City Seniority Sample Clauses

City Seniority. City seniority shall mean an employee's length of continuous service with the City, based on the employee's most recent date of hire with the City. City seniority shall be the basis for such benefits as accumulation of sick leave, vacation accrual, and/or other cumulative monetary fringe benefits based on length of service.
City Seniority. An employee laid off shall have the right to accept the layoff without repercussions or assume another city position in accordance with the following procedure:
City Seniority. 1. City seniority is understood to mean an employee's most recent date of employment or re-employment. Seniority will continue to accrue during all types of leave except for Leave of Absence Without Pay of more than thirty
City Seniority. Employees who have been recalled or rehired into a regular position within the recall period shall retain their City seniority as of the date of layoff and shall begin accumulating additional City seniority when recalled or rehired back to work.
City Seniority. Employees shall accrue city seniority from the date of hire in the classified service subject to the following rules:
City Seniority. Length of continuous employment with the City of Minneapolis beginning the date of the employee's first day of employment. CLASSIFICATION SENIORITY: Length of continuous employment within a job classification based upon the date the employee began working in that classification on a permanent basis.
City Seniority. 10.1 Seniority is defined as total length of continuous service with the City. In determining an employee’s seniority, the continuity of this service will be deemed to be broken by termination of employment by reason of (1) resignation, (2) discharge for cause, (3) layoff, (4) failure to return immediately on the expiration of a leave of absence or acceptance of other full time employment while on leave, and (5) absence without pay, without a leave of absence, in excess of three (3) workdays. Continuity of service will not be broken and seniority will accrue when an employee is (a) inducted, enlists or is called to active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States or service in the Merchant Marine or under any Act of Congress which provides that the employee is entitled to reemployment rights, (b) on duty with the National Guard, (c) absent due to industrial injury, or (d) on leave of absence. Seniority, as defined in this section, does not apply to preference for selection of watch, days off, or vacation scheduling.
City Seniority. City Seniority shall be defined as the total cumulative uninterrupted service with the City.
City Seniority. City seniority shall be used as a determinate of vacation crediting and other such benefits and preference. City seniority is the privileged status, for employees covered by this Agreement, attained by service from time of latest entry into permanent full-time City employment. Classification seniority shall terminate upon leaving that classification. Bargaining unit seniority shall terminate upon leaving the bargaining unit.
City Seniority. Each employee will have seniority standing in the City equal to the employee’s total continuous full-time service held in a permanent position with the City of Fort Lauderdale dating from the employee’s most recent date of such employment.