Description of the Facility and Facility Operations/Community/ Geographic Area Sample Clauses

Description of the Facility and Facility Operations/Community/ Geographic Area. The Maplewood Landfill is located in Xxxxxx County, Virginia, approximately 30 miles southwest of Richmond, Virginia. The landfill liner area will cover a total area of about 404 acres upon completion. Construction of the first phases started in 1992. Construction of the most recent phase was completed in 1997. The King Xxxxxx County Landfill is located in King Xxxxxx County, Virginia, approximately 50 miles north- northeast of Richmond, Virginia. The landfill liner area will cover about 290 acres upon completion. The first phase of liner system construction began in 1996. Construction of additional liner system area has been performed every year since 1996. Both the Maplewood Landfill and the King Xxxxxx County Landfill were constructed having geomembrane composite double-liner systems, with primary leachate collection and leak detection (secondary collection) layers. The liner systems for the two landfills are illustrated on Figure 2. Because these landfills were constructed having composite double-liner systems, they provide a high level of protection to the environment against potential impacts caused by leakage of leachate. While the liner designs do not meet the specified liner design requirements under RCRA (40 C.F.R. § 258.40(a)(2) and (b)) which a landfill presently is required to have in place for leachate/gas condensate recirculation (40C.F.R. § 258.28(a)(2)); the liners do meet or exceed the performance requirements for municipal solid waste landfills and have been shown to be equivalent to the specified liner requirements. For this reason, the project sponsors believe that these landfills are excellent candidates for the bioreactor programs that are proposed in this application. The proposed project has been discussed with potential stakholders, including the USEPA, VADEQ, WM, and the host counties, as well as the participants identified in Section 3.3. Letters of support for the project from the Xxxxxx County and King Xxxxxx County Boards of Supervisors are attached in Appendix A.
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Description of the Facility and Facility Operations/Community/ Geographic Area. The Facility is located on a 565-acre portion of land in Severn, Maryland, approximately 15 miles south of Baltimore. The Facility is owned and operated by the County and is the only active municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill in the County. The Facility accepts approximately 390 tons per day (tpd) of MSW (FY00), of which 1/3 (approximately 130 tpd) is recovered for reuse and recycling and the remaining amount (approximately 260 tpd) is land filled at the Facility. The Facility serves on average 660 customers (residents and businesses combined) per day, 7 days per week. The Facility currently consists of six cells (refer to Attachment I). Cell 1-East, Cell 2, Cell 4, and Cell 5-6-7 are separate mounds that are filled, closed, and capped. Cells 3 and 1- West were excavated and relocated into lined Cell 8 in 1994 and 1996, respectively. Cell 8 is currently accepting waste, and Cell 9 is scheduled to be constructed in the future, when Cell 8 is filled to design grades. Cell 8 has eight subcells. Subcells 8-1 through 8-6 have been constructed and are all partially or nearly filled. The next subcell planned for construction is Cell 8-8, occurring in 2006. Cell 8 is designed to ultimately receive 5.6 million cubic yards (MMcy) of waste and Cell 9 for 8.7 MMcy. The final elevation of Cell 8 will be 243 feet above mean sea level (MSL). The waste composition in Cell 8 in the area of the proposed XL Project is described in more detail in Section II.B. of this FPA (Detailed Description of Project, Test Area Location). The Facility was constructed with a geomembrane composite double-liner system, with primary leachate collection and leak detection (secondary collection) layers. Details of the liner and leachate collection system are set forth in Attachments V and VI of this FPA. The base of Cell 8 is underlain by at least 5 feet of unsaturated clay and sand. The Cell 8 liner and leachate collection system (double-liner system) has been approved by EPA and MDE. (See Attachment II.) The Facility presently generates approximately 8,000 gallons of leachate per day. Leachate from Cell 8 is collected from subcell sumps (one sump per subcell) and piped to a wetwell, from which it is pumped to a 305,000 gallon influent tank. The leachate then flows to a pretreatment plant at the Facility in which it is treated in controlled batches. From there it is discharged into a 305,000 gallon effluent tank and ultimately discharged to the sanitary sewer via a force main on site, from wh...
