Committee on Intellectual Property Sample Clauses
Committee on Intellectual Property. 1. Recognising the importance of achieving the objectives of this Chapter, the Parties hereby establish a Committee on Intellectual Property (IP Committee), consisting of representatives of the Parties to monitor the implementation and administration of this Chapter.
2. The IP Committee shall meet annually or as mutually determined by the Parties. Meetings may be conducted in person, or by any other means as mutually determined by the Parties.
3. The IP Committee shall determine its terms of reference in accordance with this Chapter.
4. The IP Committee shall determine its work programme in response to priorities as identified by the Parties.
5. In the course of fulfilling its functions, the IP Committee may agree that existing or new mechanisms be utilised or developed in order to promote dialogue between the Parties on intellectual property issues, including by providing opportunities for stakeholders to engage with the Parties on such issues.
6. Each Party shall notify the IP Committee annually of its progress in meeting its commitments under Article 5 (Copyright), and developments regarding accession to treaties listed in Article 9.7 (Co-operation). These notifications shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to the first IP Committee meeting of the year.
Committee on Intellectual Property. Recognising the importance of achieving the objectives of this Chapter, the Parties hereby establish a Committee on Intellectual Property (IP Committee), consisting of representatives of the Parties to monitor the implementation and administration of this Chapter. The IP Committee shall meet annually or as mutually determined by the Parties. Meetings may be conducted in person, or by any other means as mutually determined by the Parties. The IP Committee shall determine its terms of reference in accordance with this Chapter. The IP Committee shall determine its work programme in response to priorities as identified by the Parties. In the course of fulfilling its functions, the IP Committee may agree that existing or new mechanisms be utilised or developed in order to promote dialogue between the Parties on intellectual property issues, including by providing opportunities for stakeholders to engage with the Parties on such issues. CHAPTER 14 COMPETITION
Committee on Intellectual Property. The Parties agree to create a continuing Committee on Intellectual Property, which shall be composed of two members appointed by the Employer and two members appointed by the Association with the chair alternating between the Employer’s representatives and the Association’s representatives at each successive meeting. The Committee shall meet at least twice annually to:
(a) Conduct routine business;
(b) Make recommendations concerning the creation and maintenance of a positive University climate for the development and appropriate distribution of Intellectual Property;
(c) Recommend to the Joint Committee on the Administration of the Agreement any problems of interpretation and proposals for modifications or changes in Article 33 of the Collective Agreement.
(d) Report annually to the Vice-President (Academic) with a copy to the President of the Association.
Committee on Intellectual Property. 1. For the purposes of the effective implementation and operation of this Chapter, the Parties hereby establish a Committee on Intellectual Property (hereinafter referred to in this Article as “the Committee”).
2. The functions of the Committee shall be:
(a) reviewing and monitoring the implementation and operation of this Chapter [EU: , including any matter arising from specifications of protected geographical indications];
(b) discussing any issues related to intellectual property with a view to enhancing protection of intellectual property and enforcement of intellectual property rights and to promoting efficient and transparent administration of intellectual property system;
(c) reporting its findings and the outcomes of its discussions to the Joint Committee; and
(d) carrying out other functions which may be delegated by the Joint Committee.
3. The Committee shall decide on modifying Annex XX (Laws and Regulations of the Parties) and Annex XY (List of Geographical Indications). Each Party shall process without undue delay the other Party’s request for modifying Annex XY (List of Geographical Indications), as per Article C.9 of the SUB-SECTION C (Geographical Indications).]
4. The Committee shall meet at such times and venues or by means, as may be agreed by the Parties.
5. The Committee shall be:
(a) composed of representatives of the Parties, and may invite representatives of relevant entities other than the Parties, including those from private sectors, with the necessary expertise relevant to the issues to be discussed; and
(b) co-chaired by officials of the Parties.
Committee on Intellectual Property. 1. The Parties hereby establish the Committee on Intellectual Property, as set out in Annex 16.13, to discuss and review all IP related issues arising from this Agreement.
2. An Expert Group of Intellectual Property shall be established under the Committee on Intellectual Property, composed of three IP experts from the Intellectual Property Office in each Party. The Committee or the Expert Group on Intellectual Property shall meet, in principle, once a year or as requested by either Party, subject to mutual agreement. The location of the meeting shall rotate between the Parties.
Committee on Intellectual Property. 1. The Parties continue the Committee on Intellectual Property (Committee) established under the 2017 Agreement composed of representatives of each Party with expertise in intellectual property.
2. The Committee shall be co-chaired by a representative of each Party.
3. The Committee shall:
(a) discuss topics relevant to the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights covered by this Chapter, and any other relevant issue as mutually decided by the Parties;
(b) provide a forum for consultations pursuant to Article 12.15;
(c) oversee the Parties' cooperation under this Chapter; and
(d) make any recommendation to the Joint Commission referred to under Article 27.1 (Joint Commission) to amend Annex 12-A pursuant to Article 12.3.
