Audition Committee Sample Clauses

Audition Committee. 1. The Preliminary Round Audition Committee may or may not include the Music Director and shall be composed of tenured Musicians as follows: a. For string auditions: the five string Principals. b. For woodwind auditions: each section Principal. c. For brass auditions: each section Principal. d. For percussion and timpani auditions: Principal timpani and Principal percussion plus up to two members of the percussion section. 2. In addition to the Music Director, the Final Round Audition Committee shall be composed of tenured members as follows: a. For string auditions: the five string principals plus the Assistant Principal of the section involved. Violin auditions only require both section Principals. b. For woodwind auditions: each section Principal plus one tenured member of the instrument section involved. c. For brass auditions: each section Principal plus one tenured member of the instrument section involved. d. For percussion auditions: the section Principal plus one tenured member of the percussion section. e. For Concertmaster, Assistant Concertmaster or Principal string vacancies: all other Orchestra Principals, plus the Assistant Principal of the instrument section involved. Two tenured members of the instrument section involved, chosen by lottery from volunteers, shall be invited to participate. f. For all other Principal vacancies: all other Orchestra Principals, plus at least one member of the instrument section involved. All tenured members of the instrument section shall be invited to participate. 3. Any Musician creating a vacancy shall not serve on the Audition Committee. 4. If one of the Musicians on the Audition Committee is unable to serve because of illness or other emergency or because they may not serve pursuant to Section V. C, 3, the Personnel Manager, in consultation with the Music Director, may appoint another tenured Musician in his or her place.
Audition Committee. (A) The Audition Committee shall consist of five (5) members elected by secret ballot from among the tenured Musicians. This Committee shall be designated as Panel A. A Chair shall be selected by the five elected members of Panel A. (1) Two additional committees, each consisting of five (5) alternate Audition Committee members shall also be elected by the Orchestra from among the tenured Musicians. These committees shall be designated as Panel B and Panel C. (2) The Chair shall notify the Employer, in writing, of the results of the elections for Panels A, B and C within thirty (30) days after the end of every season. (3) An alternate Audition Committee member shall serve in the absence of a Panel A Audition Committee member. The Audition Committee Chair shall ask Panel B members first, and then Panel C members. (4) At the request of the Artistic Director, or any member of Panel A, a vote to relieve the Audition Committee Chair of his/her duties will be taken by the members of Panel A. Should the majority vote for relieving the Chair of duties, a new Chair shall be selected by the five Panel A members. (B) In addition to the five (5) Audition Committee members (Section 8.1(A) above), one (1) tenured member from each section (strings, woodwinds, brass and percussion) shall be elected to the Audition Committee by secret ballot by each respective section stated above. The Audition Committee Chair shall hold these elections at least one (1) week prior to the end of each season, and notify management of the results in writing within 30 days after the end of every season. These additional members shall serve on the Audition Committee only when vacancies occur in their respective sections. (C) The Principal player will serve as a member of the Audition Committee when vacancies occur in his/her section. If the Principal player is unavailable, then the Assistant Principal player will serve as a member of the Audition Committee; if the Assistant Principal player is unavailable, then a Principal from a related section chosen by the Audition Committee Chair will serve as a member on the Audition Committee. For the violins, however, the order shall be Concertmaster, then Principal Second, the Assistant Concertmaster, then Assistant Principal Second, then a Principal player from a related section chosen by the Audition Committee Chair. (D) Orchestra Musicians who serve on Audition Committees will be paid $20.00 per hour for each hour of scheduled auditions, with a minimu...
Audition Committee. The purpose of the Audition Committee is to assist the Music Director in the hiring of musicians, with the decision of the Music Director to be considered final, provided that the Audition Committee does not unanimously oppose the Music Director’s decision to hire a candidate. The Audition Committee shall consist of: a. Section Principal (or at least one (1) section musician designated by the Orchestra Committee if the audition is for a principal position). b. A Family Principal. c. Three (3) other musicians designated by the Orchestra Committee in consultation with the Music Director. If this committee composition is not possible, exceptions may be made by the Orchestra Committee in consultation with the Music Director and the Union. However, auditions shall not be conducted if the Music Director is absent or fewer than three (3) members of the Audition Committee are present. Management shall provide a xxxxxxx to work with candidates behind the screen and in order to facilitate any communication between candidate, the Audition Committee and the Music Director.
