Displacements Sample Clauses
Displacements. (a) An employee can only displace another employee of less seniority in Job Groupings within his/her occupational group list, unless a more senior employee has elected to voluntarily terminate if given the opportunity. Voluntary terminations will be accepted on the basis of seniority. Regular-Seasonal-A and Temporary positions and Agency employees are also displacement opportunities for regular employees in the absence of any regular positions.
(b) A regular full time employee may elect in advance to decline all available regular part time positions. A regular part time employee may elect in advance to decline all available full time regular positions.
(c) When an occupational group has more than one Equal Job Grouping, the least senior employee shall be the most junior among all of the Equal Job Groupings.
(d) A vacancy within an employee’s OGL is deemed to be the junior equal (see process in 11.11.1 below) or lower, (see process in 11.11.2 below) in all applications of the displacement process.
(e) Apprentices or Trainees are granted displacement rights into the Job Groupings listed in their OGL. An Apprentice or Trainee can displace a junior employee within his/her OGL including a Journeyperson. If an Apprentice or Trainee displaces a Journeyperson in the same Job Grouping, the Apprentice or Trainee will continue in the apprenticeship program and will be paid as per their progression schedule.
(f) A job share position where both job share partners are junior to the displacing employee will be deemed to be a regular full time opportunity.
(g) Seniority rights outside the Location are only exercisable in the Province by employees with seniority of two (2) years or more.
Displacements. Employees displaced for one of the reasons (1-9) listed in 9.4 will be placed on a "displaced list". Employees on the displaced list will be placed before new hires are appointed provided there are qualified employees on the displaced list for the vacant position. Effort will be made to identify and place involuntarily transferred employees within a radius no more than the current distance they drive to work or 25 miles, whichever is greater. Refusal by the employee to accept a position shall release the Board from further obligation to that employee. It will be necessary for displaced employees to provide an address and telephone number where they can be contacted during summer break to the Director of Employee Relations. Each displaced employee will receive a letter from their principal/supervisor that outlines the displacement procedure.
Displacements. The error shall be less than 1 per cent of the channel amplitude class.
Displacements. The City will provide ten (10) business days’ notice to employees who are subject to displacement due to layoffs. To the extent this notice period extends beyond the date the displacing employee is to start in the position, the employee who is to be displaced will be placed in a temporary exempt position in his/her classification and department for the remainder of the notice period.
Displacements. (a) Subject only to the provisions of paragraph 11.11.1(2), an employee can only displace another employee of less seniority in classifications within his/her occupational group list. Regular-Seasonal and Temporary positions and Agency employees are also displacement opportunities for regular employees in the absence of any regular positions.
(b) A regular full-time employee may elect, in advance on the Option/Election Form, to decline all available regular part-time positions. A regular part- time employee may elect in advance, on the Option/Election Form to decline all available full-time regular positions. The employee must indicate his/her choice on the Option/Election Form failing which the employee will be deemed to have chosen to displace into both regular full-time or regular part-time positions. Each employee must indicate his/her status (i.e., regular full-time or regular part-time) on the Option/Election Form. The employee's designation must be accurate. The Employer will confirm the designation.
(c) When an occupational group has more than one classification at the same level, the least senior employee shall be the most junior among all of the classifications at that level.
(d) A vacancy within an employee’s OGL is deemed to be the junior equal (see process in 11.11.1 below) or lower, (see process in 11.11.2 below) in all applications of the displacement process.
(e) Displacements shall be on a senior choice/junior force basis.
(f) Trainees are granted displacement rights into the classifications listed in the OGL of his/her terminal rated classification. Trainees can displace a junior employee within his/her OGL. If a Trainee displaces in an equal classification, the Trainee will continue in the program and will be paid as per their progression schedule.
(g) Seniority rights outside the Location are only exercisable in the Province by employees with seniority of two (2) years or more.
Displacements. Under certain specified circumstances only, members of the bargaining unit may displace other members as described below.
1. In the event of a school building closing or a program modification which eliminates the position(s) of bargaining unit employees, such employees may, on the basis of seniority, be provided hours within the same classification and in a job category for which they meet the qualifications. If the building closing or program modification results in a reduction of personnel within one (1) or more classifications affected by the closing, the layoff provisions of Article IX shall apply to such classification(s), rather than the provisions of this section. This provision may not be used by an employee in a way that results in a promotion for that employee.
2. When non-probationary employees are affected by layoffs, displacements based on seniority may occur as described in Article IX, Section C 3.
3. If the hours in a paraprofessional’s assignment are increased by more than an hour, other paraprofessionals who possess the required qualifications and greater seniority will have displacement rights as described in Section A.2 above.
Displacements. (a) Subject only to the provisions of paragraph 11.13.1 (2), an employee can only displace another employee of less seniority in classifications within his/her occupational group list. Regular-Seasonal and Temporary positions and Agency employees are also displacement opportunities for regular employees in the absence of any regular positions.
(b) A regular full time employee may elect, in advance on the Option/Election Form, to decline all available regular part time positions. A regular part time employee may elect in advance, on the Option/Election Form to decline all available full time regular positions. The employee must indicate his/her choice on the election option form failing which the employee will be deemed to have chosen to displace into both regular full time or regular part time positions. Each employee must indicate his/her status (i.e., regular full-time or regular part-time) on the Option/Election Form. The employee's designation must be accurate. The employer will confirm the designation.
(c) When an occupational group has more than one classification at the same level, the least senior employee shall be the most junior among all of the classifications at that level.
(d) A vacancy within an employee’s OGL is deemed to be the junior equal (see process in 11.13.1 below) or lower, (see process in 11.13.2 below) in all applications of the displacement process.
(e) Displacements shall be on a senior choice, junior force basis.
Displacements. Employees displaced for one of the reasons (1-9) listed in 10.3 will be placed on a "displaced list". Employees on the displaced list will be placed before new hires are appointed
Displacements. Employees displaced for one of the reasons (1-9) listed in
Displacements. (a) An employee can only displace another employee of less seniority in classifications within his/her occupational group list, unless a more senior employee has elected to voluntarily terminate if given the opportunity. Voluntary terminations will be accepted on the basis of seniority. Temporary positions and Agency employees are also displacement opportunities for regular employees in the absence of any regular positions.
(b) A regular full time employee may elect, in advance to decline all available regular part time positions. A regular part time employee may elect in advance to decline all available full time regular positions.
(c) When an occupational group has more than one classification at the same level, the least senior employee shall be the most junior among all of the classifications at that level.
(d) A vacancy within an employee’s OGL is deemed to be the junior equal (see process in 11.11.1 below) or lower, (see process in 11.11.3 below) in all applications of the displacement process.
(e) A job share position where both job share partners are junior to the displacing employee will be deemed to be a regular full time opportunity.
(f) Seniority rights outside the Location are only exercisable in the Province by employees with seniority of two (2) years or more.