CLIENT’S DECLARATION. The Client declares and confirms that: He has carefully read, fully understood and he accepts the above terms and conditions forming the ‘Client’s Agreement’. a. He has read all information available, regarding the Company, its services, Contract Specifications, Client Agreement, Client Complaint Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy, Client Categorisation Policy, Investor Compensation Fund, Order Execution Policy, Privacy and Cookie Policy, Risk Disclosure and other Legal Documentation, relevant to the Company’s activities and services, any applicable costs and charges and denotes his acceptance with all relevant information. b. He is over 18 years old and confirms that the information and documentation provided during the Registration Process is accurate, complete and not misleading. In case of any alteration to such information, the Client is responsible to inform the Company accordingly. c. The Client acknowledges the use of mass-emails by the Company as a way of communication, however it is noted that the Client shall have the option to unsubscribe/state/declare that he wishes to be removed from any contact list and stop receiving mass-emails. In this case, the Company will not be held liable for any email that was not received by the Client. It shall be stated that mass-emails might contain important information, announcements, informative material, changes on the fees. d. The Client understands and consents that the Company might proceed with direct advertising through cold calling, either by phone or personal representation, facsimile, automatic calls, email or other phone, electronic or digital means by the Company. The Company bears no responsibility for any loss due to any delayed or unreceived communication sent to the Client. Any liability lies with the Client. e. He understands that the Company might pay commission/fees to anyone who acted as an introducer / referring broker / affiliate and refer the Client to the Company. In such a case, the client might be notified separately of any fees. f. The Company’s execution venues are OTC (over-the-counter). g. He reads, understands and accepts all requirements and significances of the 15 days’ exception. Additionally, the client recognises that the Company will decide whether he is entitled for this exception. h. He agrees to communicate with the Company in a durable medium other than on paper/letter including electronic means like email or via the Company’s official website. i. To do so, the Client ...
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. The client hereby declares and confirms that: i. He has read in full and understood the Terms and Conditions and the Agreement with which he unreservedly agrees with and accepts together with all the policies, procedures, disclosures. ii. He is over 18 years old and he has legal capacity to enter into contractual agreements. iii. He accepts to be notified separately, in writing, if the Company pays commission/fees to anyone outside the Company who introduced the client. iv. He accepts that in any orders he will place with the Company, the Company will act as an agent and not as a principal on behalf of the client. Clients’ orders are executed via third party broker(s). The Company’s execution venues are OTC (over the counter) markets. v. He has chosen to trade CFDs offered by the Company knowing that these are risky financial products and he may lose all the invested capital. vi. He has chosen the investment amount, taking into consideration his financial circumstances and he is not investing funds he cannot afford to lose.
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. 40.1. The Client hereby declares that: a) He/She has carefully read and fully understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and fully and unreservedly agrees therewith; b) He/She has read and understood all information provided on the Internet regarding the Company, the Services and all other subject matter within the scope of this Agreement; c) He/She consents and agrees to receive direct advertising, either by phone or personal representation, facsimile, automatic calls, email or other phone, electronic or digital means by the Company; d) The Client is the individual who has completed the Application Form or, if the Client is a company, the person who has completed Application Form on the Client’s behalf is duly authorised to do so.
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. 9.1. The Client declares that it: a) has been acquainted with the information concerning Citfin, the GBT and other Contractual Documentation, i.e., in particular with the information on the manner of provision of payment services and fees for them, information on the manner of execution of the Currency Exchange Trades, information on conclusion and termination of contracts, as well as the supervisory authority over Citfin’s activities and the manner of out-of-court dispute settlements well in advance of the conclusion of the Framework Agreement; b) understands that Citfin does not provide investment or other advice; c) is an owner of all bank accounts that the Client specified in Annex 1 to the Framework Agreement; d) undertakes to fully and unconditionally comply with all obligations under the Framework Agreement and the GBT and also agrees to acquaint itself with any change or new version of the GBT and agrees to fully and unconditionally comply with any new version thereof, unless the Client terminates the Framework Agreement in accordance with the process specified in Article Chyba! Nenalezen zdroj odkazů.; e) expressly agrees to the recording of telephone calls regarding the arrangement of Currency Exchange Trades and their subsequent use for the purpose of documenting the formation of the Agreement. This recording of telephone communications shall be considered irrefutable evidence of the content and conclusion of the Agreement; f) has obtained the consent of each Authorised Person it has listed or will list in the future in Annex 1 to the Framework Agreement. The Client shall inform Authorised Persons of their obligations under the Framework Agreement and the GBT; g) has been acquainted with Citfin’s obligations under the AML policy and understands that the Services may only be provided upon compliance with such obligations; h) all written legal actions that the Client makes against Citfin and/or that are foreseen by these GBT or the Framework Agreement must be signed; i) The Client has been familiarised with the definition of a Politically Exposed Person as defined in Section 4(5) of the AML policy and declares that neither the Client, the Authorised Person nor the beneficial owner of the Client is a Politically Exposed Person, unless otherwise determined as part of the natural person authentication process; j) has been informed about the processing of the Client’s and/or Authorised Persons’ personal data by Citfin; k) is not subject to the obligat...
