Utility Research Sample Clauses

Utility Research.  WSC’s utility research subconsultant, Ashley and Xxxxx, will prepare a draft utility letter to request record drawings from utility owners with facilities in the areas of each pump station.  A utility database will be prepared and maintained to document and track the status of utility information.  The utility drawings will be combined with the base map created by the surveyor and the private property utility locator findings and used to identify potential conflicts with proposed sewer alignments.
Utility Research.  WSC’s utility research subconsultant, Ashley and Xxxxx, will conduct utility research for the Phase II pump stations similar to that described in Task 4.1.
Utility Research. Potholing
Utility Research. ⮚ Prepare a draft utility letter to request record drawings from utility owners with facilities in the areas of each pump station. ⮚ The utility drawings will be combined with the base map and used to identify potential conflicts with proposed sewer alignments.
Utility Research. Consultant will obtain available record information from public agencies and private utilities at a level sufficient for planning and preliminary design. Depending upon the preferred Project alternative and discovery of interfering utilities, potholing may be recommended. Those costs are unknown and not included in the scope of services.
Utility Research. Xxxxxx-Xxxx will research existing wet utilities in the project area based on the readily available as-built drawings provided by the City. Xxxxxx-Xxxx will reach out to the dry utility providers operating in the study area and request, through the City, their record facility maps. Wet and dry utilities will be combined with the survey information to create an existing utility base map. Xxxxxx-Xxxx staff will perform one site visit to field verify the utility base map and will make necessary adjustments based on field observations. Results of the investigations will be integrated into an existing utility CAD base map that will be used by the project team to develop preliminary and final design plans. This task assumes up to 20 hours of effort. Data collection support beyond the scope described herein will be considered an additional service. • Base Map (AutoCAD 2020). • City will provide as-builts. • City will provide striping AutoCAD files for the Murrieta Boulevard Street Resurfacing Project.
Utility Research. URS will review and utilize utility drawings provided by City and obtain additional information if necessary for designing the facilities. URS will contact DigAlert at the beginning of the design phase to obtain a list of utilities that potentially have facilities in the project area. Each Utility will be contacted and a record of correspondence will be kept to verify that the current utility records have been received. Potholing. URS assumed the need to provide five (5) potholes to confirm utility locations/ depths. URS would subcontract with Saf-R-Dig to provide this service.
Utility Research. Contractor shall obtain a list of utility agencies within the project limits from Underground Service Alert and issue Preliminary Utility Notices to request facility maps. Contractor shall research and obtain readily available record drawings and other data pertinent of underground substructures and utility lines, and at-grade utility structures. Contractor shall draw into the survey and design plans all information contained in the record drawings. Contractor shall send out 2nd utility notices (with 75% plans) within 1 week after issuance of the 75% PS&E submittal to City staff, for verification of facilities. Contractor shall send out final utility notices along with approved plans, a tentative pre-construction meeting date and a tentative DocuSign Envelope ID: XX00X000-0XX0-000X-0000-0XXX00X0XXX0 schedule date for construction. Contractor shall maintain a utility log to track who and when notifications were sent to and document the responses to the notices. This task shall be billed via lump sum percentage completed. Task A3.3 – Survey Contractor shall obtain copies of record data maps (i.e.: Tract Maps, Parcel Maps, Records of Survey, Separate Instruments of Easement Grants, and Assessor Maps), Corner Records, Centerline Tie Notes from LA County research sites. Contractor shall provide necessary project coordination, survey crew coordination and office support calculations to dispatch survey crews with all necessary support data. Contractor shall re-establish project horizontal control based upon previous survey control on this project. Location of existing site survey monuments shall be mapped as a means of recording all existing centerline monuments and ties that may be affected by the project. Contractor survey extents for Zone 1 shall include within the intersection of Havenhurst Dr and Fountain Ave, through to a minimum of 25 feet beyond the BCR/ECR of intersection corners in all four directions. Contractor survey extents for Zone 2 shall include from 25 feet beyond the BCR/ECR of intersection corners of the east and west sides (Fountain alignment) through to 200’ east and west along Fountain Ave from the BCR/ECR of intersection corners. Survey extents shall include the roadway zone, parkway zone, and sidewalk zone, extending from right- of-way line to right-of-way line. Contractor shall survey all elements of the public right-of-way, such as curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, ramps, cross gutters, medians, pavements, trees, tree grates, manhol...
Utility Research. 1. Penfield & Xxxxx will contact all known service providers and request record information. This will include obtaining City of Lancaster base map and utility atlas information within the project limits. 2. Compile and incorporate the information collected from utility providers and City into the topographic base map, utilizing the dimensions and depths provided and geo-referenced to the actual field surveyed utility features wherever possible. 3. Develop and maintain utility correspondence log and document utility companies, contact information, date of contact, date of response and other pertinent information related to utility company coordination. 4. Identify the SCE poles that will need to be relocated under the proposed intersection design and prepare exhibit depicting the affected SCE facilities, as well as any other utilities that may be impacted by the relocation/undergrounding of SCE transmission poles. 5. Transmit utility conflict exhibit(s) to affected utility companies. 6. Transmit 60% plans and specifications to affected utility companies.

Related to Utility Research

  • MAINTENANCE OF THE SAID BUILDING / APARTMENT / PROJECT The Promoter shall be responsible to provide and maintain essential services in the Project till the taking over of the maintenance of the project by the association of the allottees. The cost of such maintenance has been included in the Total Price of the [Apartment/Plot].

