Certificate of Inclusion. This certifies that the enrolled lands of the Cooperator are included within the scope of the Section 10(a)(l )(A) permit [reference number] issued by the Service expiring on [date] under the authority of Section l0(a)(l)(A) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Through the Permit and this COI, the Cooperator is authorized to perform the activities as described herein to protect, enhance, or restore a population of the species on the enrolled lands, as described herein. The holder of this COI is authorized to engage in any otherwise lawful activity on the enrolled lands that may result in the incidental taking of covered species or its habitat above baseline subject to the terms and conditions of the Permit and this Landowner Agreement [insert number] entered into by the parties below. These authorizations and assurances expire on [date permit expires].
Certificate of Inclusion. The COI may be amended by the neighboring landowner and/or KDWP in accordance with all applicable legal requirements in force at the time of the amendment, including, but not limited to, the Endangered Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and Service permit regulations (50 CFR, Parts 13 and 17). A request for an amendment of the Permit or COI would require, at a minimum, a written explanation of why the amendment is needed and an explanation of what, if any, effects the amendment would have on the covered species.
Certificate of Inclusion. The document issued by the Permittee to a Cooperator that conveys the Permit’s incidental take authorization for covered threatened and endangered species. Changed Circumstances – Changes in circumstances affecting a threatened or endangered species or geographic area covered by a Safe Harbor Agreement that can be reasonably anticipated and planned for by the Service (e.g., the listing of a new species, or a fire or other natural catastrophic event in areas prone to such events). Conservation Activities – The actions that will be taken or avoided under this Safe Harbor Agreement to provide a net conservation benefit to the black-footed ferret. Conservation activities may be carried out by the Permittee (or designee), the Cooperator, as described in the Reintroduction Plan for the enrolled property, or partners approved by the Permittee and Cooperator. Conservation Zone – An area that can contribute to the necessary attributes to support at least 30 adult ferrets. Typically, it will be a minimum of 1,500 acres of black-tailed prairie dog occupied habitat or 3,000 acres of white-tailed prairie dog or Gunnison’s prairie dog occupied habitat. It may be owned by one or more Cooperators. All otherwise legal activities may be conducted as appropriate, except those that are incompatible with ferret recovery. Cooperator – Any non-federal landowner––including but not limited to private individuals, Tribes, States, counties, and municipalities––eligible for enrollment in the Safe Harbor Agreement who voluntarily chooses to assist in the development and implementation of a Reintroduction Plan for black-footed ferrets on their lands (or some portion of their lands). Under the Agreement, the Permittee issues each Cooperator a Certificate of Inclusion, which conveys the Permit’s incidental take authorization. Covered Species – The species listed under the Act for which the Safe Harbor Agreement is designed to provide a net conservation benefit and for which incidental take and Safe Harbor assurances are authorized. For this particular Agreement, the covered species is the black- footed ferret. Delist – The removal of a species from a listed status under the Act. Usually delisting is a result of successful recovery actions that have increased a species’ numbers and addressed threats to its viability. For the black-footed ferret, delisting is expected to require the establishment of at least 3,000 breeding adult ferrets in 30 or more populations in at least nine states wit...
Certificate of Inclusion. The Certificate of Inclusion may be amended by the Cooperator and/or the Permittee in accordance with all applicable legal requirements in force at the time of the amendment, including, but not limited to, the Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and Service permit regulations (50 CFR, Parts 13 and 17). A request for an amendment of the Permit or Certificate of Inclusion would require, at a minimum: a written explanation of why the amendment is needed; and an explanation of what, if any, effects the amendment would have on the black-footed ferret. An amendment to the Permit would require the Service to publish a notice in the Federal Register of a 30-day public comment period for the proposed amendment.
