CONFERENCE BOARD. 29.01 There shall be a Department Conference Board consisting of up to three (3) employees named by the Union and up to three (3) representatives of the Department named by the Chief. The Chief, or his/her representative, shall sit as one (1) of the three (3) employer representatives to the maximum extent practicable, but any of the up to six (6) members may be replaced with an alternate from time to time. The Parties may mutually agree to bring in additional persons with expertise in the matters being discussed. 29.02 The Conference Board shall meet at the request of the Union or the Port, and shall consider and discuss matters of mutual concern pertaining to the improvement of the Department and the safety and welfare of the employees. These matters may include issues of development, committee membership, testing, et cetera. 29.03 The purpose of the Conference Board is to deal with matters of general concern to members of the Department, as opposed to individual complaints of employees; provided, however, it is understood that the Conference Board shall function in a communications and consultative capacity to the Chief of Police. Accordingly, the Conference Board will not discuss grievances properly the subject of the grievance procedure, except to the extent that such discussion may be useful in suggesting improved Departmental policies. Either the Union representatives or the Port representatives may initiate discussion of any subject of a general nature affecting the operations of the Department or its employees. 29.04 An agenda describing the issue(s) to be discussed shall be prepared by the initiating Party and distributed at least three (3) days in advance of each meeting, and minutes may be kept and made available to members. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit, restrict, or reduce the management prerogatives outlined in this Agreement. 29.05 The Conference Board shall provide an answer to those issues/questions brought before it within a mutually agreed upon time.
CONFERENCE BOARD. 1. There shall be a Conference Board of three (3) members, one representing the Union, one representing the Employer, and one neutral member, who shall be Chairman. 2. The purpose of the Joint Conference Board is to settle disputes or grievances referred to it and to interpret this Agreement. The Joint Conference Board is to be limited to those purposes, and shall hear cases and render decisions based solely upon interpretation of this Agreement for the Union and the Employer. 3. The Conference Board Chairman shall be selected by a selection committee comprised of two (2) representatives of the Union and two (2) representatives of the Employer. The selection committee shall be appointed by the signators within fifteen (15) days after consummation of this Agreement. The committee shall select its own chairperson, or co-chairperson. The selection committee shall nominate eight (8) candidates for Chairperson of the Conference Board. The Union representatives shall nominate four (4) candidates. From this list of eight
CONFERENCE BOARD. 17.1 There shall be a Police Department Conference Board consisting of three
CONFERENCE BOARD. 2016. Total economy database. Available at, ac- cessed November 24, 2016. Xxxxxx-Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx X. and Xxxxx X. Xxxxx. 2003. Community lost or transformed? Urbanization and social ties. City and Community 2(3):239–59. xxxxx:// Xx Xxxxx, Xxx X. 1999. Event history data and making a history out of cross-sectional data? How to answer the question “Why cohorts differ?” Quality & Quantity 33(3):261–76. xxxxx:// Xx Xxxxx, Xxx X., Xxxxxx Need, and Wout Ultee. 2004. Leaving the church in the Netherlands: A comprehensive explanation for three empirical regularities. In Patterns and processes of religious change in modern industrial Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx. 2002. Secularization: An analysis at three levels. Brussels: P.I.E.-Xxxxx Xxxx. Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxx, and Xxxxxx Xxxx´. 2011. Religie en kerkbetrokkenheid: Naar een sociaal gemarginaliseerde kerk? In Nieuwe tijden nieuwe mensen. Belgen over arbeid, gezin, ethiek, religie en politiek, edited by Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, and Xxxxxx Xxxx´, pp. 143–72. Leuven: Xxxxx Campus. Xxxxxxxx, E´ mile. 1912. Les forms e´le´mentaires de la vie religieuse. Paris: Alcan. Xxxxxx, Xxxx. 2015. Patterns of European religious life. In A Catholic minority church in a world of seekers, edited by Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, pp. 21–70. Washington: Council of Research in Values and Philosophy. Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx. 1990. Culture shift in advanced industrial society. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxx and Me´rove Xxxxxxxxx. 2012. Moslims in Nederland 2012. Den Xxxx: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx. 1963. The problem of generations. Psychoanalatic Review 57(3):378–404. XxXxxxxxx, Xxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxx-Xxxxx, and Xxxxx X. Xxxx. 2001. Birds of a feather: Homophily in social networks.
