Employee Cost Sharing Sample Clauses

Employee Cost Sharing. The parties recognize the requirement under Charter Sections A8.409-9 and A8.590-9 to negotiate cost-sharing provisions that produce comparable savings and costs to the City and County as are produced through the Charter's SFERS employee contribution rate adjustment formulae. The parties intend this Section to effectuate the cost sharing provisions of San Francisco Charter Section A8.409-9 and A8.590-9. The parties further acknowledge that: (i) the annual SFERS employer contribution rate is determined by the SFERS actuary and approved by the SFERS Board for each fiscal year; and (ii) the annual employer contribution rate for SFERS for FY 2012-13 is 20.71%.
Employee Cost Sharing. 1. Effective July 1, 2014, each employee (exclusive of the spouse of another employee of the District who is affected by this provision and as described below in Section 7.03 c.
Employee Cost Sharing. The employees share shall be half of the total Normal Rate towards the CalPERS retirement benefit as set forth below. Employee retirement cost sharing contributions that are in addition to the normal CalPERS Member Contribution will be calculated on base pay, special pays, and other pays normally reported as pensionable compensation, and will be made on a tax deferred basis through payroll deduction provided under 414(h)(2). a. Miscellaneous Employees (Classic MemberTier 1): currently, employees/members contribute 8% of the employee rate. Upon the effective date of the contract amendment with CalPERS, members/employees will have Employee Sharing Additional Cost of 1.8%, and will continue to contribute fifty percent (50%) of the total Normal Rate cost sharing contribution of pensionable compensation towards retirement costs as permitted under Government Code §20516(f) as the total Normal Rate increases. b. Miscellaneous Employees (Classic Member – Tier 2): currently, employees/members contribute 7% of the employee rate. Upon the effective date of the contract amendment with CalPERS, members/employees will have Employee Sharing Additional Cost of 0.1%, and will continue to contribute fifty percent (50%) of the total Normal Rate cost sharing contribution of pensionable compensation towards retirement costs as permitted under Government Code §20516(f) as the total Normal Rate increases. c. Safety Other – Lifeguard Employees (Classic Member – Tier 1): currently, employees/members contribute 9% of the employee rate. Upon the effective date of the contract amendment with CalPERS, members/employees will have Employee Sharing Additional Cost of 3.4%, and will continue to contribute fifty percent (50%) of the total Normal Rate cost sharing contribution of pensionable compensation towards retirement costs as permitted under Government Code §20516(f) as the total Normal Rate increases. d. Safety Other – Lifeguard Employees (Classic Member – Tier 2): currently, employees/members contribute 9% of the employee rate. Upon the effective date of the contract amendment with CalPERS, members/employees will have Employee Sharing Additional Cost of 2.9%, and will contribute to contribute fifty percent (50%) of the total Normal Rate cost sharing contribution of pensionable compensation towards retirement costs as permitted under Government Code §20516(f) as the total Normal Rate increases.
Employee Cost Sharing. Non-safety employees in Tier One Pension are required to pay two and three-tenths percent (2.3%) of reportable compensation toward the employer contribution for pension in accordance with Government Code Section 20516(a)-Employees Sharing Cost of Additional Benefits).
Employee Cost Sharing. Employees hired full time after July 1, 2010 will contribute 15% of the cost of the benefits provided for in the Appendix “B” subject. These contributions will be deducted from employees’ pay on a weekly basis and will be subject to a maximum of $5.00 per week for single coverage and $10.00 per week for family coverage. Effective July 8, 2013, employees hired full time will contribute 25% of the cost of benefits provided for in Appendix “B”. These contributions will be deducted from employees’ pay on a weekly basis and will be subject to a maximum of $10.00 per week for single coverage and $20.00 per week for family coverage. For clarity, the sole responsibility of the Employer shall be to pay 100% of the premium cost of the benefit plan unless otherwise stipulated by an employee cost sharing agreement in the collective agreement. While it is agreed and understood that the collective agreement provides an outline of the benefits covered by the insurance carrier’s benefit plan, questions of eligibility requirements or adjudication under the benefits plane are determined solely by the Insurance Carrier and are not arbitrable under the terms of the collective agreement
Employee Cost Sharing. Safety employees in Tier One Pension are required to pay three and three-tenths percent (3.3%) of reportable compensation toward the employer contribution for pension in accordance with Government Code Section 20516(a)-Employees Sharing Cost of Additional Benefits.
Employee Cost Sharing. Effective the 2nd Anniversary (February 11, 2015), employees hired full time will contribute 25% of the cost of the benefits provided for in Appendix “B”. These contributions will be deducted from employees’ pay on a weekly basis and will be subject to a maximum of S10.00 per week for single coverage and S20.00 per week for family coverage.
Employee Cost Sharing. Employees hired full time after July 1, 2010 will contribute 15% of the cost of the benefits provided for in the Appendix “B” subject. These contributions will be deducted from employees’ pay on a weekly basis and will be subject to a maximum of $5.00 per week for single coverage and $10.00 per week for family coverage.
Employee Cost Sharing. Effective August 17, 2012, (for medical coverage effective October 1, 2012), in recognition of the employer costs of providing health care, each member of the POA enrolled in single, two-party, or family medical coverage under any City medical insurance plan shall contribute to the City, on a pre-tax basis via payroll deduction, an amount equal to seven (7) percent of the Kaiser HMO premium in effect at that time for the elected coverage level. Additional pre-tax employee premium contributions will be required if an employee elects a plan with a higher premium than the Kaiser HMO Plan (currently the Kaiser POS Plan).
Employee Cost Sharing. In recognition of the rising employer costs of providing health care, all full-time Unit employees enrolled in single-party, two-party, or family medical coverage under any City medical insurance plan shall contribute one (1) percent of actual gross regular earnings (exclusive of overtime, special assignment pay, etc.) on a pre-tax basis to the City via bi-weekly payroll deduction. Additional pre-tax employee premium contributions may be required if an employee elects a plan with a higher premium than the Kaiser HMO Plan (currently the Kaiser POS Plan).