College Level Sample Clauses

College Level. There shall be established a committee at the College level to be known as the Management Association Committee on Employee Relations. Such Committee shall be comprised of six (6) members: three (3) representing the local College administration and three (3) representing the Association. Such representatives shall be respectively appointed by the President of the College and the President of the Chapter. In addition, the President of the College shall designate the Chairperson for the College and the President of the Chapter shall designate the chairperson for the Association. The purpose of said Committee shall be to discuss matters of mutual concern to the employee and the employer. There shall be at least one (1) meeting per month during the academic year with the chairpersonship alternating between the College and the Association; provided, however, that whenever the parties mutually agree there is no need for a meeting during a month there shall not be a meeting. Both parties may submit items for the agenda to the chairperson at least two (2) weeks in advance of any scheduled Committee meetings. The agenda shall be distributed one (1) week in advance of any scheduled committee meetings. It is understood that said Committee shall have no power to negotiate, alter, or amend the terms of this Agreement.
College Level. Step 1. The aggrieved shall discuss the grievance the President or their designee, who shall attempt to resolve the grievance within five (5) working days of its receipt and shall render a written decision to the grievant with copies to the President and the President of the Association no later than five (5) working days after having heard the grievance.
College Level. The CPC will review every file for tenure and/or promotion. After receipt of the school/department/academic unit level recommendations, the CPC shall review the candidate’s record and make a recommendation to the xxxx with a list of each individual serving on the evaluation committee and a numerical record of the simple majority votes supporting and opposing the evaluation. The written recommendations, including the xxxx’x, are forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer.
College Level. The college P&P specify the scope of the college personnel committee’s responsibility and review. After receipt of the department level recommendations, the college personnel committee shall review the candidate’s record and make a recommendation to the xxxx. The written recommendations, including the xxxx’x, are forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer.
College Level. Step 1. The President or his/her designee shall meet within seven (7) days of its receipt of the grievance, with the grievant and a CCRI Part Time Faculty/Association/NEARI/NEA/AFL-CIO representative(s) to discuss the grievance. The President shall issue his/her decision, setting forth the reasons thereof in writing to the grievant and to the CCRI Part Time Faculty/Association/NEARI/NEA/AFL-CIO President or his/her designee no later than five (5) working days after having heard the grievance.
College Level. Step 2. If the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved through Step 1, the grievant or the RIC/AFT Adjunct Union may submit the grievance in writing within ten (10) working days to the President. The President or his/her designee shall meet within seven (7) working days of the receipt of the grievance, with the grievant and a RIC/AFT Adjunct Union Representative(s) to discuss the grievance. The President shall issue his/her decision, setting forth the reasons thereof in writing to the grievant and to the RIC/AFT Adjunct Union President or his/her designee no later than five (5) working days after having heard the grievance.
College Level. College of Agricultural Sciences College of Applied Sciences and Arts College of Business College of Engineering College of Liberal Arts College of Mass Communication and Media Arts College of Science Library Affairs
College Level. The college P&P specify the scope of the college personnel committee’s responsibility and review. After receipt of the department level recommendations, the college personnel committee shall review the candidate’s record and make an independent and substantive recommendation to the xxxx with a list of each individual serving on the evaluation committee and a numerical record of the simple majority votes supporting and opposing the evaluation. The written recommendations, along with the xxxx’x, are forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer. A college personnel committee member who reviewed a faculty member as part of the departmental review process will completely recuse themselves from and not participate in any part of the faculty member’s review at the college personnel committee level.
College Level. The college personnel committee forwards its recommendations to the xxxx. If there is agreement between the college personnel committee and the xxxx, then one combined recommendation (positive or negative) proceeds to the Chief Academic Officer. If there is disagreement, the xxxx and the college personnel committee shall meet in an attempt to resolve the disagreement. If there is still disagreement, then both recommendations are forwarded to the Chief Academic Officer.
College Level. (Step 1). a. A bargaining unit member may present a grievance concerning himself, or a grievance may be presented on his behalf, to the President of the College or his designee, not later than fourteen (14) calendar days following when he knows or should have known of the act, event or the commencement of the condition which is the basis of the grievance. If the grievance is presented in writing to the President of the College or his designee, it shall be answered in writing. b. While oral presentation and settlement of grievances are encouraged under this step of the grievance procedure, no grievance may be appealed to the District Level under Step 2 below, unless it has been presented in writing to the President of the College or his designee and opportunity is afforded for the President of the College or his designee to answer the same in writing under the schedule herein set forth. c. If the Union, on behalf of a bargaining unit member, presents a written grievance, it shall be signed by both the grievant and the Union Chairperson. The Union may indicate on such grievance if it approves or disapproves of the grievance. The grievant shall be personally present at the conference on the grievance with the President of the College or his designee. d. Whenever a written grievance is presented to the President of the College or his designee, the President of the College or his designee shall furnish a copy thereof to the Union Chapter Representative or his designee at the College and shall advise the Union Chapter Representative or his designee at the College of the time and place scheduled for the conference thereon. If the Union Chapter Representative or his designee at the College makes a request, the President of the College or his designee shall accord him, or any other Union designee, an opportunity to be present when the grievance is heard and to state the view of the Union. e. When a written grievance has been presented to him, the President of the College or his designee shall communicate his written decision to all parties concerned as promptly as possible, but not later than fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving the written grievance.