Base Mapping Sample Clauses
Base Mapping. The City will provide base mapping for the project based on a ground topographic survey, including utilities, existing right-of-way (highway boundary lines), existing easements, approximate property lines, reputed owner names and addresses and existing contours at 0.25 foot intervals.
Base Mapping. Based on the findings from previous tasks, we will develop the base map for the design of the project. We will do this by incorporating the topographic survey, boundary mapping, utility information, record drawings, atlas maps, archeologic investigations, habitat mapping, and other applicable information in developing precise locations and alignments for the proposed improvements and facilities.
Base Mapping. The field data will be reduced and the design survey base map will be completed. A surface will be created and contours shown in the design survey. The
Base Mapping. In order to ensure that this work can proceed without delay, as a first order of work, Consultant will apply for a City and Caltrans Encroachment Permit and for any other required permits to allow for site investigations and studies to be performed. Consultant shall conduct field visits and possible topographic surveys as needed throughout the various phases of work and approval process in order to ensure that important features are not missed and that recently installed features are identified. The field investigations and site visits will focus on notable features that will be critical to the alternative analysis and design development. Consultant will set the project control and flight crosses to develop the aerial planimetric base maps. Additionally the datum and survey control will need to verified prior to conducted topographic field surveys; Consultant shall conduct field topographic surveys, conforming to 1983 NAD (horizontal datum) and 1988 NAVD (Vertical Datum), to establish the base mapping and provide an accurate Project background. Existing documentation will be used to establish the existing right of way based on record data. The right of way will be added to the Project base sheets from the record data information.
Base Mapping. The “Project Area” of coverage for this site consists of strip mapping running along the existing levee beginning at the northwesterly termination point at the City of San Mateo, continuing southerly along the existing levee to the southwesterly termination point. The lateral limits of the strip will generally include the water, or toe of levee on the outboard side, and on the inboard side, the private property, the adjacent street and respective improvements. The mapping will also show the Mariner’s Point Golf Center on East Third Avenue. There are some additional areas of coverage as shown on Figure 1.
Figure 1. Limits of Base Mapping shown in Shaded Region
1. Research current subdivision mapping, benchmarks and records of survey for the project area.
2. Locate City monuments (+/-47) as shown on the above historical record mapping and survey their locations utilizing GPS and field survey methods. This data will be used to determine the property lines within the project area.
3. Locate enough monuments to reconstruct the City boundary and easement lines along the levee.
4. Locate historic survey points set for the current City photo base maps.
5. Coordinate the mapping to the earlier mapping utilizing the same horizontal control points as appropriate.
6. Locate City bench marks and confirm vertical data.
7. Mapping will be at 40 Scale with photogrammetric sections at 50-feet and 1-foot contour interval. 8. Vertical datum will be NAVD 88, horizontal datum will be State Plane.
Base Mapping. Import COCS tax lot linework into base map. Generate Civil3D surface model(s) representing existing surface conditions in each section. The PDB team will use a combination of survey data including break lines, features, and spot locations to develop the surface model. The resulting topographic survey base map will provide the project team with the existing conditions data necessary for design purposes. CAD base map and 3D surface model.
Base Mapping. With the aerial topography, utility research, and site reconnaissance data, KWC will prepare base mapping that will be used as the background for all designs prepared for the project. Xxx Xxxxxxxxx will be responsible for putting together the base mapping and will coordinate additional field surveying, if necessary, to pick up additional features that may be beneficial to show on the base mapping. Once completed, the base mapping will be sent to the design team for use in proceeding with preliminary design.
Base Mapping. The MIG Team will create maps of the planning area that include regional context, community facilities and amenities, major transportation infrastructure, existing transportation services (e.g. transit, bike/ped facilities, and ferry service), and relevant demographic and socioeconomic information.
Base Mapping. Consultant will use City and County GIS data, Urban Footprint, and other data to create base mapping for the Study Area. The maps will include transportation infrastructure, building footprints, parcel lines, public ROW, and utilities. The maps will also include data such as land uses, roadway configuration including number of travel lanes, types of medians, bike lanes, parking lanes, locations where parking spaces back out onto the corridor, sidewalks and sidewalk gaps, crosswalks, gaps in ADA accessibility, pedestrian signals, collision data, and trip generators. The City will review a preliminary list of available data compiled by Consultant and will assist in identifying additional data as part of this task. Consultant will also conduct an onsite analysis to study the existing conditions in the Study Area and the immediate surrounding context, including land use and the overall character of the corridor. The site visit will help identify key issues, constraints, and opportunities; document existing site conditions; and identify the logical segments of the corridor that will be used throughout the project.
Base Mapping. It is assumed existing photogrammetric base mapping prepared in the PA&ED phase will be used in preparing the plans. The existing 2-dimensional photogrammetric linework will be updated to reflect the existing conditions using current high-resolution aerial imagery. Recent projects which have been constructed since the photogrammetry was prepared will be reflected in the base mapping. The photogrammetry will also be updated with supplemental topographic surveys as outlined in the scope of work below. Supplemental Topographic Surveys will be conducted to facilitate design efforts. It is assumed encroachment permits will allow access of local roads and Caltrans right of way.