Duty of Loyalty Executive acknowledges and agrees that Executive owes a fiduciary duty of loyalty to act at all times in the best interests of Company. In keeping with such duty, Executive shall make full disclosure to Company of all business opportunities pertaining to Company’s business and shall not appropriate for Executive’s own benefit business opportunities concerning Company’s business.
Duty of Cooperation Each party hereto shall cooperate fully with the other party hereto in all reasonable respects in order to accomplish the objectives of this Agreement.
Duty Year A. The duty year for teachers shall not exceed 187 days, including days for professional activities. B. Except when school is delayed due to inclement weather, all bargaining unit members shall be released two and one-half (2.5) hours early on the workdays preceding the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. C. Bargaining unit members shall be provided with time within the work year for the following duties and responsibilities: Parent Conferences: 1. Two (2) days for parent conferences 2. Staff Development: a. Two (2) days prior to the start of school shall be used for professional and staff development activities, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee. b. Half-days within the workday and throughout the work year, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee.
Duty Day Duty Day shall mean a day included in the university calendar or individual faculty member's appointment on which a faculty member engages in duties as described in this Agreement.
No Duty of Investigation No purchaser, lender or other Person dealing with the Trustees or any officer, employee or agent of the Trust or a Class or Series thereof shall be bound to make any inquiry concerning the validity of any transaction purporting to be made by the Trustees or by said officer, employee or agent or be liable for the application of money or property paid, loaned, or delivered to or on the order of the Trustees or of said officer, employee or agent. Every obligation, contract, instrument, certificate, Share, other security or undertaking of the Trust or a Class or Series, and every other act or thing whatsoever executed in connection with the Trust shall be conclusively presumed to have been executed or done by the executors thereof only in their capacity as Trustees under this Declaration or in their capacity as officers, employees or agents of the Trust. Every written obligation, contract, instrument, certificate, Share, other security or undertaking of the Trust or a Class or Series made or issued by the Trustees may recite that the same is executed or made by them not individually, but as Trustees under the Declaration, and that the obligations of the Trust or a Class or Series thereof under any such instrument are not binding upon any of the Trustees or Shareholders individually, but bind only the Trust Property or the Trust Property of the applicable Class or Series, and may contain any further recital which they may deem appropriate, but the omission of any such recital shall not operate to bind the Trustees or Shareholders individually.
Duty of Confidence All Confidential Information disclosed or made available by a Party or its Affiliates to the other Party will be maintained in confidence and otherwise safeguarded by the recipient Party. For clarification, all Intellikine Intellectual Property shall be Confidential Information of Intellikine and all Infinity Intellectual Property shall be Confidential Information of Infinity; provided that (a) notwithstanding anything to the contrary in Section 12.2, Intellikine and its Affiliates may not rely on Sections 12.2(b) or (d) with respect to the Intellikine Program Patents or any Inventions assigned to Infinity pursuant to Section 10.1(a); and (b) Intellikine Know-How generated by or for Intellikine or Intellikine Program Affiliates, pursuant to and in accordance with the Original Agreement or this Agreement, which Know-How solely and specifically relates to Licensed Compounds and Products in the Field, shall be the Confidential Information of both Parties, with both Parties deemed to be recipient Parties and disclosing Parties. The recipient Party may only use the Confidential Information of the other Party and its Affiliates for the purposes of this Agreement and pursuant to the rights granted to the recipient Party under this Agreement. Each Party shall hold as confidential such Confidential Information of the other Party and its Affiliates in the same manner and with the same protection as such recipient Party maintains its own confidential information, but no less than a reasonable standard of care. A recipient Party may disclose Confidential Information of the other Party and its Affiliates to employees, agents, contractors, consultants and advisers of the recipient Party and its Affiliates and sublicensees to the extent reasonably necessary for the purposes of, and for those matters undertaken pursuant to, this Agreement; provided that such persons and entities are bound to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information in a manner consistent with the confidentiality provisions of this Agreement.
Duty of Loyalty During Employment I agree that during the period of my employment by Company I will not, without Company’s express written consent, directly or indirectly engage in any employment or business activity which is directly or indirectly competitive with, or would otherwise conflict with, my employment by Company.
Duty of Care It is understood and agreed that, in furnishing the Company with the services as herein provided, neither the Transfer Agent, nor any officer, director or agent thereof shall be held liable for any loss arising out of or in connection with their actions under this Agreement so long as they act in good faith and with due diligence, and are not negligent or guilty of any willful misconduct. It is further understood and agreed that the Transfer Agent may rely upon information furnished to it reasonably believed to be accurate and reliable. In the event the Transfer Agent is unable to perform its obligations under the terms of this Agreement because of an act of God, strike or equipment or transmission failure reasonably beyond its control, the Transfer Agent shall not be liable for any damages resulting from such failure.
Duty of Confidentiality a. All Confidential Information is considered highly sensitive and strictly confidential. The Employee agrees that at all times during the term of this Agreement and after the termination of employment with the Company for as long as such information remains non-public information, the Employee shall (i) hold in confidence and refrain from disclosing to any other party all Confidential Information, whether written or oral, tangible or intangible, concerning the Company and its business and operations unless such disclosure is accompanied by a non-disclosure agreement executed by the Company with the party to whom such Confidential Information is provided, (ii) use the Confidential Information solely in connection with his or her employment with the Company and for no other purpose, (iii) take all reasonable precautions necessary to ensure that the Confidential Information shall not be, or be permitted to be, shown, copied or disclosed to third parties, without the prior written consent of the Company, (iv) observe all security policies implemented by the Company from time to time with respect to the Confidential Information, and (v) not use or disclose, directly or indirectly, as an individual or as a partner, joint venturer, employee, agent, salesman, contractor, officer, director or otherwise, for the benefit of himself or herself or any other person, partnership, firm, corporation, association or other legal entity, any Confidential Information, unless expressly permitted by this Agreement. Employee agrees that protection of the Company’s Confidential Information constitutes a legitimate business interest justifying the restrictive covenants contained herein. Employee further agrees that the restrictive covenants contained herein are reasonably necessary to protect the Company’s legitimate business interest in preserving its Confidential Information. b. In the event that the Employee is ordered to disclose any Confidential Information, whether in a legal or regulatory proceeding or otherwise, the Employee shall provide the Company with prompt notice of such request or order so that the Company may seek to prevent disclosure. c. Employee acknowledge(s) that this "Confidential Information" is of value to the Company by providing it with a competitive advantage over their competitors, is not generally known to competitors of the Company, and is not intended by the Company for general dissemination. Employee acknowledges that this "Confidential Information" derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use, and is the subject of reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy. Therefore, the Parties agree that all "Confidential Information" under this Agreement constitutes “Trade Secrets” under Section 688.002 and Chapter 812 of the Florida Statutes.
Duty Hours The following limits on requirements to undertake duty apply for full-time kaimahi (see clause 2.4.1 for part time kaimahi).