FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS. Vacancy bulletins will consist of a posting notice and a Pilot Position list and shall be posted on all Pilot bulletin boards stating the following:
FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS. 11.01 In matters involving advancement the decision shall rest with the Company provided that in the case of Dispatch Employees with equal ability, the employee possessing the greater seniority shall receive the preference.
11.02 The procedure for filling the Project Dispatcher, OJTI, Check Dispatcher, CDD, Chief Flight Dispatcher, Technical, Chief Flight Dispatcher, Training and Chief Flight Dispatcher, Safety & ATC positions is as follows:
1. All Dispatchers will be advised of an open position through an internal posting process. This posting will include details of the assignment and anticipated duration.
2. Dispatchers must submit their candidacy within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the internal posting via email to the appropriate Manager identified in the posting.
3. The appropriate Manager will coordinate the selection process which may include but is not limited to interviews and testing.
4. Candidates for any position will be advised in a timely manner of their individual status following completion of the selection process.
5. The results of the selection process will be communicated to all Dispatch Employees.
11.02.01 For the following positions, a minimum of one (1) year Air Canada Dispatch experience is required: Chief Flight Dispatchers, Training, Technical and Safety & ATC and Chief Duty Dispatchers.
11.03 Temporary vacancies created by the absence of a previous incumbent may be filled by the appointment of Dispatch Employees following consultation with the Local Council Chairperson.
11.04 The decision to backfill any position is at Management discretion, however, any CDD vacancy anticipated to be of a duration greater than sixty (60) days will be filled in accordance with Article 11.03.
11.05 Temporary Project Dispatcher assignments will not be posted due to the short-term or ad hoc nature of the assignment. Distribution of these assignments is at Flight Dispatch Management’s discretion.
FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS. (a) Flight Attendant scheduled for the flight (b) Flight Attendant subject to SECTION B3.05 – REASSIGNMENT; or,
FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS. A Pilot, other than the most junior qualified, will not be temporarily assigned to mother established Base without his consent. Pilots on temporary POSITIONS at another established Base will be reimbursed for living expenses as per Sections ACCOMMODATION, MEALS and EXPENSES. A Pilot will also receive a telephone allowance of dollars ($15.00) per week or the equivalent of one fifteen (15) minute phone call per week, whichever is greater, for the duration of the temporary POSITION. A Pilot on a TEMPORARY POSITION at another established Base will be returned to his home Base during days off at Company expense if he so wishes. If the Pilot remains at the established Base during his days off, reimbursement for living expenses will be continued. The three (3) months referred to in above may be extended by mutual agreement between the Company and the Association.
FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS. A pilot must maintain on file a completed Letter of Preference which will as a standing bid for vacancies. This Letter of Preference may be changed by the pilot at any time by submitting a superseding Letter of Preference. Letters of Preference should be sent to the Chief Pilot, with a copy mailed by the pilot to Headquarters, Air Ontario Chairman. those Letters on file at the time of awarding the permanent assignment will be considered. If a new base or the introduction of a new equipment type to a base is anticipated, the Company shall put a notice to the pilots a minimum of thirty days in advance so that pilots may change their Letters of Preference. A copy of any such notice shah be sent to the Association. In consideration of training costs there shall be certain limitations on bidding new vacancies. A pilot may bid on a vacancy which is a higher step on the following ladder without restriction. Captain Captain F/O F/O A pilot may not bid downward on the ladder for one year from the effective date of his most recent bid award. The Company may waive the foregoing limitations, Captain requirements xxxx be determined in a manner and practice consistent with an eighty-five hour flight hour maximum. i.e. based on an average eighty credit hour block. Due to training requirements the Company may delay a move to a successfully bid position for up to ninety days provided the pilot is paid the higher rate the effective date of the bid award. The ninety days or any portion of it shall be credited towards the foregoing limitation. of delay xxxx be provided at least twenty days prior to the effective date of the bid award. Such notification shall include the length of the delay.
FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS. All interested employees shall complete the Master Bid Sign-Up Sheet prioritizing their preferences. Employees must be qualified, as outlined in this Section 6, for any assignments for which they bid. Employees may alter their bid preferences prior to the bids closing. The bids shall then be entered into a computer program which shall award assignments according to Seniority. Once the job bid closes, employees awarded a preference are locked into the assignment until open, or new, assignments are bid during the year. Employees complete the applicable Bid Sheet for open, or new, assignments during the year. It is recognized that the Company may, if circumstances warrant, temporarily transfer Special Shift employees back to a Rotating Group when such utilization is deemed necessary. If it becomes evident the transfer may exceed thirty (30) calendar days, the Special Shift assignment shall be canceled subject to refilling, if necessary. Temporary transfers shall be accomplished by transferring Junior employees when there are an insufficient number of Senior volunteers. When Special Shift assignments are terminated, or reduced in number, affected employees shall be returned to vacant Rotating Group positions in order of Seniority. When two (2) or more employees choose the same Rotating Group, the Senior employee shall be given preference. This procedure may be deviated from when so requested by affected employees. Employees returning to Rotating Groups may elect to update their job preferences and be eligible for any vacancy that subsequently occurs in the Special Shift assignment areas. Employees shall not have bump rights, with the following exceptions: Furloughs as stated in Section 3 above; FPRS as stated in Section 8 below. Temporary Assignments When temporary assignments are expected to last less than ninety (90) days, they shall be filled on a volunteer basis from the affected group. Should insufficient volunteers exist, Junior employees from the affected group shall be assigned the work. If the need for these assignments results in additional staffing requirements, they shall be filled in accordance with this Section 6. If new assignments still exist, they shall be filled on an Overtime basis. Upon completion of the temporary assignment, the employee shall be returned to their last position. Employees on temporary assignment during the Annual Bid period shall be allowed to bid. When assignments are projected to last more than ninety (90) days, they sha...
FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS. Bidding on Permanent Assignments ................
FILLING OF ASSIGNMENTS. Company may cancel a Temporary Base Bid with notice of one month. A Pilot may cancel his Temporary Base Bid with notice of one (1) month. If an operation was originally planned for a period of less than six (6)months and is extended, the extension will be offered first to the present Bid Holder to a maximum total of six (6) months. Should he decline, it will be re-bid. The of this Agreement apply to a Pilot on assignment at a Temporary as though it was his Permanent Base. Pilots assigned to a Temporary Base will be reimbursed for living expenses as per Sections ACCOMMODATIONS, MEALS and EXPENSES, while assigned to the Temporary Base. Should the Pilot be required by the Company to return to his Base during the Bid Period he shall travel at Company expense. The Company shall pay for additional local taxes, medical and insurance coverage where applicable and where mutually agreed upon between the Company and the Association. A Pilot who bids a Temporary Base assignment and whose vacation falls within this period shall. subject to operational requirements have his vacation reassigned to another that is mutually agreeable between the Company and the Pilot. Failing mutual agreement. awarded vacation shall as published.