Flexible Time Sample Clauses
Flexible Time. A. Flexible time, for the purposes of this article, is defined as being a temporary change of schedule within the boundaries of one (1) work week.
B. An employee’s daily work hours may be modified by mutual agreement of the employee and his/ her supervisor. Any decrease in daily hours must be offset by an equal increase in hours in the same week. In no case may a flexible schedule result in the employee working in excess of forty (40) hours in one week.
C. It is understood by both parties that neither party has the right to require a flexible schedule.
Flexible Time. All Classified employees may work out flexible time with the employee’s supervisor for the purposes of attending medical appointments or other activities that cannot be scheduled outside of the employee’s regular workday. (See also Section 12.5.) Flexible time shall be mutually agreed to in advance with the supervisor and shall be exempt from overtime provisions of Section 5.2.
Flexible Time. Employees may flex time within the payroll period on an hour for hour basis. An employee who anticipates being off work may offset the time he/she will be off with permission from the Department Head. Example, if an employee knows he/she needs to leave three hours early on Thursday he/she may work an additional hour Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, if the Department Head is in agreement.
Flexible Time. A. Flexible time for Atco bargaining unit members is defined as 37-1/2 hours per week, some or all of which may occur outside the standard work week as set forth above in Section 10.01 paragraph A. A bargaining unit member with prior approval of his/her supervisor may arrange flexible hour scheduling within the next two (2) pay periods to meet the operational needs of the position. The flexible days shall not normally exceed ten (10) hours per neither day nor more than five (5) days per week. Flexible time positions are: Job Developer Habilitation Specialist Behavior Specialist Transition Coordinator These positions will submit their anticipated written itinerary to his/her supervisor or designee on a weekly basis. Flexible time activities will be reviewed on a weekly basis by the employee’s supervisor or designee. All hours in excess of 37 1/2 hours per week will be applied and approved under compensation time guidelines. Any position not designated as flexible may, upon the approval of their supervisor, reschedule their work week to meet individual needs (See Section 10.04). When these staff are assisting consumers in attending special events they will receive hour- for-hour flex time unless over 40 hours in a week, which, will be flex time at time and a half. Examples of these events are: individual conferences, sporting events, etc.
B. Flexible time at Beacon School is defined as thirty-five (35) hours per week, some or all of which may occur outside the standard work week as defined in Section 10.01, paragraph B. A bargaining unit member with prior approval of his/her supervisor may arrange flexible hour scheduling within the pay period to meet the operational needs of the position. The flexible days shall not normally exceed ten (10) hours per day nor more than five (5) days per week. Flexible time positions are: Instructor Pre-School Instructor School Age Instructor Early Intervention Specialist Language Development Specialist Physical Therapist Occupational Therapist Any position not designated above, may, upon the approval of the appropriate supervisor, reschedule their work week to meet the needs of the student or program. (See Section 10.04).
Flexible Time. Flexible hours may be requested by employees. The Employer has sole discretion to grant or deny such requests.
Flexible Time. Employees may be granted, upon 3 days' notice and written request to the immediate supervisor or principal, the opportunity to flex their daily work day schedule, provided that it does not create unnecessary hardship for coverage or disruption to the students. Each request will be considered on an individual basis not to exceed more than 3 requests in one school year and be no more than 2 hours per request. The time will be made up by the employee in consultation and assignment by the immediate supervisor or principal.
Flexible Time a) DHL Exel Supply Chain will work with its employees, managers and supervisors to identify opportunities and or arrangements that take into consideration DHL Exel Supply Chain’s operational and customer needs and the matters detailed below in subclauses (b) and (c).
b) By mutual agreement and the provision of two weeks notice by the employer, the 38 ordinary hours per week may be worked over any four (4) days (Monday to Saturday inclusive) by the working of 9.5 hours per day at ordinary rates of pay provided that any ordinary hours worked on a Saturday shall be paid at time and one half. An employee working under the above arrangements, that has approved sick leave, will receive payment for the ordinary hours they would have worked had the employee not been absent due to illness or injury. If the employee is not rostered to work ordinary hours on a day when they are injured or unwell they will not be entitled to paid sick leave. Where an employee is engaged on a four (4) day roster, and a public holiday falls on a day, Monday to Friday, when they are not normally rostered to work, then they shall receive a day off in lieu or 7.6 hours pay by mutual agreement.
c) All paid leave shall be counted as ordinary time worked for the purpose of calculating overtime.
Flexible Time. When the IEP reflects the need for a specific service outside the standard working day, prior approval will be obtained from the supervisor. When an IEP conference or mandatory meeting occurs prior to one-half (1/2) hour before the start of the workday or after one and one-half (1½) hours following the end of the workday, Flexible time shall be available according to the following guidelines:
(1) The greater of the employee’s standard work day or seven (7) hours has been exceeded; and
(2) The opportunity does not exist to provide services during the normal day; Flexible time shall be equal to the time worked outside the work day. Flexible time shall not be taken during student contact hours. When Flexible time is approved, the supervisor will notify the teacher and necessary others.
Flexible Time. This time applies to student facilitators/guidance counselors, child study team members (including speech/occupational therapist, nurse), all facilitators, and support Teachers (i.e. Special Education: in-class support, ESL, and tutors).
1. Flexible time will be voluntary. The flexible day shall be defined as beginning up to three (3) hours after the start of the regularly scheduled staff day and ending up to three (3) hours after the end of the regularly scheduled staff day. Any conflicts in this voluntary procedure can only be resolved through the Superintendent and the President of the Association.
2. Middle/High School The flexible team shall consist of the following:
(1) Guidance Counselor
(1) Facilitator/Student Advisor
(1) Child Study Team Member
Flexible Time. The time for such conferences to begin and end on these days shall, by mutual agreement between the employees and the principal in each building, be flexible, in order to accommodate parents who cannot attend conferences during the school day. By such mutual agreement, conferences on these days may be scheduled earlier or later than the regular employee workday or earlier in the school year.