Fourth Violation. The fourth offense in this category will result in the permanent removal from the Suring Public School District’s Activity Program. When a code violation occurs and the student is involved in a sport and co-curricular activity(ies), the student must serve the suspension in all activities. For example, a student had a code violation for the first time in October and at the time they were involved in Student Council and Football. The student would be suspended from Student Council and Football for 25% of the activities season. When a code violation occurs and the student is involved in only a co-curricular activity(ies) at that time, the student must serve the suspension for that activity(ies) and the suspension will carry over into the subsequent sport in order meet WIAA regulations. For example, a student had a code violation for the first time in October and at the time they were involved in Student Council. The student did not participate in a fall sport, but planned on joining the basketball team in winter. The student would be suspended from Student Council for 25% of the school year and the student would sit the bench for 25% of the basketball season. A student-athlete who violates any part of the school or WIAA code of conduct resulting in suspension of WIAA-sponsored tournament competition must be immediately declared ineligible for the remainder of tournament series in that sport. During the WIAA tournament, an ineligible athlete may not suit up. Suspension penalties are cumulative throughout the student’s high school career. For example, if a student violates the code and receives the suspension for a first offense as a freshman, and then as a senior violates the code again, this is now the second offense and the corresponding suspension will be enforced. Listed below is the number of contests students would sit out if they violated the activity code. There will be a 25% penalty for the first violation, 67% for the second violation, one full calendar year suspension and activity board evaluation for third violation and permanent removal from the Suring Public School District’s Activity Program for the fourth and subsequent violations. Percentage 25% 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 67% 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 16
Fourth Violation. The employee shall be placed into on-call status for the remainder of the current season. An employee who loses their relief position cannot return to a relief position until the start of the third season after the fourth violation.
Fourth Violation. Suspension from all markets for the remainder of the Market Year;
Fourth Violation. The Union shall inform the Store Manager and Human Resources in writing upon the fourth violation and the two (2) most senior courtesy clerks shall be reclassified to part-time. Recognition of their Courtesy Clerk service will be used to determine the rate of pay and to determine eligibility for Health and Welfare as outlined in Article 19, Health and Welfare. It is understood that for purposes of this Article 11.22, each store shall be considered separately and that no violation shall be active after 9 months have passed without a recurrence of a violation.
Fourth Violation. 1. The student will be sent to the Principal’s office.
2. Written documentation of the incident will be made and detention will be given.
3. Parents will be notified that their child has earned a third detention for harassment and will be suspended. If the harassment warrants an immediate parent conference several of the steps outlined above can be eliminated. If a student’s behavior broaches any danger to another student and continues despite warning, expulsion could result.
Fourth Violation. Discharge; It is within the discretion of the employer to repeat a step rather than step up the discipline and the exercise of that discretion shall not be used against the Employer.
Fourth Violation. The employees will be requested to cease and desist smoking or use of tobacco products immediately and be suspended for one (1) week without pay.
Fourth Violation. The student will be suspended from bus privileges for the remainder of the school year.
Fourth Violation. Suspension or Dismissal from Employment with the
Fourth Violation. Termination. As described above, Plexus will try to exercise the progressive nature of the Discipline Policy by first providing warnings, a final written warning and suspension and commissions forfeiture before proceeding to termination; however, Plexus reserves the right to combine and omit steps depending on the circumstances of each situation and the nature of the violation. Furthermore, Ambassador may be terminated without prior notice or disciplinary action, as authorized by the Policies and Procedures.