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. The Client hereby solemnly represents, warrants, declares and confirms that:
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. I/We confirm the information provided above is true, complete and correct. I/We will notify you of any material changes to the above information. Client’s Signature(s) Date Please attach certified copies of the following documents:- • HKID or Passport copy • Residential address proof issued within 3 months I/We, the undersigned client, hereby consent to you sending all consolidated daily statements, monthly statements and other communications (the “Communications”) to my/our designated e-mail address as specified below through electronic communication. My/Our designated e-mail address: I/We acknowledge and accept the risks of receiving the Communications via electronic communication, including but not limited to the risks as set out in the Cash/Margin Client’s Agreement and agree and undertake to hold you harmless from and against all losses, damages, interests, costs, expenses, actions, demands, claims or proceedings of whatsoever nature which I/we may incur, suffer and/or sustain as a result of your provision of the Communications via electronic communication. I/We understand that I/we can only choose receiving the Communications either via physical mail or via electronic communication. Once chosen electronic communication, I/we will not receive any Communications by physical mail. During this period, I/we undertake to immediately notify you of any change in my/our e-mail address. If you receive two successive messages in relation to the failure of sending the Communications to my/our e-mail address electronically, you have the right to use physical mail instead of electronic communication. In the event of any difference in the interpretation or meaning between the English and Chinese version of this Consent, I/we agree that the English version shall prevail. You have explained this Consent to me/us. I/We declare that I/we fully understand the contents of this Consent. Client’s Signature(s) Date Name of Client (in Chinese, if any): Private Ltd Co Public Ltd Co Sole Proprietor Partnership Others □ □ □ □ □ Place of Incorporation: Date of Incorporation: Certificate of Incorporation No.: Business Registration No.: Nature of Business: Registered Address: Business Address (if different): Tel No.: Fax No.: E-mail: Correspondence (choose one only, all communications, including client statements, will be sent to): □ E-mail address [please complete “Client’s Consent (Electronic Communication)” of this form] □ Registered Address □ Business Address □ Others: You req...
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. The Client declares and confirms that: He/she has carefully read, and fully understood and he accepts the above terms and conditions forming the ‘Client’s Agreement’. i. He/she has read all information available, regarding Spectra Global, its services, “Spectra Global Privacy Policy”, “Conflicts of Interest Policy”, “Best Execution Policy”, “Client Categorisation Policy”, “Investor Compensation Fund Policy”, “Information Concerning the Safeguarding of Retail Clients Financial Instruments or Funds”, “Financial Instruments Description and Associated Risks”, “Leverage Policy” “Complaints Handling Policy” and other Legal Documentation, relevant to the Company’s activities and services, any applicable costs and charges and denotes his acceptance with all relevant information. ii. He/she is over 18 years old and confirms that the information and documentation provided during the Registration Process is accurate, complete and not misleading. In case of any alteration to such information, the Client is responsible to inform the Company accordingly. iii. He/she agrees to communicate with the Company in a durable medium other than on paper/letter including electronic means like email or via the Company’s official website. To do so, the Client confirms that he has systematic access to the internet.
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. I/We confirm that I/we have read carefully the content of this questionnaire and that I/we have provided all the required information which concerns me/us and I/we hereby declare and confirm that this is true and correct and that I/we have not withheld any relevant or substantial information. Further, I/we undertake to inform immediately the Company in writing of any change of this information. I/We confirm that I/we have delivered all that is required in accordance with Part E above and that these are genuine and authentic and their content is true and correct. Full name: Signature: Date:
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. I confirm that I have carefully read the content of this questionnaire and that I have provided all the required information which concerns me/the Legal Entity and I hereby declare and confirm that this information is true and correct and that I have not withheld any relevant or substantial information. Furthermore, I undertake to immediately inform the Company in writing of any change of this information. I confirm that I have delivered all that is required in accordance with Section 7 above and that these are genuine and authentic, and their content is true and correct. Full name: Signature: Date: Appendix B DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Eurivex Ltd Regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission, License #: 114/10 WHEREAS the Company and the Client, named hereunder, have entered into an Agreement for the provision of Investment and Ancillary Services on (the “Agreement”) and it has been agreed that this Appendix for the provision of Investment Services in regards to transactions in Derivative Financial Instruments shall be executed and shall form an integral part of the Agreement.
CLIENT’S DECLARATION. The client hereby declares that they read the risks associated with trading in foreign exchanges and are aware of the high risks associated with trading in financial instruments; moreover, the client declares and confirms that they read and understood the Risk Warning Disclosure in full. Client’s Name: ...................................... Date: ..................................................... Signature: ............................................. The English versions provided herewith are for reference only. In case of any discrepancies between the Arabic and English versions, the Arabic versions shall supersede. Client/Company Name: ...………………………………… Account/s No.: ...…………………………………………….… In reference to the Financial Brokerage Agreement for the Account of Others in Foreign Stock Exchanges signed between me and INGOT Financial Brokerage Ltd (the “Company”) on …………………………………… (the “Agreement”); I, the undersigned, ……………………………………………………, as a client of the Company, hereby authorize and appoint …………………………………………… (hereinafter referred to as “the Representative”): to carry out transactions related to my account(s) with the Company in my name and on my behalf and at my own expense, including but not limited to issuing purchase and sale orders for any of the assets, as well as receiving notices, requesting and signing statements, and other transactions on my account. I also hereby authorize the Company to accept orders from the authorized Representative in relation to all aspects related to the instructions carried out on my account; moreover, the Representative is authorized to act on my behalf in issuing orders/instructions on my account in the same manner and with the same effect as if those instructions had been issued by me in relation to those accounts in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement. The authorized Representative shall not withdraw or instruct to pay any amounts payable or receive any deliverable property in connection with the transactions carried out on my account to any other person except as provided for in this authorization. The Representative also has no right to change the provisions of the agreement in any way. The authorization given under this document shall not restrict or limit any other authorization executed under the Agreement or any other agreement entered into between the Company and me from time to time. The authorization given under this Agreement shall include the Company and any of its successors or assigns. T...