Evaluation Form Sample Clauses
Evaluation Form. The Union agrees that the Management Rights provision of this Agreement and Section 3-302 of the State Personnel and Pension Article confers upon the State the authority to make changes to the forms used to evaluate employees. Such changes may be implemented after notification to the Union.
Evaluation Form. As part of the performance evaluation process, employees will be provided with a written performance evaluation on a standard form selected by the Employer, which will include a signature line for the employee to acknowledge receipt of the evaluation and a space to record the employee’s comments regarding the evaluation. The completed performance evaluation form, including the employee’s comments, will be maintained in the employee’s personnel file. A copy of the evaluation will be given to the employee.
Evaluation Form. For the evaluated online/hybrid class the evaluator will submit
Evaluation Form. Employees will be evaluated on the designated evaluation form as developed by the Employer. Changes to the form will be discussed with the Federation prior to implementation.
Evaluation Form. An Evaluation Form will be completed for each certificated employee. A copy will be given to the employee. The original will be retained by the immediate supervisor. This form should be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to indicate any significant changes in duties and/or responsibilities. The form is designed to increase planning and relate performance to assigned responsibilities through joint understanding between the immediate supervisor (evaluator) and the employee as to the job description and major performance objectives.
1. Planning and Preparation
2. Learning Environment 3. Instruction and Use of Assessment
Evaluation Form. The Modesto City Schools’ Classified Personnel 10 Performance Evaluation Form shall be used to record the evaluation of 11 classified personnel pursuant to the evaluation procedures set forth in this 12 Article (see Attachments #7 and #8). Effective November 1, 2012, the 13 Classified Personnel Performance Evaluation Form will be revised to 14 eliminate “Exceeds Standards.” 15
Evaluation Form. Each employee’s evaluation shall include the statement: “Considering all factors, employment performance of this employee is: Highly Effective, Effective, Minimally Effective, Ineffective (check one). In the event Minimally Effective or Ineffective is checked, the area(s) of unsatisfactory employment performance will be identified by the employee’s designated teacher or administrator, If the employee disagrees with that segment of the evaluation, he/she may attach a written statement which shall at the employee’s request be attached to the evaluation.
Evaluation Form. An evaluation instrument mutually agreeable to the Board and the Union is an appendix to this contract. Revisions can be made by mutual agreement of both parties. The evaluation form used shall provide for a personal discussion between the evaluator and employee relative to the employee's evaluation prior to its being placed in the employee's file. The employee, if he/she wishes, may submit a response to the evaluation, in writing, to be placed in their personnel file.
Evaluation Form. The District will utilize an annual permanent employee review form agreed upon by CSEA and the District.
Evaluation Form. Performance Reports shall be made on the District form. Only reports on that form shall be considered to be formal evaluations.