EARTHWORK Sample Clauses
EARTHWORK. Earth work for excavation of foundations, pipe trenches, valve xxxxxxxx, thrust blocks, etc. in all kinds of ordinary rock, Excavation shall include the removal of asphalt and concrete road surfacing, including dressing, compaction of the bottoms, shoring and strutting wherever required, dewatering whenever required, removal of the excavated rock, stockpiling and disposal of surplus excavated rock off-site as directed by the Employer's Representative.
EARTHWORK. A. Subgrades:
EARTHWORK. Furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and perform all work and services in connection with site excavation and grading and excavation, filling and compacting for structures:
EARTHWORK. Excavate to footing depths on controlled backfill; after footings are poured and foundation walls are laid, backfill with approved material; rough grade site to subgrade elevations for lawns and paving; after paving and other site improvements are in place, spread stockpiled topsoil and fine grade to finish elevations.
EARTHWORK. The Design/Builder shall provide all required site clearing, mass excavation and filling, structural excavation and backfill and fine grading as required for the proposed building structure, paved areas, and proper site drainage. Topsoil shall be stockpiled during construction from on-site materials and spread over disturbed areas to be landscaped with sod, seed or other plant materials. All excess soil materials shall remain on site.
EARTHWORK. Excavation along pipeline routes shall be to the dimensions and limits as indicated on the Drawings and General Notes. Excavation for all other work shall conform to good engineering and construction practice. Backfill shall be compacted in accordance with good engineering and construction practices. Compaction under or adjacent to load bearing structures shall be to a minimum of 95% of the maximum laboratory dry density. All other areas shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% dry density.
EARTHWORK. The County grants access to all the bidders to the entire project limits. The bidders are responsible for obtaining approval from all the regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction for investigative work. A Right-of-Way Utilization Permit shall be issued by the Highway Construction Division for performing borings within the project limits. Contact the Highway Construction Division to obtain information regarding a Right-of-Way utilization permit. The bidders shall be entirely responsible to ensure that all the disturbed areas are restored to as good as or better than the existing conditions. The bidders shall be responsible to comply with all permit conditions, rules and regulations including but not limited to NPDES and threatened and endangered species.
EARTHWORK. A. Excavation and Backfill: Comply with Section 312000 "Earth Moving," but do not use heavy-duty, hydraulic-operated, compaction equipment.
EARTHWORK. The CONTRACTOR is notified that the soil survey shown in the plans is based on limited geotechnical investigation. The CONTRACTOR is to field verify and test all excavated earthwork material to determine if the soil is classified as a Select soil and suitable for embankment utilization. In the event that any excavated earthwork material is not suitable for embankment utilization, the CONTRACTOR shall replace the unsuitable material with Select soil to furnish and install the required embankment at no additional cost to the COUNTY. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the disposal of the unsuitable material at a COUNTY approved site at no additional cost to the COUNTY. The COUNTY grants access to all the bidders to the entire project limits. The bidders are responsible for obtaining approval from all the regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction for investigative work. A Right-of-Way Utilization Permit shall be issued by the Stormwater Management Division for performing borings within the project limits. Contact the Stormwater Management Division to obtain information regarding a Right-of-Way utilization permit. The bidders shall be entirely responsible to ensure that all the disturbed areas are restored to as good as or better than the existing conditions. The bidders shall be responsible to comply with all permit conditions, rules and regulations including but not limited to NPDES and threatened and endangered species. The CONTRACTOR shall notify Orange County in writing if the limits of the unsuitable materials are different from what is shown on the geotechnical report. Prior approval shall be obtained from COUNTY before removing any unsuitable material in excess of what is shown on the construction plan. The CONTRACTOR shall provide Orange County Stormwater Management Division with a signed and sealed survey, prepared by a registered Florida surveyor, including elevations and cross sections of the area where unsuitable soils are found to be in excess of what is shown in the geotechnical report. The elevations shall be provided every 25 feet and shall be representative of the conditions. The purpose of the survey, with cross sections, is to verify the quantity of the unsuitable soils removed. The cost shall be included under Pay Item 120-4, Subsoil Excavation (Unsuitable Material).