Early Release Days Sample Clauses
Early Release Days. In addition to the above conferences and early release days, there will be two (2) early release days for grades K-8 and four (4) early release days for grades 9-12 on the last four (4) days of school. In the event that one of the four last days falls on Monday, the early release will be shifted seventy-five (75) minutes later.
Early Release Days. The Committee may convert early release days to full student days to augment instructional time except on the first 3 days of school in September and the last school day in June, subject to no loss of the credit benefits in paragraph 5 of Section A of Article 6 –
Early Release Days. On early release days, Bargaining Unit Members will be paid for the actual number of hours worked. Work times may be adjusted by the Building Principal or Supervisor to accommodate the alternate schedule.
Early Release Days. The Danvers Teachers Association and the Danvers School Committee hereby agree to the following modifications to the July 1, 2008- June 30, 2011 Collective Bargaining Agreement. ● There will be nine early release days each year. Teacher dismissal will be no later than 3:00 PM for the Middle/High School and 3:30 PM for the Elementary School. ● There will be one (1) administrative meeting per month. ● On the first three early release days of the school year, dismissal time for the students will be no later than 12:45PM at the High School and Middle School, and 1:15PM at the Elementary Schools. At all levels and on these first days, the remainder of the day will be teacher-directed and no administrative meetings will occur unless necessary. If there is a need for an administrative meeting, there will only be one (1), scheduled on either a Wednesday or a Thursday, and it will be only one (1) hour in length. ● For this schedule the High School and Middle School will have 340 minutes/day of instructional time for students. For the Danvers Teachers Association For the Danvers School Committee Date: Date: The Danvers Teachers’ Association (Association) and Superintendent of Schools (Superintendent) hereby agree to settle the grievance concerning the posting of overload positions at the secondary level as follows:
Early Release Days. Two (2) one-half (1/2) days will be for early release of staff on the day prior to Thanksgiving thirty (30) minutes after student dismissal and on the last day of student instruction thirty (30) minutes after student dismissal, and when the teacher has completed final checkout procedures as arranged with employee’s principal.
Early Release Days. Three elementary student early release days shall be scheduled during the last three (3) days of school. All teachers will be given the remainder of all three (3) days, after the students leave, as self-directed time to finish their end of the year activities.
Early Release Days. 11
12 1. The parties agree that during the 2019-2021 school years the District calendar will 13 include three (3) Early Release Days. One of the early release days will be used 14 for district in-service. The other two days will be used according to the site plan 15 at each site.
17 2. The parties agree that prior to the adoption of each of the District calendars for the 18 school years covered by this Agreement, including the school year immediately 19 following the expiration of this Agreement, the Article 2 Group will discuss any 20 modifications to Early Release Days that might impact those calendars, including 21 the actual dates of any such Early Release Days. If no modifications are agreed 22 upon, the District's calendars covered by this Agreement will continue to include
Early Release Days. The four days of early release time for students, scheduled immediately prior to the end of each semester will be utilized to provide self-directed work time for teachers at all levels.
Early Release Days. The establishment of early release days shall be the prerogative of the Committee who will consult with the Association in creating said schedule. Teacher input will be sought on a regular and ongoing basis and incorporated in determining how the early release time shall be spent. If the district wants to schedule additional parent-teacher conferences outside those outlined in Article VII, Section 1, adequate early-release time must be provided. In addition, adequate early-release time must be provided for the self-evaluation activities needed in advance of an accreditation visit by representatives of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
Early Release Days. On one Friday in September, October, January, February, March (or April)*, May and June, to be determined by the teachers in the unit member’s building of assignment, and the last work day preceding Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring* recess periods, unit members may leave one hour early. In no event shall unit members in a building with students leave prior to the regular bus departure of the students. * If Spring recess is in March, the April release day designated by the building’s teachers will be observed.