Conference Procedure. 35.2.1 The site supervisor, when requested by the Employees, shall advise the Company of the Employees’ claim that inclement weather exists on site. This advice shall occur within sixty (60) minutes of such a request being made by the Employees.
35.2.2 Where it is confirmed by the Parties that inclement weather does exist, the Company may direct affected Employees to an alternative work site(s) or simply direct them to leave the affected work site.
35.2.3 For the purposes of determining the temperature for inclement HOT weather, the temperature shall be sourced, during this conference, from the South Australian Bureau of Meteorology station geographically nearest the work site.
Conference Procedure. 1. The Parties may present opening statements but there will be no live testimony.
2. The Parties will attempt to reach a voluntary settlement through negotiation with the assistance of the Mediator.
3. If the Parties cannot voluntarily reach a settlement, the Mediator will advise the Parties that settlement cannot be reached. The Mediator will then take the matter under advisement and render an award that will be binding to all Parties, (the "Award"), subject to the terms of any high/low agreement that the Parties may have as described below in Paragraph (F)(1).
Conference Procedure. 36.2.1 The site leading hand/supervisor, when requested by the Employees, shall advise the Company of the Employees’ claim that inclement weather exists on site. This advice shall occur within sixty (60) minutes of such a request being made by the Employees. Following the request, the Employees should continue to work during this period, until direction is provided by the relevant SKS Management in regard to the appropriate option under the relevant inclement weather sub-clauses herein.
36.2.2 Where it is confirmed by the Parties that inclement weather does exist, the Company shall implement the appropriate option under the relevant inclement weather sub-clauses herein.
36.2.3 For the purposes of determining the temperature for inclement HOT weather, the temperature shall be sourced, from the Bureau of Meteorology station geographically nearest the work site or website.
Conference Procedure. 1. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to limit the rights of the Parties hereto to seek appropriate legal injunctive, declaratory or other relief to construe, review or enforce the terms of this Agreement. However, the Parties agree to meet before any future litigation concerning the subject matter of this Agreement is commenced by any Party against any other Party. No meeting shall be required as a condition precedent to liti- gation if such a meeting cannot be held within thirty (30) calendar days of the date on which the request for the meeting was made to all Parties.
Conference Procedure. 35.2.1 The site supervisor, when requested by the Employees, shall advise the Company of the Employees’ claim that inclement weather exists on site. This advice shall occur within sixty (60) minutes of such a request being made by the Employees.
35.2.2 Where it is confirmed by the Parties that inclement weather does exist, the Company shall implement the appropriate option under the relevant inclement weather sub-clauses herein.
35.2.3 For the purposes of determining the temperature for inclement HOT weather, the temperature shall be sourced, during this conference, from the South Australian Bureau of Meteorology station geographically nearest the work site.
Conference Procedure. The Employer or their representative will promptly confer with Employees upon request, within a reasonable period not exceeding 1 hour, to determine if conditions are inclement. Any disputes regarding inclement conditions shall be addressed through the disputes procedure. To determine the temperature for inclement hot weather, the temperature shall be obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology station nearest to the work site during the conference.
Conference Procedure. Suzlon, or Xxxxxx’s representatives, shall when requested by the Employees, confer within a reasonable period of time (not greater than 30 minutes), to determine if the weather conditions are inclement.
Conference Procedure. Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled at the end of the first quarter for all students. Optional parent/teacher conferences are scheduled during the third quarter. However, teachers are available to schedule conferences throughout the year as parent/teacher deems necessary. The teacher is usually in the best position to help a parent with any problem that may arise. If a problem should occur that deserves the attention of a teacher, parents should contact the teacher through the school, via email or phone, to make meeting arrangements. Please do not disrupt instruction/learning to speak with the teacher. Only scheduled parent conferences may take place during the school day.
Conference Procedure. (i) The site supervisor, when requested by the employees, shall advise the company of the employees’ claim that inclement weather exists on site. This advice shall occur within 60 minutes of such a request being made by the employees.
(ii) Where it is confirmed by the parties that inclement weather does exist, the company shall implement the appropriate option under the relevant inclement weather sub-clauses herein.
(iii) For the purposes of determining the temperature for inclement HOT weather, the temperature shall be sourced, during this conference, from the South Australian Bureau of Meteorology station geographically nearest the work site.
31.1 Inclement WET Weather – Continuous Rain
(a) Employees shall not be required to work whilst exposed to continuous rain. However, employees shall remain on site (in a location/amenities unaffected by the inclement weather) for a minimum period of 4 hours from when the inclement weather conference procedure commences.
(b) If, at any stage during this 4-hour period the inclement weather ceases to exist, employees shall return to work.
(c) During this 4-hour period, employees may be required to comply with any of the following options:
(i) Employees exposed to such weather whilst working shall be relocated to alternative work (which is undercover and/or not exposed to continuous rain) on the same site if possible or, such work on an alternative site. If relocated to an alternative site, employees shall be entitled to the appropriate travelling and transport provision/s contained herein this agreement.
(ii) Where employees are required, by the site safety officer or, by the employer to continue working in the continuous rain for safety or emergency purposes only, the employer shall provide appropriate wet weather equipment and clothing. Such equipment and clothing shall remain the property of the employer.
(iii) Where required by the company, affected employees shall participate in: ▪ Toolbox meetings ▪ Work planning sessions ▪ OH&S training ▪ Equipment Training etc.
(d) Where all available options have been exhausted and the employees have complied with the procedures provided herein (i.e. remained on site for the minimum of four hours etc.), employees shall then be allowed to leave the work site.
Conference Procedure. 35.2.1 The site supervisor, when requested by the Employees, shall advise the Company of the Employees’ claim that inclement weather
35.2.2 Where it is confirmed by the Parties that inclement weather does exist, the Company shall implement the appropriate option under the relevant inclement weather sub-clauses herein.
35.2.3 For the purposes of determining the temperature for inclement HOT weather, the temperature shall be sourced, during this conference, from the South Australian Bureau of Meteorology station geographically nearest the work site.