Emergency Reporting Sample Clauses

Emergency Reporting. As it relates to each approved Stormwater Management Facility, the Owner shall ensure that, upon the occurrence of any spill, bypass or loss of any product, by product, intermediate product, oils, solvents, waste material or any other polluting substance into the environment, such occurrence be immediately reported to the Municipality, and the Spills Action Centre for the Ministry (Telephone 0-000-000-0000). Further, the Owner shall, within ten (10) working days of the occurrence, submit a full written report of the occurrence to the Municipality describing the cause and discovery of the spill or loss, clean-up and recovery measures taken, preventative measures to be taken and the schedule of implementation. The Owner shall inspect the Stormwater Management Facility at least once a year and after any Significant Flooding Event and, if necessary, clean and maintain the Stormwater Management Facility to ensure that sediment, debris, and excessive decaying vegetation are removed from the Stormwater Management Facility to prevent the excessive build-up and to avoid the reduction of the capacity and/or permeability of the Stormwater Management Facility, as applicable. During the first two (2) years of operation the Stormwater Management Facility shall be inspected by the Owner after each Significant Storm Event. The Owner shall regularly inspect and clean out the inlet to and outlet from the Stormwater Management Facility to ensure that these are not obstructed. In addition, the Owner shall ensure that the design minimum liquid retention volume in the pond is maintained at all times and operate the Stormwater Management Facility with the objective Stormwater Management Facility is essentially free of floating and settleable solids and does not contain oil or any other substance in amounts sufficient to create a visible film, sheen, foam or discoloration on the receiving waters. The Owner shall maintain records of the results of all inspections, cleaning and maintenance operations undertaken, and shall make available the records for inspection by the Municipality upon request. The records shall include the following:
Emergency Reporting. The Contractor shall require each employee to IMMEDIATELY report fires by calling 911 and the COR. Onsite emergencies, such as a broken pipe, burned out lighting, clogged toilet, should be reported to the onsite staff immediately. Names and phone numbers of the COR, or designee, shall be given to the Contractor.
Emergency Reporting. 19.1.1 In the case of an emergency, Contractor Personnel must call: (a) 911, where this emergency response system exists, or (b) the local police, fire or emergency department in all cases; and (c) CP Police Services Communication Center- 0-000-000-0000.
Emergency Reporting. All onsite emergencies, such as fires, paramedical assistance, etc., shall be reported immediately by telephone to the JSC Emergency Dispatcher, extension 33333 prior to reporting to NA3/Health, Safety, and Environmental Compliance Office.
Emergency Reporting. All Bargaining Unit Members who are designated as being responsible to do so are required to report for all declared emergencies of the type for which they are designated. In addition, all Bargaining Unit Members are responsible to report for work in the event of any emergency upon being contacted and requested to do so by anyone duly authorized to manage said emergency.
Emergency Reporting. As it relates to the approved Stormwater Works, the Owner shall ensure that, upon the occurrence of any spill, bypass or loss of any product, by product, intermediate product, oils, solvents, waste material or any other polluting substance into the environment, such occurrence be immediately reported to the Municipality, and the Spills Action Centre for the Ministry (Telephone 0-000-000-0000). Further, the Owner shall, within ten (10) working days of the occurrence, submit a full written report of the occurrence to the Municipality describing the cause and discovery of the spill or loss, clean-up and recovery measures taken, preventative measures to betaken and schedule of implementation. The Owner shall inspect the Stormwater Works at least once a year and after significant flooding events (a significant flooding event is defined as a wet weather event which results in an overflow of water onto normally dry land) and, if necessary, clean and maintain the Stormwater Works to ensure that sediment, debris and excessive decaying vegetation are removed from the Stormwater Works to prevent the excessive build-up of sediment, oil/grit, debris and/or decaying vegetation, to avoid reduction of the capacity and/or permeability of the Stormwater Works, as applicable. The Owner shall also regularly inspect and clean out the inlet to and outlet from the Stormwater Works to ensure that these are not obstructed. In addition, the Owner shall ensure that the design minimum liquid retention volume in the pond is maintained at all times and operate the Stormwater Works with the objective that the effluent from the Stormwater Works is essentially free of floating and settleable solids and does not contain oil or any other substance in amounts sufficient to create a visible film, sheen, foam or discoloration on the receiving waters. The Owner shall maintain records of the results of all inspections, cleaning and maintenance operations undertaken, and shall make available the records for inspection by the Municipality upon request. The records shall include the following:
Emergency Reporting. Reporting described in Section X of the Agreement will be handled by the Office of Traffic Operations to FHWA Iowa Division staff.
Emergency Reporting. (1) The subrecipient shall notify the agency’s Director of Contracts and Quality Assurance and the assigned Contract Manager immediately, but no later than within 24 hours, from the subrecipient’s awareness or discovery of problems, delays or adverse conditions that may materially affect or impair the subcontractor’s ability to perform or meet contract requirements or affect the health, safety or well-being of clients. The notice shall include a brief summary of the problem(s), a statement of the action taken or contemplated, time frames for implementation, and any assistance needed to resolve the situation. Examples of reportable conditions may include, but are not limited to: (a) proposed client terminations; (b) service quality or service delivery problems; (c) contract non-compliance; and (d) subrecipient’s or its subcontractor’s financial concerns and/or difficulties. (2) The subrecipient must investigate allegations regarding falsification of client information, service records, payment requests, and other related information. Substantiated allegations must be reported to the agency’s Director of Contracts and Quality Assurance and the assigned Contract Manager within 48 hours. (3) In the event that a situation results in the cessation of services by a subcontractor or vendor, the subrecipient retains the responsibility for performance under agreements and/or contracts covered by this contract and must follow their own procedures to ensure that clients continue receiving services without interruption, e.g. exercising their emergency procurement procedures, temporary assumption of the direct provision of services, etc. (4) All written reports required by this section shall be sent to the agency’s Director of Contracts and Quality Assurance and the assigned Contract Manager via registered mail, fax or by use of a secured e-mail address unless otherwise advised.