CONFERENCE BOARD. 1. There shall be a conference board of three (3) members, one appointed by the Union, one appointed by the Employer signatory to this binding Agreement, and one neutral - member, who shall be Chairman. 2. The purpose of the Conference Board is to settle disputes or grievances referred to it and to interpret this Agreement. The Conference Board is to be limited to these purposes, and shall hear cases and render decisions based solely upon interpretation of this Agreement. 3. The members of the Conference Board appointed by the Union and the Employer shall attempt to mutually agree upon a neutral to serve as a Chairman for the particular grievance. In the event that members have not been able to agree upon a Chairman within ten (10) days from the date the matter is submitted to the Conference Board a list of seven (7) potential neutral Arbitrators shall be requested from the Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service. The Union and Employer appointed members shall take turns striking names from that list until only one name remains. The first to strike shall be determined by the flip of a coin. The remaining name shall be the name of the Chairman of the Conference Board for purposes of resolving the grievance for which he/she was selected. 4. The Conference Board will convene upon request of the Employer acting for itself or upon the, request of the union using the following procedures: a. If the request is initiated by the Union, upon written request to the Employer. b. If the request is initiated by the Employer, with a written request to the Union. 5. A quorum requires that there be one (1) Union Representative, one (1) Employer representative and the Chairman present. Each shall have one (1) vote. 6. Any expenses incurred by the Conference Board shall be paid equally by the Union and the Employer, regardless of the decision. 7. Voting on any grievance or dispute or any other proposition shall be done in Executive Session only and no record of the distribution of votes shall be kept or distributed. 8. The Conference Board shall remain in session, exclusive of recess, until it has arrived at a decision. 9. The determinations of the Conference Board are final and binding upon the Parties. There shall be no appeal. a. A simple majority vote is required to dispose of items on the Agenda. b. The Conference Board shall have the right to discovery on specific cases subsequent to convention for the hearing on that specific case. c. The grievance procedure is limit...
CONFERENCE BOARD. There shall be a Department Conference Board consisting of three (3) employees named by the Union and three (3) representatives of the Department named by the Chief. The Chief, or their representative, shall sit as one of the three (3) employer representatives to the maximum extent practicable, but any of the six (6 ) members may be replaced with an alternate from time to time. The Parties may m utually agree to bring in additional persons with expertise in the matters being discussed.
CONFERENCE BOARD. A Joint Conference Board shall be formed comprised of three (3) persons nominated by the Contractors signatory to this Agreement and their (3) persons by the Union. The Board may be convened at the request of either the Contractor's Group or the Union on notice of three working days to discuss any dispute or grievance.
CONFERENCE BOARD. Upon merger, the Conference Board shall be the persons set forth below, and they shall serve for the balance of their terms until their respective successors are elected and qualified in conjunction with the then governing bylaws. Xxx Xxxxxxxxxx (Deep Run East) –Moderator Xxxxxx Xxxxx (Ripple) – Assistant Moderator Xxxxxx Xxxxxx (Nueva Vida Norristown New Life) Xxxxx Xxxxxx (Plains) Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Franconia) Xxxx Xxxxxxxx (Souderton) Xxxx Xxxxx (Xxxxxxx, VT) Xxxx Xxxx (Finland) Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx (Zion) Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx (Deep Run West) Xxxxx Xxxxxxx (Plains) - Ministerial Committee Chair, if affirmed
CONFERENCE BOARD. 24 Article 27 - Disclosure of Personnel File Information 25 Article 28 - Term of Agreement 25 Appendix A - Pay Rates 26 Appendix B - Drug Testing --------------------------------------------------------- 28
CONFERENCE BOARD. For the proper conduct of business, a Chairman shall be chosen at each meeting, but he shall preside only at the meeting for which he is chosen. The duty of the Chairman shall be that usually incumbent upon a presiding officer. The chairman shall be allowed to vote on all questions should he so desire. The decision of the Conference Board shall be communicated in writing to the parties to the dispute and shall be final and binding on such parties. unless either party appeals the decision to arbitration (as set forth in Article XII of this agreement) within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of written decision of the Conference Board.