Shared Leave The purpose of the leave sharing program is to permit state employees, to donate leave to come to the aid of another state employee who has been called to service in the uniformed services, who is responding to a state of emergency anywhere within the United States declared by the federal or state government, who is a victim of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, or who is suffering from or has a relative or household member suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition, which has caused or is likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or terminate their employment. For purposes of the leave sharing program, the following definitions apply:
Paid Leave Contributions will continue whilst a member of a fund is absent on paid annual leave, sick leave, long service leave, public holidays, jury service, bereavement leave, or other paid leave.
Casual Leave Employees may be granted casual leave with pay to a maximum of two (2) hours for the following purposes:
Carer’s Leave An employee may use up to 10 days accrued sick days as carers leave to tend to the care for members of the employee’s immediate household. The leave will be subject to the employee providing reasonable proof of the need for the use of xxxxx’s leave. In circumstances where the employee has exhausted all of the paid leave, a further 2 days unpaid leave may be taken.
FMLA Leave The Board agrees to comply with the Family and Medical Leave Act and agrees that any policy adopted to implement the FMLA shall in no way reduce or adversely impact any other provision of this Agreement.
Disability Leave a. An employee who has suffered possible injury in the performance of assigned duties shall immediately undergo such medical examination as the appointing authority deems necessary. He or she shall not be considered absent from duty during the time required for such examination. b. A regular employee who is unable to perform any appropriate work assignment because of disability incurred in the performance of assigned duties shall be entitled to the following disability leave benefits, in addition to those provided pursuant to the California Worker's Compensation Insurance Act. (1) During any period of disability for which payment is not provided under Worker's Compensation Insurance, the employee shall be placed on disability leave with pay to the extent of any leave with pay which he or she has accrued. Such disability leave with pay shall be charged against the employee's accrued leave with pay. (2) During any period of disability for which payment is provided under Worker's Compensation Insurance, the employee shall elect either: (a) Retain any Workers' Compensation Benefits received during the pay period and receive full pay. The employee shall use their accrued sick leave, vacation CTO and HIL on an hour- for-hour basis to cover all hours the employee is absent from duty due to the work-related disability during the applicable pay period. Or, (b) Retain any Workers' Compensation Benefits received during the pay period and receive a partial paycheck in an amount so that the partial pay and the Workers' Compensation Benefits added together are equivalent to the employee's full pay. The employee shall use their accrued sick leave, vacation, CTO, and HIL in an amount equal to one-half of the number of hours the employee was absent from work during the pay period due to the work-related disability. If, however, the amount of the Workers' Compensation Benefits is subtracted from the employee's full pay for the time off due to the disability, and the remainder is less than one-half of the amount of such full pay, then only the number of leave balance hours necessary to equal that remainder shall be charged. (3) The choice of either (2)(a) or (2)(b) above shall be an irrevocable choice for the duration of the disability leave resulting from the work- related injury. However, if the employee returns to work for a period of at least thirty (30) calendar days, the employee may again elect to choose either option b.(2)(a) or b.(2)(b) for any subsequent disability leave taken as a result of (or relating to) the same injury. c. All disability leave provisions of this section shall terminate when the employee uses all accrued sick leave, vacation, CTO or HIL balances, or upon the date of the employee's recovery from disability, receipt of permanent disability under Workers' Compensation Insurance, retirement, termination from County employment, or death.
