Changes to Job Descriptions Sample Clauses
Changes to Job Descriptions. Whenever the employer changes the duties and responsibilities of a job, or an employee and/or the Union feels the duties and responsibilities of a job have changed sufficiently that the job description does not reflect the duties and responsibilities of the job, the Joint Job Evaluation Committee shall perform a review of the job, the description and the classification. However, no job will be reviewed more than once in a twelve (12) month period unless there is a significant change in the duties and responsibilities.
Changes to Job Descriptions. Any approved job description changes made by the employer shall result in a review and adjustment of salary as appropriate by Human Resources. The employer will initiate the review and shall not subject the employee to PDQ or other promotional review processes when the employer initiates the job description change. Any changes to job descriptions shall be communicated to the Prof-Tech President.
Changes to Job Descriptions. When RAICES and the Union agree on altering the employee’s job description, the new job description shall be subject to analysis and pay shall be adjusted accordingly to reflect new or additional job requirements.
Changes to Job Descriptions require written notice to the employee and sign-off from the employee and a union representative.
Changes to Job Descriptions. Whenever the employer changes the duties and responsibilities of a job or an Union feels the duties and responsibilities of a job have changed sufficiently that the job description does not reflect the duties and responsibilities of the job, the Joint Job Evaluation Committee shall perform a review of the job, the description and the classification. However, no job will be reviewed more than once in a twelve (12) month period unless there is a significant change in the duties and responsibilities. A committee shall be established consisting of four (4)representatives of the Union and up to four (4)representatives of the Board. Resource persons may also be invited to meetings by either party by mutual agreement of the committee. The committee shall meet within ten working days of the request of either party.
Changes to Job Descriptions. For changes to job descriptions made after the initial hire, the employee will have the opportunity to share input regarding changes to their job description through their supervisor prior to AFJ/XXXXX’s finalization of the revised description, but any changes will be subject to AFJ/AFJAC’s discretion.
Changes to Job Descriptions. 36 The District retains the management right to change existing job descriptions to comply with 37 legal, technical and policy changes. Those changes that include significant revisions to hours, 38 wages and working conditions and/or changes between seniority categories shall be presented at a 39 Labor Management meeting prior to implementation. The Union shall have the right to bargain 40 hours, working conditions and wage revisions for changed positions. 41
Changes to Job Descriptions. In respect of changing job descriptions the Manager shall follow the employing authority procedures. The Manager may action any changes in job descriptions which fall within the agreed service aims for the Service without further approval so long as these are within existing budget provisions.
Changes to Job Descriptions. (1) When a job description is changed or the duties of a job are changed or increased significantly, the rate of pay shall be subject to review and negotiations between the BCGEU and the Staff Union. The revised job description shall be provided to the Staff Union at least one (1) month prior to implementation of the changes.
(2) The job description and rate of pay assigned shall be discussed by the Parties on the basis of whether it properly reflects the job to be performed.
(3) If agreement is not reached on the job description or the rate of pay, the matter may be referred to the classification referee for binding resolution.
(4) The BCGEU may implement the job description changes pending the referee's decision. Should a higher pay rate be awarded, it shall be effective the date the position was changed.
Changes to Job Descriptions. (a) Changes to a job description may be proposed by a professional librarian member or by the University Librarian or designate:
(i) in response to increased demands on, or significant developments in, library services; or
(ii) to ensure that the provisions of a job description constitute a reasonable workload, consistent with 25.06 (below). Such changes shall be discussed by the member and the University Librarian or designate in consultation with the person to whom the member reports.
(b) Once the changes have been agreed to by the University Librarian and the incumbent member, copies of the revised job description shall be forwarded to the Vice- President, Academic, the Director of Human Resources and to the Union.
(c) Any significant differences between the University Librarian and the incumbent member over the provisions of the job description shall be referred to the Library Appointments, Promotion and Permanence Committee for its review and advice. Such reference will include the original written job description and the proposed job description. Such review shall take place in a timely manner. Should unresolved differences remain after this review, they shall be noted by the University Librarian and shall be forwarded to the Vice-President, Academic, along with the proposed job description, and the advice of the Library Appointments, Promotion and Permanence Committee, for decision. Prior to any such decision being made, the member shall have the right to present his or her case to the Vice-President, Academic.