Association Bulletin Boards Sample Clauses
Association Bulletin Boards. The employer will provide bulletin board space in each building which may be used by the Association for posting notices of the following types:
1. Notices of Association recreational and social events.
2. Notices of Association elections.
3. Notices of results of Association elections.
Association Bulletin Boards. The Association shall have the use of one (1) bulletin board in each school building, which may be used for matters relating to the official business of the Association. These bulletin boards shall be located in the teacher lounges, or at such other mutually agreeable location as may be determined in each building.
Association Bulletin Boards. The Hospital will provide a 20x20 inch, 31 visible and accessible Association Bulletin Board: (1) in each unit break room and/or 32 common area as mutually agreed between the Vice President for Nursing or designee 33 and the unit representative chairperson; (2) inside third floor nursing complex; (3) in the 1 employee cafeteria (36x36 inch). Posted Association communications will be confined to 2 Association Bulletin Boards only, and only Association postings will be put on these 3 boards.
Association Bulletin Boards. The Board shall provide bulletin boards in each building designated for Association use, and the Association will maintain them in an orderly fashion. The use of bulletin boards and other established written media of the Association shall be confined to designated places in each building.
Association Bulletin Boards. A. The Association shall be provided use of bulletin board space in the teachers' lounge or work area of each school building or work site.
Association Bulletin Boards. The College agrees to furnish and maintain suitable dedicated association space on all personnel bulletin boards to be used for the Association in each building.
Association Bulletin Boards. The Employer agrees to provide suitable space for Association bulletin boards and access to school mail. Posting by the Association on such boards is to be confined to official business.
Association Bulletin Boards. The Association shall have the right to post notices of its activities and matters of Association concern on an employee bulletin board provided for that purpose in each building in a location not accessible to students. A bulletin board shall be provided at the Superintendent’s office for the bus drivers and at the maintenance building for the mechanics. It shall be the responsibility of the Building Representative and/or members of the GREA Executive Committee to approve the posting of all material placed on the bulletin board.
Association Bulletin Boards. 28.01 The Employer agrees to furnish the Association adequate bulletin boards at such locations as shall be agreed between the Association and the department head. The boards shall be used only for the following notices: Association Meetings, Association Elections, and Reports of the Association, Rulings or Policies of the Association, Recreational and Social Affairs of the Association. Notices and announcements shall not contain anything of a political or partisan nature, nor shall they be derogatory with respect to the County, the Employer or any employee.
Association Bulletin Boards. The County agrees to provide suitable space on County bulletin board(s) for Association use. No material shall be posted except notices of meetings and elections, results of elections, changes in Association by-laws, newsletters, notices of employee social occasions and similar Association business. All material shall be signed by an officer or xxxxxxx of the Association and dated. Postings shall be limited to the official bulletin board space.