Effect on Benefits Sample Clauses
Effect on Benefits a. Employees on Family and Medical Leave shall be covered by District Life Insurance Group Coverage and Hospital-Medical, Dental, Vision Group Coverage as though they were in active service.
b. No credit is allowed for any benefits for time spent on unpaid family illness leave.
c. Time on leave with pay counts for step advance, retirement, and vacation; credit in full for step advance and vacation, and full or half (½), according to the pay allowed, for retirement.
d. Time on Family and Medical Leave does count as service in meeting requirements for other types of leaves.
Effect on Benefits. Time spent on Retraining and Study Leave will not be considered a break in service for any purpose.
Effect on Benefits. No credit is allowed for time spent on unpaid leave, unless the employee is eligible for the twelve (12) weeks of paid health benefits in accordance with Article 19. U.
Effect on Benefits a. Time spent on military leave counts toward salary step advancement within the limits of the Salary Schedule procedures of this Agreement.
Effect on Benefits a. This provision shall apply in determining the benefits for a Member covered under the Agreement for a particular claim determination period if, for the allowable expenses incurred by the Member during such period, the sum of:
i. The reasonable cash value of the benefits that would be provided under the Agreement in the absence of this provision, and
ii. The benefits that would be payable under all other plans in the absence therein or provisions of similar purpose to this provision would exceed such allowable expenses.
b. As to any claim determination period with respect to which this provision is applicable, the reasonable cash value of the benefits provided under the Agreement in the absence of this provision for the allowable expenses incurred as to such person during such claim determination period shall be reduced to the extent necessary so that the sum of the reasonable cash value of benefits and all benefits payable for such allowable expenses under all other plans, except as provided in subparagraph c. of this section, shall not exceed the total of such allowable expenses. Benefits payable under another plan include benefits that would have been payable had a claim been duly made therefor. In determining liability under this paragraph, GHC is not required, and will not take into consideration, Deductibles, Copayments or other Cost Share provisions.
c. If another plan which is involved in subparagraph b. of this section and which contains a provision coordinating its benefits with those of the Agreement would, according to its rules, determine its benefits after the benefits of this plan have been determined; and the rules set forth in subparagraph d. of this section would require the Agreement to determine its benefits before such other plan, then the benefits of such other plan will be ignored for the purposes of determining the benefits under the Agreement.
d. For the purposes of subparagraph c. of this section, the rules establishing the order of benefit determination are:
i. The benefits of a plan which covers the person on whose expenses a claim is based as a Subscriber shall be determined before the benefits of a plan which covers such person as a Dependent.
ii. If a Dependent is covered under both parents' medical plans, the benefits of the plan of the parent whose birthday, excluding year, falls earlier in the calendar year are determined before those of the plan of a parent whose birthday, excluding year, falls later in the calendar yea...
Effect on Benefits. A nurse will not lose previously accrued benefits as provided in this Agreement, but will not accrue additional benefits during the terms of a valid leave of absence. Benefits provided while on FMLA/OFLA will be in accordance with Hospital policy and applicable federal and state law.
Effect on Benefits. No credit is allowed for time spent on Rest Leave for any benefits.
Effect on Benefits. No credit for any benefits is allowed for time spent on Government Service Leave.
Effect on Benefits. Unless otherwise provided in Article 12.2 above, leaves of absence without pay shall result in the discontinuance of benefits (accrual of sick leave, vacation, payment of insurance premiums, etc.) for the period of the leave and the employee’s anniversary date will be adjusted accordingly. If an unpaid leave of absence is necessary for medical reasons caused by an on-the-job injury, the Employer will pay the cost of medical benefits (Article 13) for a period not to exceed six (6) months.
Effect on Benefits a. SALARY: Service in a position in a higher class than that of the regular assignment counts towards step advance in the regular assignment.