  • School Improvement The parties do hereby mutually agree that the school improvement process currently in effect will continue. Any plan developed by the committees shall not be in conflict with the master agreement or board policy.

  • Utility Services Company agrees to pay the full cost and expense associated with its use of all utilities, including but not limited to water, sanitary sewer, electric, storm drainage, and telecommunication services.

  • Quality Improvement The Parties must develop QI activities specifically for the oversight of the requirements of this MOU, including, without limitation, any applicable performance measures and QI initiatives, including those to prevent duplication of services, as well as reports that track referrals, Member engagement, and service utilization. Such QI activities must include processes to monitor the extent to which Members are able to access mental health services across SMHS and NSMHS, and Covered Service utilization. The Parties must document these QI activities in policies and procedures.

  • Research Use The Requester agrees that if access is approved, (1) the PI named in the DAR and (2) those named in the “Senior/Key Person Profile” section of the DAR, including the Information Technology Director and any trainee, employee, or contractor1 working on the proposed research project under the direct oversight of these individuals, shall become Approved Users of the requested dataset(s). Research use will occur solely in connection with the approved research project described in the DAR, which includes a 1-2 paragraph description of the proposed research (i.e., a Research Use Statement). Investigators interested in using Cloud Computing for data storage and analysis must request permission to use Cloud Computing in the DAR and identify the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) or providers and/or Private Cloud System (PCS) that they propose to use. They must also submit a Cloud Computing Use Statement as part of the DAR that describes the type of service and how it will be used to carry out the proposed research as described in the Research Use Statement. If the Approved Users plan to collaborate with investigators outside the Requester, the investigators at each external site must submit an independent DAR using the same project title and Research Use Statement, and if using the cloud, Cloud Computing Use Statement. New uses of these data outside those described in the DAR will require submission of a new DAR; modifications to the research project will require submission of an amendment to this application (e.g., adding or deleting Requester Collaborators from the Requester, adding datasets to an approved project). Access to the requested dataset(s) is granted for a period of one (1) year, with the option to renew access or close-out a project at the end of that year. Submitting Investigator(s), or their collaborators, who provided the data or samples used to generate controlled-access datasets subject to the NIH GDS Policy and who have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and who meet any other study specific terms of access, are exempt from the limitation on the scope of the research use as defined in the DAR.

  • Needs Improvement the Educator’s performance on a standard or overall is below the requirements of a standard or overall, but is not considered to be unsatisfactory at this time. Improvement is necessary and expected.

  • Infertility Services Freezing, storage and thawing of embryos, sperm, or other tissues, for future use, unless the freezing, storage and thawing is needed due to potential iatrogenic infertility as described in Infertility Services in Section 3. • Reversal of voluntary sterilization or infertility treatment for a person that previously had a voluntary sterilization procedure. • Fees associated with finding an egg or sperm donor, related storage, donor stipend, or shipping charges. • Services related to surrogate parenting, when the surrogate is not a member of this

  • Computer Equipment Recycling Program If this Contract is for the purchase or lease of computer equipment, then Contractor certifies that it is in compliance with Subchapter Y, Chapter 361 of the Texas Health and Safety Code related to the Computer Equipment Recycling Program and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality rules in 30 TAC Chapter 328.

  • Lessee Improvements Lessor and Lessee shall meet to discuss the design and construction of those improvements desired by Lessee, such improvements including, but not being limited to, M.E.P. systems, computer flooring, interior walls, wall coverings, window treatments, and floor coverings for the entire 84,518 square feet of the Leased Premises (the “Lessee Improvements”). Lessee shall prepare final plans and specifications for the Lessee Improvements and other construction documents for Lessor’s approval within five (5) days from receipt thereof and Lessor shall have five (5) days to review and approve such final plans and specifications. In the event such five (5) day review period expires with no response from Lessor, such plans shall be deemed approved. However, in no event shall actual or deemed approval of the final plans and specifications constitute approval for accuracy, completeness, quality or effectiveness of design, compliance with applicable laws or otherwise. Lessee shall not be required to remove the Lessee Improvements designed for general office use, i.e., drywall, electrical, plumbing, carpeting nor the cafeteria, upon expiration or termination of this Lease. The approved final plans and specifications for the Lessee Improvements being herein called the “Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications”. All costs involved in approving, drafting and preparing the Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications shall be charged against the Improvement Allowance described below. Except for immaterial field changes, modifications to the Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications must be made and accepted only by written change order or agreement signed by Lessor and Lessee and will constitute an amendment to this Lease. Lessee shall be responsible for payment of all work and construction resulting from changes in the Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications requested by Lessee prior to requesting reimbursement from the Improvement Allowance. The Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications (when approved by Lessor and Lessee) are incorporated in this Lease by reference. For the purpose of this Section, an “immaterial field change” shall mean such field changes which are required by any governmental authority or changes which (i) do not affect the size, configuration, structural integrity, quality, character, architectural appearance and standard of workmanship contemplated in the Lessee Improvements Final Plans and Specifications, (ii) will not result in any default in any obligation to any person or violation of any governmental requirements, and (iii) the cost of or reduction resulting from any single field change or extra does not exceed $50,000 and the aggregate amount of all such changes and extras does not exceed $250,000.