Audition Committee. Committee Members will receive an honorarium of $50.00 per day when an audition occurs on the same day as another VSO service, $125.00, plus Mileage (7.7), per day when the audition occurs on a day when there is not another VSO service. Per Diem (7.6) shall apply in both cases.
Audition Committee. The Audition Committee shall number five (5) MEMBERS in addition to the Music Director, except for a Concert Master audition, the Audition Committee shall number seven (7). The Audition Committee must be present for all audition rounds. The Music Director must be present for at least the Final round. Audition Committees shall consist of: One (1) other violin Two (2) other non-string players The Principal from the affected section Two (2) other string players One (1) other non-string player (or woodwind player if Principal vacancy) One (1) Principal woodwind from any section One (1) woodwind player One (1) string player One (1) player selected from among brass, percussion One (1) percussion section player One (1) woodwind player One (1) string player One (1) player selected from among brass, percussion One (1) Principal woodwind player One (1) Principal brass player One (1) string player One (1) player selected from among brass, percussion or harp One (1) brass player One (1) woodwind player One (1) player selected from among string, percussion or harp
Audition Committee. 1. The purpose of the Audition Committee is to assist the Music Director in the hiring of Musicians, with the decision of the Music Director to be considered final, provided that the Audition Committee does not unanimously oppose the Music Director’s decision to hire a candidate. Musicians shall not be paid for service on the Audition Committee. The Audition Committee shall consist of: a. The Section Principal (or at least one Section Musician designated by the Orchestra Committee if the audition is for a Principal position); b. a Family Principal; and c. three (3) other Musicians designated by the Orchestra Committee in consultation with the Music Director. 2. In the event that a Musician must be absent from a scheduled audition, the Music Director, in coordination with the Chair of the Orchestra Committee, may designate a replacement.
Audition Committee. A. For each audition the Music Director shall be assisted by: 1) Members of the Orchestra Committee who shall assist the Personnel Manager; 2) Persons designated by Management to assist the Personnel Manager. B. For each audition, the Music Director shall be assisted by an Audition Committee of nine (9) Opera House Orchestra members, with respect to the following vacancies: 1) Strings: The Concertmaster (1) other string principal (from the section involved) Three (3) members of the section involved, chosen by lot Three (3) members from the other string sections, chosen by lot One (1) woodwind, brass, or percussion player, chosen by lot 2) Brass and Woodwind: The Concertmaster All principals of the choir involved Remaining members of the section involved (not auditionees) One (1) member of the percussion or other choir One (1) horn One (1) string 3) Horn: The Concertmaster Three (3) brass and woodwind principals, not all from the same choir Remaining members of the section involved (not auditionees) One (1) member of the percussion or string choir 4) Percussion: The Concertmaster All members of the percussion section Two (2) strings Three (3) brass and woodwind 5) String principals and associate principals: The Concertmaster All string principals One (1) brass or percussion principal One (1) woodwind principal Two (2) string players from section involved
Audition Committee any audition committee provided for and formed under article 10 of this agreement.
Audition Committee a. The Audition Committee for any auditioned position will consist of the Music Director, Concertmaster and a minimum of three (3) Principals from any section, up to a maximum of five (5) Principals; and b. the Music Director may appoint additional musical specialists at their discretion. c. Audition Committee members shall be consulted as to their availability prior to scheduling auditions. d. Auditions shall not be scheduled if less than four (4) Audition Committee members are available. e. The Society agrees to pay Audition Committee members a fee of $50 for up to three (3) hours per audition. For work performed over three (3) hours in a day, a fee of $8.50 per one half (.5) hour is applicable.
Audition Committee. The parties agree that all auditions for Chorister positions will be heard by an Audition Committee composed of no fewer than 2 senior employees including, not limited to, the Chorus Director and full-time members of the Music/Artistic staff. The composition of the Audition Committee will be at the sole discretion of the Company. The members of the Audition Committee must be the same for each scheduled audition session. Further, it is understood that the Audition Committee will select Choristers to be cast in Chorus Bit roles for the upcoming season.