Description of the Facility and Facility Operations/Community/ Geographic Area. The Yolo County Central Landfill (YCCL) is an existing Class III non-hazardous municipal landfill with two Class II surface impoundments for disposal of selected non-hazardous liquid wastes. This site encompasses 722 acres and is owned and operated by Yolo County. It is located at the intersection of Road 104 and Road 28H, 2 miles northeast of the City of Xxxxx. The YCCL was opened in 1975 for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste, construction debris, and non-hazardous liquid waste. Existing on-site operations include an eleven-year old landfill methane gas recovery and energy generation facility, a drop-off area for recyclables, a metal recovery facility, wood and yard waste recovery and processing area, and concrete recycling area. Adjacent land uses include a wastewater disposal area (spray irrigation fields) operated by Xxxx- Xxxxxx west of the site until December 1999, and the City of Xxxxx Wastewater Treatment Plant lagoons located immediately east and south of the landfill, which will be continuing in operation. The Willow Slough By-pass runs parallel to the southern boundary of the site. The remainder of land uses adjacent to the site are agricultural (row crops). There are approximately 28 residences scattered within a 2-mile radius of the landfill. The closest residence is located 1,600 feet south of the landfill and city treatment plant lagoons, on the West Side of Road 105 south of the Willow Slough By-pass. Groundwater levels at the facility fluctuate 8 to 10 feet during the year, rising from lowest in September to highest around March. Water level data indicate that the water table level is typically 4 to 10 feet below ground surface during winter and spring months. During summer and fall months, the water table is typically 5 to 15 feet below ground surface. In January 1989, the County of Yolo constructed a soil/bentonite slurry cutoff wall to retard groundwater flow to the landfill site from the north. The cutoff wall was constructed along portions of the northern and western boundaries of the site to a maximum depth of 44 feet and has a total length of 3,680 feet, 2,880 feet along the north side and 800 feet along the west. In the fall of 1990, irrigation practices to the north of the landfill site were altered to minimize the infiltration of water. Additionally, sixteen groundwater extraction xxxxx were also installed south of the cutoff wall in order to lower the water table south and east of the wall. The purpose was to depress the...
Description of the Facility and Facility Operations/Community/ Geographic Area. The Buncombe County Solid Waste Management Facility (BCSWMF) is an existing Subtitle D landfill permitted by NCDENR, Solid Waste Section. The 600+ acre facility is located in northern Buncombe County about two miles from the Madison County line. NC 251 borders the facility to the south and west. Access to the site is from the northwest off of Panther Branch Road (SR 1745). A prominent physical feature of the facility is the French Broad River that borders the site to the south and west. The BCSWMF accepts non-hazardous municipal solid waste generated within the County for disposal in the Subtitle D landfill portion of the site. Construction and demolition waste is accepted and disposed of in an approved construction and demolition debris landfill also located on the site. Tires and white goods are accepted as well and they are processed prior to being shipped off-site for recycling and/or disposal. Wood and yard wastes are processed into mulch and sold to the public. Common household recyclables are also collected at the facility. Since opening in September 1997, the Buncombe County Solid Waste Management Facility has received several prestigious awards including: ■ 1998 Honors Award for Engineering Excellence from the North Carolina Consulting Engineers Council. ■ 1999 Gold Award for Outstanding Integrated Solid Waste Management Program from the North Carolina Chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America (NC SWANA) ■ 1999 Bronze Award for Excellence in Solid Waste Management in North America, Landfill Category, from the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA). ■ 2000 Award for Outstanding County Program from the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners for its Hazardous Waste Handling, Reduction, and Education Program. The Subtitle D landfill portion of the BCSWMF comprises 100 acres. The site has been segregated into 10 distinct cells of varying size depending on topography. Cells 1 and 2, which combined are approximately 14 acres in size, were constructed as part of the initial facility construction. Both of these cells were constructed with the standard Subtitle D composite liner system. Two feet of crushed stone was used to construct the protective cover/leachate collection and drainage system. The synthetic liner is protected against abrasion and puncture from the stone and waste by a 28-oz. fabric cushion. Leachate is drained to a sump area located in each of the ten cells and then pumped to an on-site lined, leachate s...