Maternity Leave 16.01 Upon written request on the appropriate form by a pregnant Employee, the University shall grant maternity leave consistent in timing and duration with the Employment Standards Act of New Brunswick. The application is to be made no later than two (2) weeks prior to the date that she intends to begin her leave and should specify the duration of the leave. A medical certificate specifying the expected date of delivery is to be attached to the application. 16.02 A pregnant employee may wish to continue working up to the expected date of delivery and may do so, if in the opinion of her physician she is able to fulfill her normal job responsibilities. No pregnant employee will be allowed to work in an area that may be hazardous to her health or to that of her child. The employee may be transferred by the Employer if appropriate alternate employment is available. 16.03 An early return to work, following delivery, will require a medical certificate indicating that the employee is medically fit for work. 16.04 Following the period of maternity leave, the employee will normally return to her former position. If this is not possible, she will be placed in an equivalent level of position. 16.05 A period of maternity leave may be extended by applying for an unpaid leave of absence under Article 18, Parental leave under Article 16A or by taking vacation time, if approved by the Employer. Such a request will not be unreasonably refused. 16.06 Upon completion of the initial probationary period of continuous employment, a female employee who provides the Employer with proof that she has applied for and is eligible to receive Employment Insurance benefits, shall be paid a maternity leave allowance in accordance with a plan registered with the Canada Employment Insurance Commission as a Supplementary Unemployment Benefit Plan (S.U.B.). 16.07 Under the provisions of the S.U.B. plan, the Employee's salary will be maintained at 95% of her regular weekly earnings for a maximum of 17 weeks of maternity leave. This plan allows the Employer to make up the difference between the C.E.I.C. maternity leave benefits up to 95% of the Employee's regular weekly earnings. The Employee is required to apply for the C.E.I.C. maternity leave benefit and must be eligible for the benefit for this plan to apply (as specified in the appropriate sections of the Employment Insurance Regulations). Contributions to the pension and benefit plans shall continue on the part of the Employee and the University on the basis of 100% of salary. 16.08 Employees have no vested right to payments under the plan except to payments during a period of unemployment specified in the plan (57 (13(h) of the E.I. Regulations). 16.09 Payments in respect of guaranteed annual remuneration or in respect of deferred remuneration or severance pay benefits are not reduced or increased by payments received under the plan. 16.10 Employees must apply for and must be in receipt of employment insurance benefits to receive payments under the plan.
Paternity Leave 7.4.6(a) An employee will provide to the employer at least ten weeks prior to each proposed period of paternity leave, with:
Paid Leaves A. A bank of ten (10) sick leave days per year shall be credited to each Kitchen Manager at the beginning of the yearly period of employment. Probationary employees who successfully complete their probationary period after the start of the work year shall be credited with a prorated number of sick leave days at the beginning of their non- probationary period. Employees who are promoted from ESP#1 to Kitchen Managers Association shall have accumulated sick leave days prorated based upon number of hours-worked in previous position. Total sick leave accumulation will be unlimited. Sick leave days may be used for personal illness of the employee or illness in the immediate family of the employee living in the same household and/or those critically ill family members who warrant immediate attention. B. Two (2) days of sick leave each year may be used as Business Days. All requests must be in writing except when an emergency situation prevails, approval may be obtained by telephone with a follow-up letter stating the date and reason for being off. Written requests for the day off must be received in the office of the Supervisor of Food Services at least three work days before the day the employee wishes off. Requests will be granted only when there is sufficient number of substitute employees to cover the workload. The day before and the day after a paid holiday or a scheduled vacation day cannot be used as a Business Day. C. Each employee shall be entitled to leave with pay without charge to his/her sick bank for death in the immediate family or immediate step family of the employee and/or spouse or the death of a person residing in the same household as the employee. The funeral leave shall be for a period not to exceed three (3) days, provided the employee attends the funeral. Immediate family shall mean mother, father, brother, sister, child, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandchild and grandparents. Immediate step family shall mean step-mother, step-father, step-brother, step-sister, step-child and step-grandchild. In the event of the death of a spouse, child or step- child, the funeral leave shall be for a period not to exceed five (5) days, provided the employee attends the funeral. Additional time beyond the three (3) or five (5) days, if granted by the employee’s immediate supervisor, will be charged to sick leave. The employer has the right to request and receive appropriate substantiation of attendance at the funeral and verification of residence of an individual residing in the household. Funeral leave may be granted to any Kitchen Manager in case of the death of a person whose relationship to the employee warrants attendance at the funeral. Time off for funerals may be granted before or after the fact by the Supervisor of Food Services. All approved absences caused by funerals will be deducted from the sick bank. D. Sick leaves days will accumulate but not be granted to probationary employees until employee is permanently assigned.
Annual Leave Employees (other than casuals) will be entitled to four (4) weeks paid annual leave per annum, provided that Continuous Shiftworkers shall be entitled to one additional week’s paid annual leave.