Certificate of Inclusion. Please note that the Take coverage extended through this Certificate of Inclusion includes only the Take of populations or occupied habitat above baseline conditions (as determined by reference to the baseline studies submitted with your Yolo HCP/NCCP enrollment package application. Signature Signature Date Date Model Ordinance Ordinance No. - An Ordinance of the [Council/Board] Providing for Implementation of the Yolo HCP/NCCP, Including Related Procedures and Fees The [Council/Board] hereby ordains as follows:
Certificate of Inclusion. The Borrower and the Loan Parties shall comply with the terms and requirements in all material respects of the Certificate of Inclusion, including implementing and maintaining the conservation measures and/or land management actions as set forth in the Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances Component of the Texas Conservation Plan for the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard.
Certificate of Inclusion. This certifies that the property described as follows Permit No. TE126085-0 issued by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to Nevada Department of Wildlife on June 23,2006 [date] and expiring on June 22,2056 [date] under the authority of section 10(a)(1 )(A) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended 16 U. S. C.1539(a)( 1)(A.). Such Permit authorizes activities by Cooperators, as part of the Safe Harbor program, to enhance, restore, and recover habitat for the threatened Lahontan cutthroat trout. Pursuant to that Permit and this Certificate, the holder of this Certificate is authorized to engage in lawful activities on the above-described property that may result in the incidental taking of Lahontan cutthroat trout, as appropriate, subject to the terms and conditions of the Permit and the Cooperative Agreement entered into by Nevada Department of Wildlife and [Cooperator's Name] on [date]. Director Nevada Department of Wildlife Attachment C. Template Conservation Agreement BETWEEN THE NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE (PERMITTEE) AND (COOPERATOR)
Certificate of Inclusion. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) has issued a take authorization to the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA or Permittee) pursuant to Section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. §1539(a)(1)(B) (Permit) The Permit is issued for a term of forty (40) years and authorizes the take of certain species (“Covered Species”)within the area covered by the OCTA Renewed Measure M Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan (Plan). Under the Permit, OCTA is authorized to take the Covered Species incident to certain activities (Covered Activities) as defined in the Plan provided all of the terms and conditions of the Plan, associated Implementing Agreement, and Permit are being met. In accordance with 50 CFR § 13.25(d), the Permittee may extend the incidental take authorization granted to it to certain third parties, provided such third parties are under the Permittee’s direct control for purposes of implementing the requirements of, and complying with the terms and conditions of the Plan, Implementing Agreement and Permit. The Plan and the Implementing Agreement (Agreement) provide that OCTA may extend take coverage under the Permit to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) by executing a Certificate of Inclusion.
Certificate of Inclusion. Upon execution of each Stewardship Agreement, and enrollment in the Safe Harbor Agreement, individual landowners will be given a Certificate of Inclusion (see Appendix A). The Certificate of Inclusion provides the regulatory assurance (i.e. incidental take coverage) to the participating landowner that the enrolled property can be returned to the established baseline condition at the end of the term of the Certificate of Inclusion or sooner, provided a net conservation benefit has already been achieved. The term of the Certificate of Inclusion will generally extend to the end of the Permit term in order to provide the participating landowner with sufficient time to return to their original baseline conditions while also allowing them to voluntarily extend the amount of time that the conservation benefits accrue. The Certificate of Inclusion identifies the property owner for whom incidental take is authorized, references the issued permit number that authorizes the take, and includes a concise legal description of the enrolled property. The Certificate of Inclusion provides the mechanism to commit the enrolling landowner to the terms of the Safe Harbor Agreement and Permit.
Certificate of Inclusion. Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances for the Island Marble Butterfly in the State of Washington Certificate of Inclusion APPENDIX II. SUMMARY OF CONSERVATION MEASURES Habitat Patch Establishment/Creation Requirement OPTIONAL: Buffer Around Created Patch Purpose/Objectives: To create host plant (field mustard) habitat for butterflies to lay their eggs and for caterpillars to feed, mature, form a chrysalis ("pupa"), and emerge as adults. Purpose/Objectives: To minimize accidental killing of any caterpillars and chrysalises that may be immediately outside of host plant patches.