4. The Parties shall endeavour to increase opportunities for cooperation in the field of intellectual property. This cooperation may include:
(a) promoting the development of contacts among the Parties' respective competent authorities that have an interest in the field of intellectual property;
(b) exchanging information on:
(i) each Party's legislation, procedures, policies, activities, and experiences in the field of intellectual property;
(ii) the implementation of intellectual property systems aimed at promoting the efficient registration of intellectual property rights; and
(iii) appropriate initiatives to promote public awareness of intellectual property rights.
5. With the exception of consultations pursuant to Article 12.15, the Committee shall meet as mutually decided by the Parties. Committee meetings may be held in person, or by electronic video-conference, telephone, or by other means.
Committee on Intellectual Property. 18.02.1 On an annual basis for a term covering July 1st to June 30th, the Board and the Association shall create a Committee on Intellectual Property composed of two (2) members appointed by the Board, and two (2) Members appointed by the Association. A Chair shall be selected in accordance with the process outlined in Article 18.02.2.
(a) Should there be one (1) or more active disagreements at the Academic Year end, the existing Committee on Intellectual Property members will continue to function as the acting Committee on Intellectual Property with respect to those issues until the disagreements are resolved.
18.02.2 Upon receipt of a disagreement, the Committee shall choose a Chair by mutual agreement between the members appointed by the Board and the Association unless a Chair has already been selected for the Academic Year in which the disagreement was received.
(a) The Chair shall be a faculty member/professional librarian at a Canadian university and shall not be a member appointed by either the Board or the Association under Article 18.02.1.
(b) If a mutual agreement concerning the Chair is not achieved within ten (10) Working Days of receipt of a request, the matter shall be referred to the Interpretation Committee of Article 9.
(c) If the Chair is an external faculty member/professional librarian, any travel and accommodation expenses of the Chair resulting from the work of the Committee on Intellectual Property shall be covered by the Board.
18.02.3 Operating as a five (5) person Committee, the Committee on Intellectual Property shall meet within fifteen (15) Working Days of the appointment of a Chair. It shall consider Intellectual Property cases referred to it either by the Association, by Members or by the Board.
(a) The Committee may solicit such confidential, expert advice as it requires to inform its decision. Any fees associated with such advice shall be borne by the Board.
(b) The Committee shall render a decision within forty (40) Working Days of receipt of a request.
Committee on Intellectual Property. The Committee on Intellectual Property under Article 16.13 shall be composed of:
(a) in the case of Panama, the Ministry of Trade and Industries through the Vice-ministry of Foreign Trade, or its successor; and
(b) in the case of the ROC, Ministry of Economic Affairs through the Intellectual Property Office, or its successor.
Committee on Intellectual Property. 1. For purposes of complying with Article 14.1.4(d), the Parties establish a Committee on Intellectual Property composed of representatives of each Party.
2. The Parties shall, no later than three (3) months after the entry into force of this Agreement, indicate their representatives on the Committee and establish the Committee's terms of reference.
3. The Committee on Intellectual Property shall meet at least once a year, unless otherwise provided by the Parties, and shall report its progress to the Bilateral Administrative Commission.
4. The Committee on Intellectual Property shall perform its work in accordance with the terms of reference referred to in paragraph 2. The Committee may revise the terms of reference and develop procedures to guide its operation.
5. The Committee may agree to establish ad-hoc working groups in accordance with its terms of reference.
Committee on Intellectual Property. 1. The Committee on Intellectual Property established pursuant to Article 22.3 (hereinafter referred to in this Article as "the Committee") shall be responsible for the effective implementation and operation of this Chapter.
2. The Committee shall have the following functions:
(a) reviewing and monitoring the implementation and operation of this Chapter;
(b) exchanging information on legislative and policy developments on geographical indications and on any other matter of mutual interest in the area of geographical indications, including any matter arising from applicable requirements of specifications of geographical indications listed in Annex 14-B with respect to their protection under this Agreement;
(c) discussing any issues related to intellectual property with a view to enhancing protection of intellectual property and enforcement of intellectual property rights and to promoting efficient and transparent administration of intellectual property systems;
(d) reporting its findings and the outcomes of its discussions to the Joint Committee; and
(e) carrying out other functions as may be delegated by the Joint Committee pursuant to subparagraph 5(b) of Article 22.1.
3. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Joint Committee on amendments to Annex 14-A and Annex 14-B on request of a Party.
4. Each Party shall examine any request of the other Party concerning the amendment of Annex 14-B, in accordance with Article 14.30.
5. The Committee may invite representatives of relevant entities other than the Parties, including from the private sector, with the necessary expertise relevant to the issues to be discussed.