Related to Emergency Reporting

  • Diversity Reporting Upon request, the Contractor will report to the Department its spend with business enterprises certified by the OSD. These reports must include the time period covered, the name and Federal Employer Identification Number of each business enterprise utilized during the period, commodities and contractual services provided by the business enterprise, and the amount paid to the business enterprise on behalf of each agency purchasing under the Contract.

  • CHILD ABUSE REPORTING CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to annually train all staff members, including volunteers, so that they are familiar with and agree to adhere to its own child and dependent adult abuse reporting obligations and procedures as specified in California Penal Code section 11164 et seq. and Education Code 44691. To protect the privacy rights of all parties involved (i.e., reporter, child and alleged abuser), reports will remain confidential as required by law and professional ethical mandates. A written statement acknowledging the legal requirements of such reporting and verification of staff adherence to such reporting shall be submitted to the LEA.

  • Adverse Event Reporting Both Parties acknowledge the obligation to comply with the Protocol and / or applicable regulations governing the collection and reporting of adverse events of which they may become aware during the course of the Clinical Trial. Both Parties agree to fulfil and ensure that their Agents fulfil regulatory requirements with respect to the reporting of adverse events.

  • Management Reporting (a) Provide periodic reports, in accordance with agreed upon frequency and content parameters, to the Funds. As reasonably requested by the Funds, the Transfer Agent shall furnish ad hoc reports to the Funds.

