Day of School Sample Clauses
Day of School. Our Lady of Xxxxxxx 1 First day of school - WW 5 No School – WW/OLOL 23 Early Dismissal - WW (Early Release Day offered*) 23 No School - OLOL 7 Early Dismissal –WW (Early Release Day offered*) 14 Early Dismissal – OLOL (Early Release Day offered*) 20 Early Dismissal –WW (Early Release Day offered*) 21 No School – Westwood 27 Early Dismissal – OLOL (Early Release Day offered*) 28 No School - OLOL 18 Early Dismissal –OLOL (Early Release Day offered*) 23 Early Dismissal – Xxxxxxxx (Early Release Day offered*) 23 No School - OLOL 24-25 Thanksgiving - No School – WW/OLOL 9 Early Dismissal – WW (Early Release Day offered*) 23 No School - OLOL
Day of School. H Holiday /S/ Staff Development Day ^ No Classes/Non-School Day [ ] Last Day of School Early Release Days Non- School Days:
Day of School. The first Thursday in September, or the Wednesday after Labor Day, whichever is earlier.
Day of School. Exams June 7 1/2 Day of School—Exams—End of 4th Quarter Calendar for 2017-18 will be finalized by March 24, 2017
Day of School. On your child’s first day, you will need to plan to stay for the entire session. Please make sure prior babysitting arrangements are made for siblings and park your car in a suitable place so that you can stay with your child for the amount of time s/he requires. Siblings who are older than 6 months will not be permitted to stay with the parent, please make sure you have made prior arrangements for your other children. During the settling in days at the school, parents are required to stay with their child for part or in some cases all of the session in order to make the transition into the school as easy as possible for the child and to reduce any possible anxiety that they may have about leaving their parents. It is normal for children to feel nervous and upset during their first days, if your child is distressed the Class teacher will advise you to stay. If your child seems settled and is happy for you to leave the Class teacher will advise you to leave. If your child becomes distressed after you have left the school, the teachers will make every effort to comfort your child and contact you if necessary.
Day of School. The School Director and the Admissions Committee of the Board may approve the withdrawal of the child if the Undersigned so requests with 20 days notice in writing due to change of residence. Additionally, the Admissions Committee of the board may require or approve the withdrawal of the child if the Undersigned participation has been unsatisfactory as determined by the Admissions Committee. In these cases, all prepaid tuition will be refunded within 60 days from the date of written notice of withdrawal with the following exclusions: (1) a withdrawal fee equivalent to one-month of pre-school tuition (2) $50 non-refundable insurance fee (3) $25 non-refundable scholarship fee and (4) $100 administrative fee. The $50 fee paid at registration is also non-refundable. Tuition charges will be applied up to the dat elf withdrawal. • All other requests for tuition refunds must be presented in writing for consideration boy the Admissions Committee. Other refunds would be subject to and not limited to the exclusions noted above. • No refunds will be given for withdrawal from the special programs including but not limited to Mommy and Me, enrichment classes, lunch or extended day programs.
Day of School. Full Day September 24 ½ Day: Powerschool In-service in the P.M. October 10 Area Wide In-service October 31 End of 1st marking period November 5 Evening P/T at JHS or SRE November 6 ½ Day for Students: P/T in the p.m. at both buildings, evening too at ? November 7 No School – A.M. In-service for staff November 27-28 Thanksgiving Recess December 19 Christmas Recess begins at the end of the regular school day January 5 School Resumes January 15 End of second marking period and the 1st semester January 16 No School – In-service a.m. / Records Day p.m. February 25 Evening P/T at JHS or SRE February 26 ½ Day for Students: P/T in the p.m. at both buildings, evening too at ? February 27 No School March 10-13 MME Test Week March 20 End of 3rd marking period March 24-27 MME make-up test Week April 3 Spring Recess begins at the end of the regular school day April 14 School Resumes May 24 Graduation Day: JHS Gymnasium at 2:00 P.M. May 25 Memorial Day Recess June 5 End of 4th marking period, second semester and school year. In the event of snow days, delays and other school closings that require make-up to be eligible for full state aid, time will be added in June 2009.
Day of School. On your child’s first day, you will need to plan to stay for the entire session. Please make sure prior babysitting arrangements are made for siblings and park your car in a suitable place so that you can stay with your child for the amount of time s/he requires. Siblings who are older than 6 months will not be permitted to stay with the parent, please make sure you have made prior arrangements for your other children. During the settling in days at the school, parents are required to stay with their child for part or in some cases all of the session in order to make the transition into the School as easy as possible for the child and to reduce any possible anxiety that they may have about leaving their parents. It is normal for children to feel nervous and upset during their first days, if your child is distressed the Class teacher will advise you to stay. If your child seems settled and is happy for you to leave the Class teacher will advise you to leave. If your child becomes distressed after you have left the School, the teachers will make every effort to comfort your child and contact you if necessary. During the School day staff will be happy to receive telephone calls from parents at all times. Parents may feel anxious and concerned about their child’s well-being and staff will endeavour to allay any fears that parents may have. Staff will inform parents when their child is upset or unsettled. In the situation where a child will not settle a member of staff will call the parents to discuss their concerns. Parents will be introduced to the staff and information will be provided with regards to staff positions and duties. Parents will be advised about which member of staff to contact if they need more information about their child’s day. To help your child have a smooth settling in experience at the School we have a special schedule that we use for the first few weeks. When your child arrives at the School they will be shown their cubby and advised to change into their indoor shoes and take off their coat. All children visit the toilet at the start of the session then they will gather on the carpet for a circle time to start the day with dua. After the circle time your child will be shown where the beginners shelf is and asked to choose an activity from this shelf or any other activity which has been presented to them. After half an hour of choosing activities your child will be invited to another circle time. This circle time will cover aspects of gr...
Day of School. ½ In-Service April 18 ½ Day of School/1/2 In-Service
Day of School. No School, 4 Student days and 6 Teacher days in August. Sep. 4 No School, 19 Student and Teacher days in September. Oct. 10 Students ½ day, PD in afternoon. Oct. 26 End of Quarter, 43 days in marking period, 23 Student and Teacher days in October. Nov. 9 Students ½ day.