Occasional Teacher Sample Clauses

Occasional Teacher. The Board shall normally provide an occasional Teacher where a classroom Teacher is absent from regular classroom duties. This shall not preclude voluntary coverage by Teachers with the proper approval.
Occasional Teacher. An Occasional Teacher is a teacher holding a teaching certificate or a valid confirmation of qualifications allowing him or her to teach in an elementary or secondary school of Ontario and who is a valid member of the Ontario College of Teachers.
Occasional Teacher. An Occasional Teacher means a Teacher who is employed by the Board to teach as a substitute for a Teacher or a temporary Teacher who is or was employed by the Board in a position that is part of its regular teaching staff but, a) if the Occasional Teacher substitutes for a Teacher who has died during a school year, the Occasional Teacher’s employment as the substitute for him or her shall not exceed past the end of the school year in which the death occurred; and b) if the Occasional Teacher substitutes for a Teacher who is absent from his or her duties for a temporary period, the Occasional Teacher’s employment as the substitute for him or her shall not exceed past the end of the second school year after his or her absence begins. Save and except for emergency situations an Occasional Teacher must be a member of the Ontario College of Teachers under the authority of a letter of permission.
Occasional Teacher. The continuous employment of a long-term Occasional Teacher shall be deemed to be unbroken in the event of emergency school closure. In the event that the teacher being replaced (other than a teacher who is on sick leave) returns prior to the anticipated date of return, the long-term occasional teacher shall be terminated, but the Board shall give the long-term occasional teacher one (1) week’s notice of the termination of a long-term assignment, or one (1) weeks pay in lieu of notification. The one (1) weeks notice may include reassignment to another location at the long-term occasional teacher rate of pay up to the end of the notice period. When the teacher being replaced has been on sick leave and returns to his or her teaching duties, the long-term occasional teacher shall be terminated. The Principal of the school shall, wherever possible, give the long-term occasional teacher one (1) week's notice of the termination of a long-term assignment. ARTICLE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Occasional Teacher. The Board shall normally provide an occasional Teacher where a classroom Teacher is absent from regular classroom duties. This shall not preclude voluntary coverage by Teachers with the proper approval. 16:07 Lunch Time Each Teacher shall have a forty (40) minute uninterrupted scheduled interval for lunch, free of supervision or other duties. The middle 20 minutes of students’ scheduled interval for lunch shall be supervised by non-teaching staff who are not members of this bargaining unit. There shall be an equitable distribution of residual noon hour supervision.
Occasional Teacher. (1) A teacher, employed as an Occasional Teacher, qualified to teach in the secondary schools in Ontario according to the Ontario Statutes, shall be paid the minimum salary of Category 1, Year 0, of the District School Board Ontario North East Secondary Teachers’ grid (Appendix A) in effect divided by 1000 times 1.515 for a period to time of 75minutes + 5 minutes. Period 75 minutes + 5 minutes (2) A teacher, employed as an Occasional Teacher, not qualified to teach in the secondary schools in Ontario according to the Ontario Statutes, shall be paid 75% of the rate as established in Article 8.01 (a) (1) (includes statutory holiday pay) $59.96 X 75% = $44.97 (includes statutory holiday pay) (3) A scheduled period of instruction less than 75 minutes shall be pro rated. 60 minute period
Occasional Teacher a) Whenever possible, the board shall be responsible for the provision of an occasional Teacher on the first day of absence for classroom Teachers and itinerant Teachers. Teachers cannot be assigned the responsibility or task to secure an occasional teacher. b) Except for absence due to attending an in-service, a Program Resource Teacher shall be considered equivalent to a classroom Teacher for the purpose of this Article. c) Where preparation time for classroom Teachers is missed due to the unavailability of an occasional Teacher, or a regularly scheduled school function or a Board in-service/workshop where attendance is mandated, missed preparation time will be tracked and banked by the classroom Teacher and provided at a later date in consultation with the Principal.