  • Accident Reporting 25.1 If You or an Authorised Driver has an Accident or if the Vehicle is stolen You must report the Accident or theft to Us within 24 hours of it occurring and fully complete an Accident/Theft report form. 25.2 If the Vehicle is stolen or if You or an Authorised Driver of the Vehicle has an Accident where: (a) any person is injured; (b) the other party has failed to stop or leaves the scene of the Accident without exchanging names and addresses; or (c) the other party appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, You or the Authorised Driver must also report the theft or Accident to the Police. 25.3 If You or an Authorised Driver has an Accident You and the Authorised Driver must: (a) exchange names and addresses and telephone numbers with the other driver and drivers licence details; (b) take the registration numbers of all vehicles involved; (c) take as many photos as is reasonable showing: (i) the position of the Vehicles before they are moved for towing or salvage; (ii) the Damage to the Vehicle; (iii) the damage to any third party vehicle or property; and (iv) the general area where the Accident occurred, including any road or traffic signs; (d) obtain the names, addresses and phone numbers of all witnesses; (e) not make any admission of fault or promise to pay the other party's claim or release the other party from any liability; (f) forward all third party correspondence or court documents to Us within 7 days of receipt together with a fully completed Accident Report Form (if not already submitted); and (g) co-operate with Us in the prosecution of any legal proceedings that We may institute or defence of any legal proceedings which may be instituted against You or Us as a result of an Accident, including: (i) attending Our lawyer's office; and (ii) any Court hearing.

  • Monthly Reporting Within twenty (20) calendar days following the end of each calendar month, Registry Operator shall deliver to ICANN reports in the format set forth in Specification 3 attached hereto (“Specification 3”).

  • Information Reporting We may report your performance under this Agreement to credit reporting agencies, including your failure to make minimum payments on time. A negative credit report may significantly harm your ability to obtain credit from other sources. We may also obtain follow-up credit reports on you (for example, when we review your Account for a credit line increase). We may exchange information about you or your Account with our affiliates, and, to the extent permitted by law, with other third parties. However, if you prefer that we not share such information with our affiliate companies, just call us at (000) 000-0000 or outside the Albuquerque area, 0-000-000-0000. You may also write to us at Nusenda Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 8530, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87198. Closing Your Account. You may close your Account at any time by notifying us in writing. However, you remain responsible to pay the balance according to the terms of this Agreement. We may close your Account or suspend your Account privileges at any time without prior notice. We may also reissue a different Card, Account number, or different checks at any time. You must return the Card or the checks to us upon request. Lost or Stolen Cards. If any Card, Account Number or PIN is lost or stolen, or if you think someone used or may use them without your permission, notify us at once by calling the telephone number shown on the billing statement or by calling 0-000-000-0000. We may require you to provide certain information in writing to help us find out what happened. Do not use the Card after we've been notified, even if it is found or returned. You will not be liable for any unauthorized purchases or cash advances made after we've been notified of the loss or the theft; however, you must identify for us the charges on the billing statement that were not made by you or someone authorized by you, and from which you received no benefit. Credit Authorizations. We are not responsible if we do not approve a purchase or cash advance on your Account, or if a third party refuses to accept or honor the Card, even if you have sufficient credit available. We may limit the number of purchases or cash advances which may be approved in one day. If we detect unusual or suspicious activity on your Account, we may temporarily suspend your credit privileges until we can verify the activity. We may approve purchases or cash advances that cause the balance to exceed your credit line without waiving any of our rights under the Agreement. Waiver. Our failure to exercise, or our delay in exercising any of our rights under this Agreement for any reason does not mean that we will be unable to exercise these rights later.

  • Progress Reporting 5. The IP will submit to UNICEF narrative progress reports against the planned activities contained in the Programme Document, using the PDPR. Unless otherwise agreed between the Parties in writing, these reports will be submitted at the end of every Quarter. The final report will be submitted no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the end the Programme and will be provided together with the FACE form.

  • Incident Reporting Transfer Agent will use commercially reasonable efforts to promptly furnish to Fund information that Transfer Agent has regarding the general circumstances and extent of such unauthorized access to the Fund Data.

  • Child Abuse Reporting Requirements A. Grantees shall comply with child abuse and neglect reporting requirements in Texas Family Code Chapter 261. This section is in addition to and does not supersede any other legal obligation of the Grantee to report child abuse. B. Grantee shall use the Texas Abuse Hotline Website located at xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/Login/Default.aspx as required by the System Agency. Grantee shall retain reporting documentation on site and make it available for inspection by the System Agency.