ministry of Education of British Columbia while holding a valid teaching certificate.
d. Service to the local Union or British Columbia Teachers' Federation shall carry full experience credit.
e. Experience as an Administrative Officer shall carry full experience credit.
f. A school, including DND and CUSO, while on an approved exchange and holding a valid teaching certificate.
g. Absence while on paid statutory sick leave, extended sick leave, maternity leave, and parental leave as defined by the Employment Standards Act shall carry full experience credit.
Experience Recognition. A registered employee with recent and related experience may claim consideration for such experience at the time of hire. Verification of previous related experience is required. Such experience will be evaluated by the Director of Care, or her designate, during the probationary period. Where such experience is determined to be relevant, the employee shall, upon completion of the employee's probationary period, advance 1 year on the grid for every full year of relevant experience. If a period of more than two (2) years has elapsed since the employee has occupied a full-time or a part-time nursing position, then the number of increments to be paid, if any, shall be at the discretion of the Employer. Employees placed higher on the grid than provided for in this Article shall not be moved backward on the grid.
Experience Recognition. For salary placement purposes only, a Teacher-Teaching-on-Call shall be granted one step on the increment scale on the salary grid for every one hundred sixty (160) full-time equivalent Teacher-Teaching-on-Call teaching days taught in the District. Note: Effective September 19, 2014, Teachers-Teaching-on-Call shall accrue experience credit and increments in accordance with Article C.4 (Teacher Teaching on Call Employment).
Experience Recognition. 1. Effective July 1, 2022 employees who have worked as a teacher (or in a BCTF bargaining unit equivalent position) in British Columbia while employed by:
a. a First Nation, as defined in section 1 of the School Act, that is operating a school;
b. a Community Education Authority, as established by one or more participating First Nations under the First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act (Canada), that is operating a school; or
c. a treaty First Nation that is operating a school under the treaty First Nation’s laws; shall receive credit for their work experience for the purposes of placement on the salary scale.
Experience Recognition a. All teaching experience as follows, on a continuing or temporary appointment or as a Principal / Vice Principal shall be recognized and credited for placement on the salary schedule:
i. in government inspected schools in the British Commonwealth and the United States;
ii. as a member of the faculty of education at a recognized university,
iii. teaching service or appropriate educational service as a member of the staff of the B.C. Ministry of Education,
iv. Department of National Defence teaching program:
v. other teaching experience where the experience is similar to that of experience gained in a school listed above, as determined by the Superintendent;
vi. other experience relevant to the teaching assignment, to a maximum of three (3) years, as determined by the Superintendent.
vii. decisions of the Superintendent are grievable at Stage 3.
b. All months and fractions of months of teaching service as specified in Article
Experience Recognition. As of January 1, 1974, teachers appointed on a regular part-time basis in this district shall be allowed to accrue experience proportionate to the fraction of the school year for which they are employed in the district.
Experience Recognition. 1. Full experience shall be granted to teachers who have had teaching experience in public schools or related educational services on a full time basis to a school district in Canada, U.S.A. or Commonwealth countries and private, vocational or parochial schools subject to government inspection in Canada, Department of National Defense and schools while on an approved exchange.
2. By October 15th (fifteenth) of each year the Board shall furnish to each teacher a statement of their category and experience as recognized by School District #87 for salary purposes.
3. Teachers appointed as part-time teachers shall accumulate experience credit proportionate to the percentage of time they are employed. Part-time experience credit shall be equated to full time experience by multiplying the fractional assignment by the number of months worked. e.g. 0.6 X 8 =4.8 full months.
Experience Recognition. 1. Years of actual experience in a teaching appointment, inclusive of periods during which a teacher is in receipt of short-term salary indemnity plan benefits, shall be recognized for salary purposes in accordance with the provisions stated herein under. For the purposes of this section, a year is an accumulation of teaching totalling ten (10) months’ employment.
2. Experience shall be recognized if earned teaching in public schools in Canada, the Commonwealth, the United States of America, and any other country in which the experience is equivalent to that of a teacher in a British Columbia public school.
3. Years of actual teaching experience may be recognized for teaching service in independent schools, accredited colleges, universities or government institutions, provided that the experience is equivalent to that of a teacher in the British Columbia public school system.
4. Substitute teaching experience within the School District shall accumulate for experience credit in the School District. One hundred and eighty-two (182) days of substitute teaching equals one (1) year of experience [Note: Effective September 19, 2014, one hundred and seventy (170) days of substitute teaching equals one (1) year of experience]. Upon appointment to a continuing or temporary position, a teacher may claim experience on the salary grid by submitting the documentation to the Superintendent of Schools/CEO.
5. Years of related experience as journeyman, technician or professional employee and receiving direct remuneration for service rendered may be recognized as years of teaching experience up to five (5) years if such experience is related to the subjects to be taught by the teacher concerned.
6. Teachers appointed as bona fide part-time or regular relieving teachers qualify for experience credit proportionate to the percentage of time they are employed, with the requirement that for one (1) year’s credit the cumulative percentage time must be equal to at least ten (10) months’ full-time employment.
7. No teacher shall suffer a loss of experience credit by the coming into effect of this agreement but will remain at the level earned until experience earned passes the current experience credit. Increments will be adjusted as they are due.