Related to Occasional Teacher

  • Long Term Occasional Teachers or teachers hired in term positions, shall be eligible for the SEB as described herein for a maximum of eight (8) weeks with the length of the benefit limited by the term of the assignment. Teachers on daily casual assignments are not entitled to the benefits outlined in this article.

  • Consulting Teachers 14.3.1 A Consulting Teacher provides assistance to a Participating Teacher pursuant to the PAR program. The qualifications for the Consulting Teacher shall be set forth in the Rules and Procedures, with the minimum qualifications: (a) Must be a permanent, credentialed, bargaining unit member. (b) Must have successfully taught in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District or three of the last five years, spending at least fifty percent of a full-time position providing instruction to students. (c) With Association Representative Council approval, the minimum number of years in Article 13.3.1.b may be changed from three to two. Request must be in writing. (x) Xxxxx demonstrate exemplary teaching abilities, as indicated by effective communication skills, extensive knowledge and mastery of subject matter, and mastery of a range of teaching strategies necessary to meet the needs of pupils in different contexts. 14.3.2 Each applicant for the position of Consulting Teacher shall be required to submit a) From a site principal or other school district administrator and, b) From an Association member. 14.3.3 Consulting Teachers shall be selected and submitted for approval to the Governing Board by five (5) affirmative votes of the Joint Committee following classroom observations by the committee members. 14.3.4 A Consulting Teacher shall be provided necessary release time as approved by the Joint Committee. 14.3.5 A Consulting Teacher who has been selected to fill an administrative position within the District may not continue to serve as a Consulting Teacher. 14.3.6 The Joint Committee will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Consulting Teachers and make decisions regarding their continuation in the program. The Joint Committee may remove a Consulting Teacher from the position at any time because of the specific needs of the PAR Program, unsatisfactory performance of the Consulting Teacher, or for other reasons which serve the PAR Program's best interest. Prior to the effective date of such removal, the Joint Committee will meet with the Consulting Teacher. 14.3.7 Consulting Teachers shall assist Participating Teachers by demonstrating, observing, coaching, conferencing, in-servicing, referring, or by any other activities which, in their professional judgement, will assist the Participating Teacher. 14.3.8 The Consulting Teacher shall meet with the Referred Participating Teacher to discuss the PAR program, establish mutually agreed upon performance goals, develop the improvement plan, and develop a process for determining successful completion of the plan. The Consulting Teacher shall conduct multiple observations of the Referred Participating Teacher's performance with students, and shall meet with the Participating Teacher to review and discuss observations. 14.3.9 The Referred Participating Teacher shall be entitled to review all reports generated by the Consulting Teacher prior to their submission to the Joint Committee and to have affixed thereto his/her comments. To effectuate this right, the Consulting Teacher shall provide the Participating Teacher being reviewed with copies of such reports at least ten (10) working days prior to any such meeting. 14.3.10 The Consulting Teacher shall monitor the progress of the Referred Participating Teacher and provide periodic written reports to the Referred Participating Teacher for discussion and review, prior to sending periodic written reports to the Joint Committee. 14.3.11 The Consulting Teacher shall provide assistance, not to exceed one school year, to the Referred Teacher until he/she concludes that the teaching performance of the Referred Teacher is satisfactory, or that further assistance will not be productive. The Joint Committee may offer assistance beyond the one-year period. A copy of the Consulting Teacher's Final Report shall be submitted to and discussed with the Referred Participating Teacher to receive his/her input before it is submitted to the Joint Committee. The Referred Participating Teacher shall sign the report to indicate that he/she received a copy. The Referred Participating Teacher shall have the right to submit a written response that shall be attached to the Consulting Teacher's report, within ten (10) working days. The Referred Participating Teacher shall also have the right to request and meet with the Joint Committee to discuss the Consulting Teacher's report accompanied by an Association representative. 14.3.12 The results of the Referred Participating Teacher's participation in the PAR program shall be made available for placement in his/her personnel file, and may be used in the evaluation of the Referred Participating Teacher. 14.3.13 Upon the completion of the contracted term of service as a Consulting Teacher, if the Consulting Teacher were released from regular classroom duties, he/she shall be returned 14.3.14 The District shall defend and hold harmless individual members of the Joint Committee and Consulting Teachers from any lawsuit or claim arising out of the performance of their duties under this Program. The Association retains the right to participate in the litigation. 14.3.15 Consulting Teachers, Support Providers, and teacher members of the Joint Committee shall not be considered management or supervisory employees as defined in the Educational Employment Relations Act, and shall retain their status as bargaining unit members.