Related to Description of the Facility and Facility Operations/Community/ Geographic Area

  • GEOGRAPHIC AREA AND SECTOR SPECIFIC ALLOWANCES, CONDITIONS AND EXCEPTIONS The following allowances and conditions shall apply where relevant: Where the company does work which falls under the following headings, the company agrees to pay and observe the relevant respective conditions and/or exceptions set out below in each case.

  • Outpatient emergency and urgicenter services within the service area The emergency room copay applies to all outpatient emergency visits that do not result in hospital admission within twenty-four (24) hours. The urgicenter copay is the same as the primary care clinic office visit copay.

  • Scaling Locations, Rules, and Organizations All logs from timber sold under the terms and conditions of this contract shall be: (1) scaled at a location approved in writing by STATE; (2) scaled by a third-party scaling organization with a current agreement with STATE; and (3) scaled using the Official Log Scaling and Grading Rules (as adopted by the Northwest Log Rules Advisory Group) and STATE special service scaling instructions in effect at the time the logs are scaled. Utilization scale shall be handled in accordance with the section titled, “Utilization Scale.” PURCHASER shall enter into a written agreement with a third-party scaling organization for the scaling of logs removed from the timber sale area. PURCHASER shall furnish STATE with a copy of the scaling agreement upon request. If logs are delivered when a TPSO scaler is not present, PURCHASER must provide STATE with a method to assure protection and accountability. PURCHASER shall provide STATE with remote check scaling opportunities for logs scaled under this contract. The last two loads at each delivery point shall be continuously available for checking. They shall remain available for a minimum of 48 hours unless replaced by other STATE loads. They shall be available as originally presented for scaling; i.e., if truck scaled, they shall be presented in bunks. In the event scaling is suspended for any reason, hauling operations shall be immediately suspended until approved alternate scaling services are provided, or service by the scaling organization is resumed.

  • VISIBILITY OF FUNDING FROM THE OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE Unless the SAIDC requests or agrees otherwise, any communication or publication made by the Final Beneficiary that relates to the action, including at conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations in electronic form, etc.), including tangible assets acquired from the project must: (a) indicate that the action has received funding from the Official Development Assistance, SlovakAid and (b) display the SlovakAid logo. When displayed in association with another logo, the SlovakAid logo must have appropriate prominence. The obligation to display the SlovakAid logo does not confer on the Final Beneficiary a right of exclusive use. The Final Beneficiary may not appropriate the SlovakAid logo or any similar trademark or logo, either by registration or by any other means. For the purposes of the first, second and third subparagraphs and under the conditions specified therein, the Final Beneficiary may use the SlovakAid logo without first obtaining permission from the SAIDC.

  • Access to Information Systems Access, if any, to DXC’s Information Systems is granted solely to perform the Services under this Order, and is limited to those specific DXC Information Systems, time periods and personnel as are separately agreed to by DXC and Supplier from time to time. DXC may require Supplier’s employees, subcontractors or agents to sign individual agreements prior to access to DXC’s Information Systems. Use of DXC Information Systems during other time periods or by individuals not authorized by DXC is expressly prohibited. Access is subject to DXC business control and information protection policies, standards and guidelines as may be modified from time to time. Use of any other DXC Information Systems is expressly prohibited. This prohibition applies even when an DXC Information System that Supplier is authorized to access, serves as a gateway to other Information Systems outside Supplier’s scope of authorization. Supplier agrees to access Information Systems only from specific locations approved for access by DXC. For access outside of DXC premises, DXC will designate the specific network connections to be used to access Information Systems.

  • Permitted and Required Uses/Disclosures of PHI 3.1 Except as limited in this Agreement, Business Associate may use or disclose PHI to perform Services, as specified in the underlying grant or contract with Covered Entity. The uses and disclosures of Business Associate are limited to the minimum necessary, to complete the tasks or to provide the services associated with the terms of the underlying agreement. Business Associate shall not use or disclose PHI in any manner that would constitute a violation of the Privacy Rule if used or disclosed by Covered Entity in that manner. Business Associate may not use or disclose PHI other than as permitted or required by this Agreement or as Required by Law.

  • Allocation and use of scarce resources Any procedures for the allocation and use of scarce resources, including frequencies, numbers and rights of way, will be carried out in an objective, timely, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. The current state of allocated frequency bands will be made publicly available, but detailed identification of frequencies allocated for specific government uses is not required.

  • Occupational First Aid Requirements and Courses (a) The Union and the Employer agree that First Aid Regulations made pursuant to the Workers' Compensation Act shall be fully complied with.

  • Information and Services Required of the Owner § 3.1.1 The Owner shall provide information with reasonable promptness, regarding requirements for and limitations on the Project, including a written program which shall set forth the Owner’s objectives, constraints, and criteria, including schedule, space requirements and relationships, flexibility and expandability, special equipment, systems, sustainability and site requirements.

  • AIN Selective Carrier Routing for Operator Services, Directory Assistance and Repair Centers 4.3.1 BellSouth will provide AIN Selective Carrier Routing at the request of <<customer_name>>. AIN Selective Carrier Routing will provide <<customer_name>> with the capability of routing operator calls, 0+ and 0- and 0+ NPA (LNPA) 555-1212 directory assistance, 1+411 directory assistance and 611 repair center calls to pre-selected destinations.

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