Bar Dues Sample Clauses

Bar Dues. ‌ The County will pay the State Bar of California dues for all probationary and permanent employees in the bargaining unit.
Bar DuesThe City will pay 100% of the cost of employeesCalifornia State Bar dues and dues for the San Diego County Bar Association. This section does not entitle an employee to have the City pay section membership dues.
Bar Dues. 244. Each full time employee who has been employed in classes Court Staff Attorney I (311C), Court Staff Attorney II (312C) and Senior Court Staff Attorney (316C) or (0676) Legal Research Assistant for more than one year as of January 15th of each year shall be reimbursed for the full amount of his/her annual basic California State Bar dues for that calendar year. Employees who are appointed at less than full time, under the same conditions, will be reimbursed for a pro rata share based upon the fractional time base, e.g. half time equals half payment. In addition, specialty department dues will be paid at the discretion of the Court Executive Officer if that specialty department is job related. Payment shall be made no later than February 15th of each year covered by this Agreement.
Bar Dues. The County of Fresno shall pay directly to the State Bar of California, Bar Dues for each employee covered by this MOU. The County of Fresno shall not pay for any Attorney Specialization Bar Dues nor Section Membership fees. Employees shall submit their fee statements to the District Attorney’s Office and Department of Child Support Services no later than thirty (30) days prior to the due date shown on the fee statement to allow for timely processing and payment. Employees who do not submit their fee statement at least thirty (30) days prior to the due date shall be required to pay their Bar Dues directly to the State Bar of California. The County shall, upon request, reimburse these employees for their payment of Bar Dues providing that the request for reimbursement is made in the current fiscal year (June 30). The employee shall be responsible for any penalties and fees that may be assessed as a result of failure to pay Bar Dues timely.
Bar Dues. For each employee the City will pay dues for the Washington State Bar Association and, if requested by the employee, one (1) section of the Washington State Bar Association and the Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys.
Bar Dues. The County of Fresno shall pay directly to the State Bar of California, Bar Dues for each employee covered by this MOU. The County of Fresno shall not pay for any Attorney Specialization Bar Dues nor Section Membership fees. Employees shall submit their fee statements to the Public Defender’s Office no later than thirty (30) days prior to the due date shown on the fee statement to allow for timely processing and payment. Employees who do not submit their fee statement at least thirty (30) days prior to the due date shall be required to pay their Bar Dues directly to the State Bar of California. The County shall, upon request, reimburse these employees for their payment of Bar Dues providing that the request for reimbursement is made in the current fiscal year (June 30). The employee shall be responsible for any penalties and fees that may be assessed as a result of failure to pay Bar Dues timely. Association members are eligible for bilingual skill pay of $50 per pay period. Designated Bilingual Skill Pay positions are at the sole discretion of the Department Head. Position designation/eligibility shall be governed by the Fresno County Salary Resolution, Section 533 with the exception of 533.1.
Bar DuesThe Employer will pay the annual bar licensing fees in one state for each employee subject to this agreement who is employed as an attorney, provided that the individual is employed either on a full-time basis or, if on a part-time basis, the employee works twenty (20) or more hours per week. If the attorney is licensed in Washington State and another state, NWIRP will pay the annual bar licensing fees for licensure in Washington State. If the attorney is licensed in more than one state, neither of which is Washington, NWIRP will pay the bar licensure fees for the state which has the lowest such fees.
Bar DuesThe County shall pay attorneys' State bar dues excluding the portion designated for political purposes, under the following conditions: 1. Possession of the license must be a requirement of the position; 2. The employee may not use the license for outside employment; 3. If the employee leaves County employment during the year, the County's contribution shall be pro-rated (i.e., if the bar dues have been paid in advance by the County, the employee shall be required to reimburse the County for the pro-rated portion of the dues). 4. During the term of this agreement, the County shall reimburse employees in Association represented job classifications annually for the cost of California District Attorneys Association Deputy District Attorney dues. Payments for part-time employees will be pro-rated based on their percentage of full- time employment.
Bar Dues. Full-time permanent exempt employees who, as a condition of employment, are required to be a member of the California State Bar shall be reimbursed for his/her annual mandatory minimum California State Bar dues.
Bar Dues. In consideration of the fact that employees covered by this Agreement must practice their profession solely for the benefit of Monterey County, the County agrees to pay Association members’ mandatory basic California State Bar dues on or before the due date deadline for said mandatory Bar dues. In order to receive this benefit, each eligible employee shall submit a copy of his/her bill from the California State Bar Association to the designated person within the Public Defender’s office at least 30 calendar days in advance of the due date.