  • Progressive Discipline Both parties endorse the principle of progressive discipline as applied to professionals.

  • Itinerant Teachers Schedules of regularly assigned teachers who are assigned to and travel to more than one school or student home on a given day shall be arranged so that no teacher shall be required without his/her consent to engage in inter-school or inter-home (for home bound teachers) travel of more than thirty-five

  • Teacher The term, “teacher,” shall mean all persons in the appropriate unit employed by the School District in a position for which the person must be licensed by the State of Minnesota, but shall not include superintendent, assistant superintendent, principals and assistant principals who devote more than 50% of their time to administrative or supervisory duties, confidential employees, and such other employees excluded or included by law.

  • New Teachers No new teachers shall be hired for a vacancy for which a teacher on unrequested leave is certified.

  • Traveling Teachers Traveling teachers are those who are not assigned a dedicated classroom of their own due to limited space. If traveling is necessary within a subject area, traveling status should be rotated. In order to facilitate optimum conditions for instruction, traveling teachers should, to the greatest extent practicable, be provided the following: 1. A quiet, secure space that contains a desk and filing space; 2. Storage space within the classrooms used for instruction; 3. A designated bulletin board and/or chalk or white board in the classrooms used for instruction; 4. An appropriate cart to transfer materials; 5. Supplies needed for instruction to the same extent as other teachers and those unique to traveling teachers.

  • Exclusive Service Employee shall devote his best efforts and full time to rendering services on behalf of the Corporation in furtherance of its best interests. Employee shall comply with all policies, standards and regulations of the Corporation now or hereafter promulgated, and shall perform his duties under this Agreement to the best of his abilities and in accordance with standards of conduct applicable to officers of banks.

  • Student Teachers A. The term "student teacher" as used hereinafter shall refer to student teachers, intern teachers and all other such programs. Agreement to become a supervising teacher of a student teacher shall be strictly voluntary and is recognized not to result in such bargaining unit members becoming supervisors within the meaning of the Public Employment Relations Act (PERA). Probationary teachers are prohibited from accepting student teachers. B. It is expressly agreed that the Association may refuse to permit a bargaining unit member from supervising or directing the activities of a student teacher in the event: 1. The student teacher would displace instructional aides, para- professionals, or other current employees then employed. 2. The use of such student teacher would be used by the Employer as a basis for not hiring additional bargaining unit personnel. C. The Board shall disclose all terms of any agreement between it and any student placing institution. The terms and conditions of placement of student teachers shall be consistent with this agreement, unless otherwise agreed to by the Association. D. The supervising teacher shall have the right to accept an honorarium or other such token of appreciation as may be offered by the student/intern placing institution. E. Prior to acceptance of a student teacher, there shall be a meeting between the teacher, prospective student teacher, principal, president of the Association or an executive committee member of the Association. Following this interview, the teacher shall then have the right to accept or reject the student teacher. F. Any terms or conditions of this section not previously specified in this agreement shall be negotiated between the Board and the Association prior to implementation of future programs.

  • Teachers Xxxxxx Xxxxxx (lead), Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Board: Xxx Xxxxxxxx (lead), Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, and Xxxx Xxxxx Supt: Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Xxx Xxxxxxxxx