Access to PHI Business Associate shall provide access to PHI in a Designated Record Set to Covered Entity or as directed by Covered Entity to an Individual to meet the requirements under 45 CFR § 164.524. Business Associate shall provide such access in the time and manner reasonably designated by Covered Entity. Within three (3) business days, Business Associate shall forward to Covered Entity for handling any request for access to PHI that Business Associate directly receives from an Individual.
Access to NID NewPhone may access the customer’s premises wiring by any of the following means and NewPhone shall not disturb the existing form of electrical protection and shall maintain the physical integrity of the NID: BellSouth shall allow NewPhone to connect its Loops directly to BellSouth’s multi-line residential NID enclosures that have additional space and are not used by BellSouth or any other telecommunications carriers to provide service to the premises; Where an adequate length of the customer’s premises wiring is present and environmental conditions permit, either Party may remove the customer premises wiring from the other Party’s NID and connect such wiring to that Party’s own NID; Either Party may enter the subscriber access chamber or dual chamber NID enclosures for the purpose of extending a cross-connect or spliced jumper wire from the customer premises wiring through a suitable “punch-out” hole of such NID enclosures; or NewPhone may request BellSouth to make other rearrangements to the customer premises wiring terminations or terminal enclosure on a time and materials cost basis. In no case shall either Party remove or disconnect the other Party’s loop facilities from either Party’s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors unless the applicable Commission has expressly permitted the same and the disconnecting Party provides prior notice to the other Party. In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the Party disconnecting loop facilities to leave undisturbed the existing form of electrical protection and to maintain the physical integrity of the NID. It will be NewPhone’s responsibility to ensure there is no safety hazard, and NewPhone will hold BellSouth harmless for any liability associated with the removal of the BellSouth Loop from the BellSouth NID. Furthermore, it shall be the responsibility of the disconnecting Party, once the other Party’s loop has been disconnected from the NID, to reconnect the disconnected loop to a nationally recognized testing laboratory listed station protector, which has been grounded as per Article 800 of the National Electrical Code. If no spare station protector exists in the NID, the disconnected loop must be appropriately cleared, capped and stored. NewPhone shall not remove or disconnect ground wires from BellSouth’s NIDs, enclosures, or protectors. NewPhone shall not remove or disconnect NID modules, protectors, or terminals from BellSouth’s NID enclosures. Due to the wide variety of NID enclosures and outside plant environments, BellSouth will work with NewPhone to develop specific procedures to establish the most effective means of implementing this section if the procedures set forth herein do not apply to the NID in question.
Access to Property Borrower shall permit agents, representatives and employees of Lender to inspect the Property or any part thereof at reasonable hours upon reasonable advance notice.
Access to Properties Subject to the rights of Tenants, Borrower shall permit agents, representatives and employees of Lender to inspect the Properties or any part thereof at reasonable hours upon reasonable advance notice.
Access to Data Operator shall make Data in the possession of the Operator available to the LEA within five (5) business days of a request by the LEA.
Access to Personnel Records Upon written request to the Chief of Police, an employee shall have access to that employee's records during normal office hours of the records custodian. Such access to personnel records shall be within a reasonable time of said request. Such request shall not interfere with the employee's regularly scheduled working hours. Review of the records shall be made in the presence of the Chief or the Chief's designated representative.
Obligation to Provide Public Access to Grant Records The Division reserves the right to unilaterally cancel this Agreement in the event that the Grantee refuses public access to all documents or other materials made or received by the Grantee that are subject to the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, known as the Florida Public Records Act. The Grantee must immediately contact the Division's Contract Manager for assistance if it receives a public records request related to this Agreement.
Access to Site 3.05.1 Contractor may enter and leave the premises at all reasonable times without charge. Contractor and its employees may use the common areas and roadways of the premises where it is to perform the services together with all facilities, equipment, improvements, and services provided in connection with the premises for common use. This excludes parking for Contractor’s personnel. Contractor shall repair any damage caused by it or its employees as a result of its use of the common areas.
Access to Information Systems Access, if any, to DXC’s Information Systems is granted solely to perform the Services under this Order, and is limited to those specific DXC Information Systems, time periods and personnel as are separately agreed to by DXC and Supplier from time to time. DXC may require Supplier’s employees, subcontractors or agents to sign individual agreements prior to access to DXC’s Information Systems. Use of DXC Information Systems during other time periods or by individuals not authorized by DXC is expressly prohibited. Access is subject to DXC business control and information protection policies, standards and guidelines as may be modified from time to time. Use of any other DXC Information Systems is expressly prohibited. This prohibition applies even when an DXC Information System that Supplier is authorized to access, serves as a gateway to other Information Systems outside Supplier’s scope of authorization. Supplier agrees to access Information Systems only from specific locations approved for access by DXC. For access outside of DXC premises, DXC will designate the specific network connections to be used to access Information Systems.
Obligation to Provide State Access to Grant Records The Grantee must make all grant records of expenditures, copies of reports, books, and related documentation available to the Division or a duly authorized representative of the State of Florida for inspection at reasonable times for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts, and transcripts.