Advanced Study Leave. A teacher who has been employed with the School Corporation for at least one (1) year and who has not yet earned such teacher's Master's Degree shall be granted a leave of absence without compensation to undertake full-time studies directed towards obtaining such degree, provided that the School Corporation shall not be required to grant leave under this section to any greater number of teachers than three (3) in one school year. Such leave shall not extend for a greater period than one (1) school year, although the School Corporation may, on a discretionary basis and without salary increase increments for the period of renewal, renew the leave for one (1) school year or less should the teacher apply for a renewal. The corporation may also in its discretion grant such study leave as is referred to herein to a greater number of teachers than three (3) but shall in no event be required to do so.
Advanced Study Leave. A Licensed Staff Member may apply for a leave of absence to pursue advanced study. Requests for this leave must be submitted on or before February 1 or October 1 proceeding the school semester when the leave is to begin and shall include the line of study to be pursued and the college or university to be attended. The Board will make the decision in accordance with the best interests of the District as far as programs, students and staff is concerned.
Advanced Study Leave. After one (1) year of employment, leave may be granted for job related study up to one (1) year, and the employee will return to the first available job opening without loss of seniority or other accrued benefits. Request for advanced study leave must be submitted sixty (60) days prior to the time leave is desired and the request must be in writing.
Advanced Study Leave. A. Upon application, an employee with at least three (3) years seniority with the District may be granted a leave without pay for purpose(s) of advanced study.
B. Applications for this leave shall be submitted to the Superintendent for approval. An explanation for the anticipated course work shall accompany this request. This leave shall be granted for a period up to one (l) year.
Advanced Study Leave. A leave for advanced study may be granted when, in the considered judgment of the Board of School Trustees, the professional competence of the applicant and the general welfare of the students of the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation will be benefited. The Board may grant a leave of absence without pay for advanced study to permanent teachers hired by the Board. In order to qualify for a leave of absence under this paragraph, a teacher must submit the course of study to be followed with the leave request and carry a full academic load while pursuing such course of study. Upon return of a teacher from the leave provided for in this section to employment with the Board, the Board will:
A. Place the teacher in the same school, teaching position or other assignment(s) occupied or performed by said teacher prior to taking this leave of absence, provided the building principals choose to hold the teaching position during the leave of absence.
B. Declare the teacher excess upon their return and place them according to the excess teacher procedures outlined in the administrative guidelines, provided the building principals choose not to hold the teaching position during the leave of absence.
Advanced Study Leave. After one (1) year of continuous regular employment, leave will be granted for job related study up to one (1) year, and the employee will return to the first job opening without loss of seniority or other accrued benefits. Request for advanced study leave must be submitted sixty (60) days prior to the time leave is desired and the request must be in writing. Employees who are granted unpaid educational leave as above and who return to the Employer and subsequently remain in employment for one (1) calendar year, shall be granted reimbursement of tuition or licensure or certification expense incurred; provided the educational program and cost was approved in writing in advance by the Employer.
Advanced Study Leave. A. Bargaining Unit Members with five (5) years of successive teaching experience with the District may be granted an educational leave of absence without pay up to one (1) year to pursue graduate study at a recognized institution of higher learning.
B. Requests for leave shall be submitted by March 1 to the immediate supervisor who will process the leave order to obtain the necessary approvals. Documentation as to school registration shall accompany the request.
C. Salary credits shall be extended for this leave. Other benefits will be made as provided for in the State Code. Following such leave seniority for suspension purposes previously obtained shall not be lost, but seniority for suspension purposes shall not be deemed to have accrued during such leave.
D. Individuals granted such leaves must return to the District immediately upon expiration of the leave and shall serve in the District for at least one
(1) year. The waiving of this provision will be at the discretion of the Board.
Advanced Study Leave. (1) Any administrator with a minimum of three (3) years of active service as an administrator at the College may be granted a leave of absence without pay for advanced study for a period not to exceed one year, upon recommendation by the President. Any extension of time shall be made only by special action of the Board.
(2) Upon return from Advanced Study Leave, the administrator shall submit a report to the President. If an abuse of the leave's purpose is apparent, it shall be treated as a Personal Leave with no increment accruing.
Advanced Study Leave. Upon application, a leave of absence for the purpose of advanced study up to two (2) years may be granted to any teacher. Such leave shall be unpaid and shall be subject to all of the applicable notice and other requirements as set forth in Section M, General Conditions for Leaves of Absence.
Advanced Study Leave a. Any non-probationary unit member with a minimum of three (3) years of active service in the Dearborn School System may be granted a leave of absence without pay for advanced study for a period not to exceed one year, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent. Any extension of time shall be made only by special action of the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent.
b. Upon return from Advanced Study Leave, the unit member shall submit an appropriate report to the Superintendent. If an abuse of the leave's purpose is apparent, it will be treated as a personal leave with no increment accruing.
c. A unit member who has been on an advanced study leave shall not be eligible for another professional leave for a three (3) year period.